DNF Multiplier Guide for FIFA 18 Ultimate Team

DNF Multiplier Guide for FIFA 18 Ultimate Team


Do you want to know how the DNF Multiplier works on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team? Do you want to understand why you can’t improve your DNF anymore? In this guide you will find out the answers to these questions and many other ones.



DNF Multiplier Introduction

What the DNF Multiplier is?

The DNF Multiplier is a coefficient that measures the number of unfinished matches, as well as the importance and difficulty of the different game modes and opponents. It seems complex because it weights different things but you will understand better if you look to this as an aggregation in between a single DNF coefficient and a certain multiplier that has been used on other versions previous to FIFA 15 for the calculation of how many coins you get as a reward at the end of every match. The DNF Multiplier comes from the multiplication between your DNF and a pre-defined multiplier.



DNF is the abbreviation of Did Not Finish. It was introduced in the game as a way to punish the players who forfeit games frequently. The more times a player forfeits, the more coins will be taken away from him in the final reward.

In FIFA 18, every time the game is interrupted by disconnection it’s because someone’s connection wasn’t good enough to guarantee good playing conditions. In these situations, EA Sports’ system evaluates the event in order to identify the responsible and punish them with a loss, spend of contracts and DNF reducing. However, not always this evaluation correctly identifies the responsible for the disconnection. In some rare situations the wrong player gets punished and in others both do. This is why it’s important to guarantee that you have good connection strength so you’re less likely to suffer from DNF. If you are experiencing DNF problems, please be sure to follow this troubleshooting guide.

The first time you play, your DNF is set as 1. No matter how many games you finish, you’ll never get a higher value than that. Each time a game ends before the 90th minute, the system looks for whoever was responsible for the disconnection and punishes them in 0.25 points. In the same way, when a player has currently got DNF below 1, they get a 0.02 points bonus for every game they finish without interruptions. This system punishes those who forfeit a match quite often but at the same time gives those who suffered a casual disconnection the chance to slowly recover their DNF to the maximum.

EA’s objective is to stop a number of less ethical players from being able to harm the FIFA 18 experience of the rest. Anyone starts a game wanting to play it until the end. Sometimes the opponent doesn’t let them, forfeiting before the 90th minute, and that can be very frustrating mainly because this kind of situation occurs often when you’re winning. The DNF forces players to think again before they go back to forfeiting.

This is EA’s vision, but part of the community sees things slightly differently. They think that if you forfeit you’re already being punished by receiving much fewer match coins and still spending contracts, therefore you shouldn’t be punished on future games as well. For them, the existence of DNF isn’t motivation enough to stop players from forfeiting. They do it with or without DNF.

The DNF is only applied to online matches, because only in these it’s necessary to see who was responsible for the disconnection. Besides, forfeiting a match against the computer doesn’t affect anyone else’s game experience, so really the punishment on the coins reward and contracts spent is quite enough. The main purpose of DNF is to educate the player’s community. In any Ultimate Team single player game, the DNF multiplier is replaced with just the multiplier. On practice, it’s like the DNF would always be 1, as if you’ve never forfeited.


The Multiplier

In other hand, the Multiplier is a coefficient with the objective to balance games of different quality levels. It means players who finish more difficult games get bigger coin bonuses than those who play easier games. This difficulty evaluation is based on the game mode (online seasons or single player seasons) and the opponent’s quality (the opponent’s squad rating in online matches and difficulty level on single player). For each of these cases there’s a pre-defined value.

DNF Multiplier Guide for FIFA 18 Ultimate Team


How the DNF Multiplier is Calculated?

Find out your DNF Multiplier on FIFA 18 Ultimate Team

As you know, every time you play a match you are rewarded with coins. These coins depend on how much time you played, how well have you played, the match category, the active EAS FC bonus and the competition performance, according to the following formula:

Match Coins = (Skill Rewards x DNF Multiplier) + Completion Award + Competition Reward + EAS FC Coin Boost

You can find here an explanation about this formula, but all you need to know now is that the DNF Multiplier is used for the match coins awarded calculation.

