FIFA 21 Leaderboard allows you to compare yourself with other players in four strands: Match Earnings, Transfer Profit, Club Value and Top Squad.


You can access the FIFA 21 Leaderboard directly from the FUT main screen. You just need to browse to ‘More Options’, on the bottom navigation bar, and then go to ‘Leaderboards’. From there, you can consult any of the four leaderboards and refine your search with the two filters available. One lets you select the Top 100 or just your friends; the other one gives you the chance to see all the records or only those that occurred in the last month or last week. Please, note that any change you make to your team may require refreshing the web/companion app, or the Ultimate Team if you are playing on the console/PC, in order to be reflected on the leaderboard.
Match Earnings
Total coins earned from matches and tournaments. It measures how good player you are.

This one’s pretty easy. It’s how much you’ve earned playing. That includes the value that pops up at the end of every match, considering bonuses. It’s cumulative and never decreases. Even if you lose as many matches as you can you’ll always get at least a few coins.
Some developers get to play the final game before its release date and that’s why you can see some people with tremendous Match Earnings so early. There are also players who receive the beta version, but the progress they make on that won’t be carried over to their original account.
Another detail that might be a little confusing: when you delete your club and then compare it to your friend’s on FIFA 21 leaderboard, you’ll have your match history reset but not your match earnings. That’s why sometimes you’ll see people with match earnings higher than yours while they’ve played way fewer matches.

How It Is Calculated
– All coins you win at the end of each match.
– Includes extra coins awarded depending on the game mode: FUT Draft, Squad Battles, Division Rivals or FUT Champions.
– Includes the coin boost items.
Transfer Profit
Coin profits from purchases, sales and discards. It measures how good trader you are.

Basically, any purchase you make on the transfer market is deducted from your transfer profit. Any card you sell (at 100% of the sale price) is added to your transfer profit. For example, if you buy a card for 9,500 coins, and then sell it for 10,000 coins, the Transfer Profit will increase by 500, even though you have essentially made no increase/decrease to your net wealth.
It’s also important to understand what happens when you buy a pack on the store. Let’s suppose you have 10,000 of Transfer Profit. You buy a gold pack that’s worth 5,000 coins and store everything in your club. How is your TP now? 5000. And it can even go negative if you keep buying many packs. It falls by the exact value of the pack.
The players’ values that came from the pack don’t matter. You can get Maradona or Hazard in a pack, it doesn’t matter, the TP will decrease by the value you paid for the pack. Only when you sell the players you got from the pack you may get it back. This way, you’ll lose 5,000 of TP by buying a 5,000 worth pack, but if you get lucky you can recover what was lost. So when you buy a pack your TP will decrease, and when you sell those cards your TP will increase.

How It Is Calculated
– It doesn’t take into account the 5% tax.
– The transfer profit decreases every time you buy a pack (it will increase again if you sell the content).
– The transfer profit increases every time you redeem a coins pack.
– The transfer profit increases every time you quick sell a card with discard price higher than 0.
Club Value
The total value of all players in your club. It measures how valuable are your players.

Your Club Value is the sum of the values of all the players you have in your club (not only the ones in your squads). Each card has one value, which we’ll be calling from now on the “RV” (Reference Value). The RV rises little by little for each overall point. However, it is also affected by the type of card and if it is common or rare. In short, the value you see in Club Value is equal to the sum of all of your players’ RV’s.
This value isn’t related in any way with price ranges, with the amount of coins you spent to buy the player or with how much you’ll sell him for. This means that even those untradeable cards you have in your club will count, that according to their type and overall of course.

How It Is Calculated
– The players in your transfer list do not count, only the ones you have in your club do.
– It isn’t affected by staff, consumables or club’s items.
– High rating cards contribute more to the club value. The same goes for cards such as TOTY, TOTS and every other kind of special there is.
– Rare cards contribute more to the club value than the common ones.

For regular common cards: RV = ((rating – 15) ^ 3)/2
For regular rare cards: RV = (rating ^ 3)/2
For IF and special cards: RV = ((rating + 15) ^ 3)/2
99296 352485 150740 772
98285 894470 596721 449
97275 684456 337702 464
96265 721442 368683 816
95256 000428 688665 500
94246 520415 292647 515
93237 276402 179629 856
92228 267389 344612 522
91219 488376 786595 508
90210 938364 500578 813
89202 612352 485562 432
88194 509340 736546 364
87186 624329 252530 604
86178 956318 028515 151
85171 500307 063500 000
84164 255296 352485 150
83157 216285 894470 596
82150 382275 684456 337
81143 748265 721442 368
80137 313256 000428 688
79131 072246 520415 292
78125 024237 276402 179
77119 164228 267389 344
76113 491219 488376 786
75108 000210 938364 500
74102 690202 612352 485
7397 556194 509340 736
7292 597186 624329 252
7187 808178 956318 028
7083 188171 500307 063
6978 732164 255296 352
6874 439157 216285 894
6770 304150 382275 684
6666 326143 748265 721
6562 500137 313256 000
6458 825131 072246 520
6355 296125 024237 276
6251 912119 164228 267
6148 668113 491219 488
6045 563108 000210 938
5942 592102 690202 612
5839 75497 556194 509
5737 04492 597186 624
5634 46187 808178 956
5532 00083 188171 500
5429 66078 732164 255
5327 43674 439157 216
5225 32770 304150 382
5123 32866 326143 748
5021 43862 500137 313
4919 65258 825131 072
4817 96955 296125 024
4716 38451 912119 164
4614 89648 668113 491
4513 50045 563108 000
4412 19542 592102 690
4310 97639 75497 556
429 84237 04492 597
418 78834 46187 808
407 81332 00083 188
Top Squad
Combined chemistry and rating scores of your best squad. It measures how good your best squad is.

The Top Squad is a number that goes, in theory, from 0 to 199. Basically, it is obtained by adding the team chemistry to the team rating. For example: if you have an 88 rated squad with full chemistry, your Top Squad will be 188, which is pretty good. It’s very simple, right?
The team chemistry can be found on the top left corner of your squad’s screen. It is the sum of all individual chemistries of your starting eleven. You can know more about it clicking here.
The Top Squad considers your best squad’s total rating. It doesn’t matter how many squads you have or which one is active, just the best rating. If you have an inactive 88 rated squad and you’re currently playing with a 70 rated one, your team rating used to the Top Squad will remain 88. The only problem here is the way how team rating, a value indicated at the left of the chemistry, is calculated. It is very complex but, hopefully, you can click here to learn how it works.

How It Is Calculated
– You get the Top Squad, adding the Team Chemistry to Your Best Team Rating.
– Top Squad is only affected by the starting eleven and substitutes – it doesn’t depend on the reserves.
– The starting eleven’s ratings weigh more over the Team Rating.
– The Top Squad will not vary if a player card is common or rare, regular or IF as long as they have the same rating.