FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards Guide

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards Guide


FIFA 19 FUT Birthday cards were created to celebrate the history of FUT. Let’s learn something more about these player’s cards.


Details on FIFA 19 FUT Birthday event can be found on this page (not available yet



FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards

What is the FUT Birthday?

FUT Birthday Anniversary Celebration was created to celebrate the success of the FIFA Ultimate Team game mode and it currently is one of the best FIFA promotions. This event is released every year in late March and lasts for more than a week. During the FUT Birthday Anniversary, 30 unique players items are released.

These cards were a brand new themed card created to celebrate the Ultimate Team anniversary. 30 players have their position changed, whether they played the position in the past, for their national team or maybe their FUT stats would be better suited to another position. They become available in packs for ten days but are also available via objectives or SBCs. During this period, the FIFA 19 FUT Birthday cards replace the corresponding regular cards. In other words, in the day a player gets his FUT Birthday cards in packs, it is impossible to find his regular card there.

If you own the regular card of a player elected to this squad, your card will be kept unchanged. If you want the improved version, you will need to buy the corresponding FUT Birthday version in the market or pull it from a pack in that day.

FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards GuideFIFA 19 FUT Birthday Card


Release Date

When FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards will be available?

The FIFA 19 FUT Birthday cards will be released during the FUT anniversary event. In FUT 19, the release date for these special cards is March 22, 2019 (Friday).


Ratings and Stats

How big are the ratings and stats boosts of these cards?

The ratings and attributes of FUT Birthday cards are boosted from 3 to 6 points.



Basic information about FUT Birthday Cards

Colour | White and Green
How many Cards in FUT 19 | 30
How many times they are released | 1
How often they are released | Only once
How long they are in packs | Ten days
When they are released in packs | March 22, 2019
How big is the boost | Depends on the player
Date of the first card in FIFA 19 | March
First Card in FUT History | FIFA 17



What you need to know about the FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards

Q: Who chooses the players for this squad?
A: Electronic Arts.

Q: Can a FUT Birthday rating change?
A: FUT Birthday ratings remain unchanged after being implemented into FUT 19.

Q: How long are FIFA 19 FUT Birthday cards available in FIFA packs?
A: 10 days

Q: How can I get one of these cards?
A: You can get a FUT Birthday card in the same way you can get any other card: on packs or on the transfer market. If you want to try your luck on packs, you can go to the store and buy them with coins or FIFA Points. You can also get specific cards via SBCs and Objectives.

Q: In which FUT packs I can find FIFA 19 FUT Birthday cards?
A: They can be found in any pack with players cards. Obviously, the chances of finding one of these cards are higher if you open a pack which contains more player cards.

Q: It is possible to get a FUT Birthday card when opening a free pack like the ones from FUT Champions rewards?
A: Yes, it is.

Q: I have the regular card of a FUT Birthday player. Why my card hasn’t changed?
A: Because the cards don’t change. You will need to buy the new card if you want the improved version of that player.


12 thoughts on “FIFA 19 FUT Birthday Cards Guide”

  1. Ahh thanks i see, i hope its the same again this year. i’ve held back on this current promo with the extra totw players thanks to this article. i’ll save all my current reward and sbc packs for fut bday. would love to pack one for the first time

  2. ‘our odds to find a specific FUT Birthday card are the same of finding the respective regular card in another time.’

    So if im reading this correctly. The chance to pack for example, an Ashley Young 86 RB Fut birthday card, will be the same as the odds to pack his 80 rated card when that is in packs? im not usually around to play during Fut Birthday so this would explain why it produces a heavy market crash? because the players are highly packable unlike other promos?

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