Opening packs is part of the FUT 21 fun. However, it is much funnier when you pull good cards, which is something not easy to achieve. If you are thinking to open packs, you should know which are the best ones. Obviously, it depends on what you want. If you want to build a bronze squad, you should buy a bronze pack. If you want to get more contracts and other consumables, you should try the consumables packs. However, most of the players want to put their hands on the best and most expensive items. In that case, they will need to buy Gold packs. But which one? We will help you with that. We will show you the best packs in several categories.
There are more than 100 packs in FIFA 21 Ultimate Team. The following ones are the most wanted packs but also the most expensive or the most difficult to get. They feature the best and the biggest selection of cards you can find in a single pack.
Items: 1 | Gold: 1 | Rare: 1 | Type: Player | Icons: 1
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This is the most wanted pack of FIFA 21 Ultimate Team. It only includes one item but… what a card! It guarantees the second-highest OVR version of an Icon, which means that it will worth, at least, 400,000 coins!
Items: 1 | Gold: 1 | Rare: 1 | Type: Player | Icons: 1
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Until last year, this was the best pack you could get. Let’s see if this time EA doesn’t create a Moments Icon Player Pack.
Items: 11 | Gold: 11 | Rare: 11 | Type: Players | TOTW: 11
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Can you imagine to open a pack with guaranteed 11 TOTW gold players? Unfortunately this pack is only available as a weekly reward for who ranks in the top 100. If you are not one of the best FIFA players in the world, all you can do is to watch it on Youtube.
Items: 1 | Gold: 1 | Rare: 1 | Type: Player | Icons: 1
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This pack includes an Icon. It is the worst version but at least it is an Icon. Most likely you will get a goalie, an 85 rated item or a 85 rated goalkeeper. However, with this pack you will be closer to pack Pelé than ever. You won’t get him, but you will be closer.
Items: 03 | Gold: 03 | Rare: 03 | Type: Players | TOTW: 03
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Just like the Ultimate TOTW pack, this one is an exclusive for the best FUT Champions players of the week. It includes 3 TOTW players from the week they were earned in. Even if you had no luck and got bad cards, discarding them will give you around 30k coins.
Items: 30 | Gold: 30 | Rare: 30 | Type: Players
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The Ultimate Pack, which contains 30 gold rare players, is by far the best promotional pack in the game. However, it is also the most expensive one. To know how good value for money it is, please read the rest of the article.
Items: 24 | Gold: 24 | Rare: 24 | Type: Players
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The Jumbo Rare Players Pack is probably the most popular one. For a long time, it was the most expensive pack and also the one that featured the best cards.
Items: 01 | Gold: 01 | Rare: 01 | Type: Players | TOTW: 01
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How many times have you opened a pack featuring several cards and the best you got was a 81 rated regular item? At least, with the TOTW Player Pack, it is guaranteed that you will pack a player from the Team of the Week.
Items: 12 | Gold: 12 | Rare: 12 | Type: Players
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There are several packs containing 12 rare gold players but only in this one, you have the guarantee that you will pack only forwards. These items, are usually more expensive, making this a more valuable pack.
Items: 12 | Gold: 12 | Rare: 12 | Type: Players
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What are the most unwanted players you can pack? Goalkeepers, right? It won’t happen with these packs which is a good thing. You can only pack rare gold midfielders.
The packs from ‘Best of the Best’ are amazing but most of them are not available on the FUT store.
What is important here is to know which pack has the best cards for the lowest price possible. Our advice is very simple: purchase the available pack with the lowest price per rare gold player item. These are the only cards that may be interesting. The other items are almost worthless.
To know which packs are the best, you ‘only’ need to divide the price by the number of rare gold players items. The problem here is to determine how many of these cards each pack has. It isn’t an easy task but you will not have to worry about that because we did the hard job for you. We watched hundreds of pack openings to know exactly how much do you pay for each rare gold player.
As you probably expected 50k, 100k and 125k are the best packs, because you only have to spend 4,000 coins for each gold rare player. However, those of you who thought that 25k Premium Gold Players packs were good, well you are wrong. It is cheaper to buy multiple 15k packs.
What is important here is to know which pack has the best cards for the lowest price possible. Our advice is very simple: purchase the available pack with the lowest price per rare gold player item. These are the only cards that may be interesting. The other items are almost worthless.
To know which packs are the best, you ‘only’ need to divide the price by the number of rare gold players items. The problem here is to determine how many of these cards each pack has. It isn’t an easy task but you will not have to worry about that because we did the hard job for you. We watched hundreds of pack openings to know exactly how much do you pay for each rare gold player.