As we already explained, you always start your FIFA 18 Ultimate Team campaign with a DNF 1. However, the multiplier depends on the game mode you are playing and for that reason, your first DNF Multiplier can be one of the following values: 0.25, 0.36, 0.42, 0.50, 0.60, 0,63, 0.88, 0.93, 1.00 and 1.13.

Every time you quit a game, your DNF Multiplier punish you dropping 0.25 x A points (A depends on the game mode). It means that you will receive fewer coins at the end of each game. In other hand, every time you complete a match, it rises 0.02 x A points up to the maximum limit allowed:
Single Player Seasons – 0.25 to 0.36
Online Seasons – 0.50 to 0.63
Online Single Match – 0.50 to 1.13

As we’ve already said, the DNF multiplier is the result of the multiplication of these two coefficients. For people that are not very familiar with the values it takes, they may seem random. But they’re not. It’s just a bit hard to find a pattern. If you don’t have maximum DNF, predicting the DNF multiplier can be quite complicated. The best way to understand them is by trying to analyse the DNF and the multiplier separately.

DNF Multiplier Guide for FIFA 18 Ultimate Team


DNF Multiplier Fluctuations on FIFA 18

Why won’t my DNF Multiplier go up? Why has my DNF Multiplier been reduced?

There’s a generalised idea among the FIFA 18 community regarding the DNF multiplier not working properly. EA Sports’ customer service have got quite a contribution on that because when people contact them about the issue, they say it’s an error that’s currently being resolved. As far as we know, the DNF multiplier doesn’t experience any kind of bug. The ongoing problem occurs for lack of information EA provides.

The explanation for such simple matters such as why the DNF multiplier won’t go up even though there’s no forfeit has to do with the fact that players still haven’t understood what the DNF multiplier actually is. They find it weird to see such a low value that is 0,63 while on other versions previous to FIFA 15 they would see a DNF of 1,25. The truth is that they’re comparing different things: one is the DNF, the other is the DNF multiplier.

The maximum DNF on previous FIFA games was 1,25, but in practice, it was just as if it was 1 because that is the number that would go into the coin calculation. The DNF surpassing 1 was just so a player who eventually experienced a casual and isolated disconnection wouldn’t get punished for it. Taking online season matches as an example, the multiplier keeps on being 0,63. Well, being the new DNF multiplier the result of the multiplication of both, it is then equal to 0,63. Playing online seasons this value can’t be surpassed because, even if you never forfeit or get disconnected, the DNF can never be superior to one and the multiplier is a fixed value for each game type.

The DNF Multiplier not going up is not the only protest of the community. There have been several complaints regarding the fact that the DNF multiplier went down for no apparent reason. Players claim they haven’t forfeited and therefore this coefficient should not have been reduced. There are people who suggest even that it’s purposely programmed to be faulty so you get fewer coins at the end of a match. We’re not here to defend Electronic Arts, but we do find it weird that nobody has ever pointed out the actual reason for these ‘decreases’ which are nothing more than a misconception.

In reality what happens is that when the DNF multiplier seems lower than normal even though you never forfeited, it’s because the game mode and difficulty are different. What’s changed was just the multiplier, not your DNF. Your DNF will only reduce itself in the case of disconnections. In the absence of these events, all variations are concerning the multiplier. If you play a few consecutive games without forfeiting but switching between seasons and tournaments, you’ll notice there will be a different multiplier every time.

Do you need us to be even clearer? Let’s then use an example. Imagine you never forfeit and therefore you’re ‘stuck’ at DNF multiplier 0,63 when you’re playing online seasons. Then you decide to play a single player seasons game and you notice your DNF multiplier went from 0,63 to 0,36. ‘Why?’ you might ask. Basically this happened because the system understands that single player seasons are easier to win, so it sets a lower multiplier. If right then you play another online season’s game, as long as you don’t forfeit, you’ll see your DNF multiplier is back at 0,63.

There’s only one way to restore the DNF multiplier in FIFA 18: not forfeiting. If the disconnections are accidental, then give your connection special attention. Otherwise, you might never be able to achieve maximum DNF multiplier and you’ll be strongly affected with coin loss at the end of every match.


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