Get a head start with our Football Manager 2024 comprehensive beginners guide.
Football Manager 2024 Quick Start

Football Manager 2024 Beginners

After successfully installing and launching Football Manager 2024, your enthusiasm to dive into a new game is understandable. However, the initial step you must take is to create your Manager Profile. Once you’ve done this, your profile will be saved, making it unnecessary to repeat this setup process every time you launch the game (unless you wish to add more Manager Profiles).

To start playing FM24, you have to complete three simple steps:
  1. Create a Manager Profile;
  2. Start a New Game;
  3. Choose A Game Mode.

Creating a Manager Profile

When you begin your journey in Football Manager 2024, your first task is creating your managerial profile, starting with your personal information.
You have the option to select ‘Teach me about key management concepts’ if you want guidance from a member of your backroom team on crucial aspects of your role. Leaving this option unchecked will keep their guidance accessible through the ‘?’ icon in the menu bar without actively sending it to you.

Next, you can personalize your physical appearance. Under the ‘Head’ section, you can craft a custom 3D face model using an uploaded photograph. Pick an image, preferably of high quality, and you can even use your webcam to capture a photo. Then, adjust the dots on the PhotoFit to match your facial features and click ‘Generate Model’ to see your customized managerial avatar come to life.

Alternatively, you can manually fine-tune your facial features within the game or choose a completely randomized creation. The ‘Body,’ ‘Attire,’ and ‘Accessories’ sections are available for you to perfect the finer details of your manager’s appearance.

Once you’ve completed your profile, it will be readily available each time you start a new game. If you create multiple profiles, you can choose the one you wish to use and even save or load your avatar from the new manager creation section.

Now, it’s time to embark on your new journey!
Football Manager 2024 Beginners Guide

Starting a New Game

As a Football Manager 2024 Beginner, once you’ve completed your profile setup, you can eagerly dive into the game! Here’s the quickest way to get started:

  1. From the Start Screen, select ‘Start a New Game,’ followed by ‘Career.’
  2. Choose your preferred team from the pop-up dialog box.
  3. Click the ‘Quick Start’ button.
Your newly saved game will take a few moments to configure, and soon enough, you’ll find yourself welcomed to your new club. If you have a save from the previous version, you can also import it into FM24 and continue playing. Simply select ‘Load FM23 Saved Games’ and pick the one you wish to import. The speed of the importing process may vary based on your device’s specifications.

Choosing a Game Mode

In Football Manager 2024, you can now select from three distinct game modes within Career mode: Classic, Real Life Transfers, and No Transfers.

Classic mode features players at their current clubs based on the Football Manager database. Real Life Transfers mode starts players at the clubs they were with on the real-life date your career begins. For instance, if your save begins on the 30th of June, you may witness many transfers occurring on the 1st of July. No Transfers mode ensures that club squads and budgets are accurate as of the first transfer window, with no subsequent transfers or real transfers accounted for.

You can then opt for Quick Start to begin your save with recommended settings, including loaded nations and leagues and database size. Alternatively, you can choose Advanced Setup to customize these settings to your preferences.
Frequently Asked Questions
In the Quick Start mode, you’ll find that the default options for teams to manage are from the top division in your region. Opting for a bigger team gives you a higher likelihood of initial success, thanks to their better players and larger budgets. However, they come with elevated expectations that can be quite challenging for a newcomer to Football Manager.

Choosing a lower league team and managing a smaller club might mean the Board is a bit more patient with their demands. However, the talent pool at this level may not be as extensive, and your resources will likely be more limited.

Ultimately, there’s no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ team to choose. As long as you grasp the job’s requirements and understand your available tools, you’ll be well-prepared to kick off your managerial career.
Selecting your level of experience from your ‘playing career’ while creating your managerial profile plays a significant role in your day-to-day life as a manager. Football managers come from various backgrounds, from accomplished former players to those with limited playing experience. FM allows you to customize your background story, but how does each experience level affect your managerial career?

A higher reputation attracts the attention of bigger clubs and more prestigious signings but also comes with greater demands. The Board expects you to achieve higher targets in a shorter time frame and is less forgiving of setbacks. Opting for a lower experience level provides more early-career insulation in terms of time and patience but might make it harder to attract interest from prospective employers and players.

Managers with a higher level of prior playing experience receive more points when choosing their Managerial Style, as do those with higher Coaching Badge qualifications. If you’re uncertain about your choice, the ‘Suggest badge/experience based on’ option offers a suitable recommendation based on your chosen club and its current level.
Your choice of managerial style, whether it’s more tactically focused or hands-on with players, influences how you allocate your managerial attribute points. These attributes directly affect your players. For example:

  • A Tracksuit Manager investing points in Attacking, Tactical, and Working With Youngsters will develop teams that excel in attacking football, adapt to various tactics, and nurture young talents effectively.

  • A Tactical Manager focusing on Adaptability, Determination, and Motivating will see their tactics integrated seamlessly across different countries, enjoy determined players, and notice the impact of effective team talks, meetings, and player conversations.
The way you allocate your points is entirely up to you. You’ll find a few templates available in the Management Style Focus drop-down menu for guidance, but the beauty of it is that you get to be precisely the manager you want to be.
Absolutely! A small pencil icon next to your managerial profile avatar on the Profile screen allows you to modify all aspects of your appearance. You can also find this option on the Main Menu.