As you probably expected 50k, 100k and 125k are the best packs, because you only have to spend 4,000 coins for each gold rare player. However, those of you who thought that 25k Premium Gold Players packs were good, well you are wrong. It is cheaper to buy multiple 15k packs.
Items: 12 | Gold: 12 | Rare: 12 | Type: Players
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This is the best pack your coins can buy. Well, in fact, this is as good as the 100k and 125k packs. The biggest difference between them is that with this pack you have the option to pull fewer items. For example, you don’t have to open two 100k packs if you only want 36 rare gold players cards.
Items: 24 | Gold: 24 | Rare: 24 | Type: Players
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You are still thinking why 100k packs are the most popular ones but were not chosen for the top of our ranking, right? We can give you another reason. When you open a 100k pack you can only pull one Ronaldo while when you open two 50k packs you have the chance to pull two of these cards. Yes, we know that will never happen but it is still possible at least with other high rated players.
Items: 30 | Gold: 30 | Rare: 30 | Type: Players
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The Ultimate Pack was released for the first time ever in FIFA 16 and it is now one of the favourites of the FIFA community, just like the Jumbo Rare Players Pack. Usually, it is available during the most popular FUT events of the season.
Items: 12 | Gold: 6 | Silver: 6 | Rare: 12 | Type: Players
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You probably weren’t expecting to see an affordable pack like this in such a higher position but this is the cheapest way to get six rare gold players. You can also use the silver rare players to make a few more coins.
Items: 12 | Gold: 12 | Rare: 12 | Type: Players
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With this pack, you will be paying around 5,200 coins for each rare gold player. How does it sound to you? It is not a good deal but it could be worse.
Items: 12 | Gold: 12 | Rare: 12 | Type: Players
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Rare Gold Position Packs have all the same price and the same amount of rare gold players (12). The only difference is if you will get defenders, midfielders or forwards. As you know, forwards are usually most wanted and most expensive and midfielders come after them.
Items: 12 | Gold: 12 | Rare: 12 | Type: Players
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It doesn’t make sense to buy this pack when you can buy a Rare Players Pack. You will be paying less, and getting players from the most valuable positions.
Items: 30 | Gold: 30 | Rare: 30 | Type: All
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Did you know that each Rare Mega Pack includes, on average, 10.3 rare gold players? Of course, you don’t. Here on fifauteam we opened hundreds of packs just to discover how much you are paying for each one of these items. The answer? 5,345 coins.
Items: 12 | Gold: 6 | Silver: 6 | Rare: 12 | Type: Players
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The Prime Electrum Players Pack features more than 3 rare gold players in each pack and costs 20,000 coins. It is far to be a good pack to buy but it is still on the first third of our table.
Items: 30 | Gold: 30 | Rare: 18 | Type: All
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Here it is another pack that you couldn’t say if it is good or not without our help. The truth is that it is one of the biggest packs available, featuring 30 items, but only six are rare gold players. The rest is… garbage.
Amount of coins you have to spend to pack a rare gold player item
The best packs are the ones with guaranteed rare gold players items. Into this group, the Premium Gold Players Pack is two times more expensive than the Rare Players Pack or the Jumbo Rare Players Pack. This difference is not so high if we use FIFA Points to pay instead of coins.
It may be weird but EA Sports doesn’t use a proportional relation between coins and FIFA Points. For example, Jumbo Premium Gold pack and Silver Upgrade pack both cost 15,000 coins but the first one may be purchased with 300 FIFA Points while for the second we only need 50 FIFA Points. Players should also pay attention to this aspect. That’s the reason why we analyse separately the packs bought with coins and the packs bought with FIFA Points.
It may be weird but EA Sports doesn’t use a proportional relation between coins and FIFA Points. For example, Jumbo Premium Gold pack and Silver Upgrade pack both cost 15,000 coins but the first one may be purchased with 300 FIFA Points while for the second we only need 50 FIFA Points. Players should also pay attention to this aspect. That’s the reason why we analyse separately the packs bought with coins and the packs bought with FIFA Points.
Items: 12 | Gold: 12 | Rare: 12 | Type: Players
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Once again, the 50k, 100k and 125k are the best packs money can buy. The Rare Players Pack is the one you will find more times on the store.
Items: 24 | Gold: 24 | Rare: 24 | Type: Players
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There is no reason why 100k packs are viewed by the community as much better than the 50k packs. In fact, it is very easy to compare them: double cards, double price.
