Exclusive Interview To… Joao Costa, First FIFA U Team Tournament Winner

Exclusive Interview To...


We open here a new space dedicated to exclusive interviews. The first guest was the winner of the first FIFA U Team Tournament: João Costa.


Exclusive Interview To… Joao Costa, First FIFA U Team Tournament Winner


In July 2013, João Costa signed his name on the list of FIFA U Team Tournaments winners. And in a very special way: he was the first one.

We tried to know a little more about this Benfica fan and to learn some tips about how to have success in this kind of tournaments.


FIFAUTeam – Hi. You was the first winner of a FIFA U Team tournament. How do you feel about it ?
JC – I feel great. I won. I feel that all the effort and time I devoted to FIFA 13 was worth it.

FIFAUTeam – What were your initial expectations when you started the tournament ?
JC – I knew that I would find strong opponents with great teams and that’s what happened. I never thought that I could win the tournament.

FIFAUTeam – Since when you play FIFA ?
JC – I was a PES player and my brother a FIFA player. But I hated PES last year and since then I have started to play FIFA Ultimate Team. I was addicted to the game! So I can say that I started playing FIFA last year.

FIFAUTeam – How often do you play FIFA ?
JC – I play FIFA almost every day. I may have classes or exams, but I always play a game. I use the phone to trade too.

FIFAUTeam – Which formation you usually use ?
JC – I always played with 3-5-2. In my opinion, it is a attacking formation but also very defensive since it has two defensive midfielders to help the back three. I think that there are many people using this formation.

FIFAUTeam – How would you define your play style ?
JC – When I don’t have the ball, I like to pressing the opponent waiting for a defensive mistake. When it happens, I try the counter-attack with pacey players. All the players in my team have, at least, pace 75. With this formation, it needs to be like this.

FIFAUTeam – Can you tell us with which team you won the tournament ?
JC – Sure. Lloris was the gaolkeeper. As CB’s I had TOTW Sagna TOTW, Kompany and Maicon. Ramires and Yaya Touré were the CDM’s. On the right Wallcot and on the left side Gareth Bale. Nasri played behind the two strikers: Aguero and TOTS Benteke.

FIFAUTeam – Nice team. Which advices you give to who want to win a tournament ?
JC – I think that chemistry is truly important. If you want to win, you should make sure that you have chemistry 100. The probability of making mistakes will be much lower. It is also important to have a balanced squad. Make sure that you look very well to the player’s attributes according to the position where he will play on the pitch.


Exclusive Interview To... João Costa, First FIFA U Team Tournament Winner


FIFAUTeam – What you think that needs to be changed in FIFA 14 ?
JC – Only two things. The first one are the EA servers. They are offline two many times and we have to wait they fix it. I also think that the prizes of season 1 should be changed. They should be higher. As in FIFA 14 there will be more divisions, maybe the first division prizes will be higher.

FIFAUTeam – What do you think that needs to be changed in FIFA U Team ?
JC -Nothing! This website is great. It was with FIFAUTeam that I learned several things: defending, shooting and making trading. I want to congratulate the work done by FIFAUTeam. I hope it continues!


In this first exclusive interview, we learned that this ex-PES player, likes to play in 3-5-2, with pacey players, and gives a lot of attention to chemistry and the balance of the team.

We want to thank him ant to give our congratulations by having win the first FIFA U Team Tournament.


If you want to play in these tournaments, join us to our Facebook fan page.


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