Items: 30 | Gold: 30 | Rare: 30 | Type: Players
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We are here showing you the best packs but there is an advice that we really need to share with you: don’t buy packs. They are a waste of your money. Even these Ultimate Packs are too expensive, especially when you have the option to trade.
Items: 12 | Gold: 6 | Silver: 6 | Rare: 12 | Type: Players
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Look who is again in the fourth place right after the big 3. That should mean something, right?
Items: 24 | Gold: 24 | Rare: 7 | Type: Players
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This is one of those weird cases that we cannot explain. The Rare Players Pack and the Jumbo Premium Gold Players Pack cost both 50,000 coins. However, you pay 300 FIFA Points less for the second one. It’s just us or this doesn’t make any sense?
Items: 12 | Gold: 12 | Rare: 6 | Type: Players
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You will see this pack on the store very often. Only in FIFA 20, it was released around 150 times. You will be tempted but save your FIFA Points for the top 3.
Items: 12 | Gold: 12 | Rare: 12 | Type: Players
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Twelve rare gold forwards will cost you around ten Euros/Dollars. It’s up to you to decide how fair this is.
Items: 12 | Gold: 12 | Rare: 12 | Type: Players
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It’s not easy to find this pack on the FUT store. In fact, you wouldn’t be losing anything if you don’t see it at all.
Items: 12 | Gold: 12 | Rare: 12 | Type: Players
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Are you excited to pack Van Dijk? Almost sure it won’t gonna happen. But if you really are, this is probably the best pack you can buy in order to find him.
Items: 30 | Gold: 30 | Rare: 30 | Type: All
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No other pack features so many rare cards: 30! The problem is that only 10 are players. If you really want to improve your team, go to the transfer market and buy the players you want.
Amount of FIFA Points you have to spend to pack a rare gold player item
When you buy a pack, you believe that you will get the best items possible. You know that it won’t be easy, but you will try anyway. In other words, you accept to take risks. However, not everyone opens packs with the expectation to pack Ronaldo or Messi. There are people who do not need to pack good cards. Their main goal is to make coins with them or, at least, pay as little as possible to have a chance to pack something. For them, we listed the top of the most profitable packs.
Items: 12 | Bronze: 12 | Rare: 1 | Type: Players
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The Bronze Players Pack is the most profitable pack you can buy. You should do it when available because selling its content will almost surely, at least, pay off the coins you used to buy it.
Items: 24 | Bronze: 24 | Rare: 3 | Type: All
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The price of this pack is so low, that you cannot buy it with FIFA Points. In average, you will get almost 1,000 coins when selling the cards you got, which means that it is almost free-risk.
Items: 12 | Bronze: 12 | Rare: 1 | Type: All
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The good of this pack is that it is always available on the FUT store. However, keep in mind that the chances of making profit are much lower than with the first two.
Items: 12 | Bronze: 12 | Rare: 7 | Type: All
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Yes, another bronze pack. Now, you already understand why the BPM (Bronze Pack Method) is so popular.
Items: 4 | Gold: 4 | Rare: 0 | Type: Contracts
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Before buying this pack, you should go to the transfer market to check for how much the gold contracts items are being sold. This pack costs 800 coins, so it’s easy to see if you are taking the right decision or not.
Items: 12 | Bronze: 12 | Rare: 3 | Type: All
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This is another bronze pack that is available on the FUT store since the first day. It’s the second cheapest pack, so the risk is low.
Items: 24 | Bronze: 24 | Rare: 7 | Type: All
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Yes, bronze packs are a large family. In this one, you will find, on average, 2 rare bronze players in each pack, which is not very interesting.
Items: 12 | Gold: 12 | Rare: 1 | Type: Consumables
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There is only one rare item in each consumables pack but, most likely, it will be that card to determine how good your pack was. A CF-CAM or a Hunter style are like a jackpot.
Items: 12 | Silver: 12 | Rare: 1 | Type: All
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There are people trying to do the Silver Pack Method but they will need a lot of luck in order to have profit. Most likely, they will have a loss.
Items: 24 | Silver: 24 | Rare: 3 | Type: All
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The Jumbo Silver Pack is on the top 10 of the most profitable packs. On the bottom of this list, you will find the Ultimate Pack and the Jumbo Rare Players Pack. It doesn’t mean that they are bad packs. They are there because the risk is high. It’s like playing the lottery. If for you the important is the return you will get, then you should avoid these packs.
Amount of coins you get back after discounting the pack price