FUT 14 Trading Guide – How to Make Coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team

FUT 14 Trading Guide - How to Make Coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


There are two ways to answer to the most frequently asked question about FIFA 14 Ultimate Team: how to make coins ? Trading is the first one. Other methods besides trading are the alternative answer.

In this trading guide we will explain every detail you need. This subject is very lengthy but, if you really want to be rich in FUT 14, you should read it until the end. You will not find any other place with so well organized and detailed content about this matter.

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The best way to become rich in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


You finally found the article that will explain to you how to become rich in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. As your excitement builds to start building your dream FUT team we know and you know how there are so many incredible teams with unbelievable players. This leaves us all thinking “It’s not possible to buy so many great players. There has to be a trick or big secret?”.

If this is much or less what you’re thinking, you’ll be very disappointed with us. We won’t bring you any big secret on how to become rich fast. So don’t delude yourself. You won’t find it here, neither in any other place. Every time someone says you can instantly get all the coins you want, just know that you’re about to be fooled.

The sad truth is this: you won’t get rich in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team without lots of work. Forget the coins generators, card duplicators or other cheating methods people tell you about. They are no more than scam tactics that will make you even poorer.

But in the end what do you need to be rich in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team? This is an important question because if you can’t perform the basic requirements you’ll never be able to build your dream team.
Here is what is really indispensable:

  • Time
  • Time is money everywhere. And in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team it’s not different. You’ll need free time to apply some coin-earning tactics. The more time you have, then potentially the more chances you’ll have to earn lots of coins.

  • Work
  • It’s a fact: 90% of the players that read this kind of article are looking for a magical solution for their financial problems. The large majority won’t get past this phase because they’re not disposed to work.

  • Patience
  • Stay calm, you need to have patience. You won’t get rich tomorrow or even on the following day. Many of the methods that are used to earn coins require that you have a lot of patience. Everyone who is rich in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team also started for having almost nothing.

  • Market Knowledge
  • Knowing the market in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team is very important. Use the database or add your targets to your transfer target list and monitor the behaviour of these cards and watch the market. Knowledge is power.


If you meet these conditions, you may be ready to become rich. And the best way to do it is with … trading.



Introduction to Trading in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


Trading is the best way to become rich in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. But no one said it’s easy. It’s necessary to know exactly how everything works.

You can find everything you need in this guide. We are experts in this area. We have done rigorous investigating and tests in order to bring you the best information possible.

Trading is a word that means buying and selling a property or service. The most basic idea you should have is that in order to earn coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team you will have to sell a card for a price that is higher to the one you paid to have it. And it will have to be at least 5% higher in order to cover the taxes that EA retains over all the sales.

Most of players cannot buy and sell cards with enough profit to build great teams because they do not understand the market and the way how the deals are done. Many don’t even know the basic rules of economy. And that doesn’t help at all. The fact is that the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Market is so massive in a way that its behaviour is similar to a real and global market.

If you want to become a real trader in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team we advise that you try to learn some basic notions about microeconomics. If you are a curious you can extend your research into the applied math called Game Theory and you will see how it also applies itself to the FUT 14 market. Since we want to keep the article simple, we will restrict ourselves on what is essential to know in order to have success as a trader.

One of these fundamental concepts is all about the law of supply and demand. This law stabilizes the relation between the demand of a product and its quantity that is offered. In other words, with that law it’s possible to describe the consumers’ behaviour on the acquisition of products in determined periods, according to quantity and prices.
During the periods when the offer of a determined product exceeds the demand, its price tends to fall. In periods when the demand starts to exceed the offer, the tendency is a price increase.
The stabilization of the relation between the offer and the demand normally defines the price a product will be transacted for, once the buyer and the seller are conformed with it. It’s called market balance.


FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Market Rules

Supply and demand curve


The offer is the relation between a product’s price and the quantity sellers put for sale. The higher is the price a product can be sold for, more sellers will be disposed to provide it.
The law of supply says that the price and the quantity offered in a determined market are inversely proportional. In other words, the higher is the price of a product, less people will be disposed or will be able to buy it. When the price of a product rises, its sale power decreases and the consumers go for cheaper products.

The price of a product can be a positive incentive or negative so that the consumers acquire what they need, but this is not the only one. Just like it happens in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team, the decision may depend on the person’s buying power, desires and needs, the concurrence and the existence of complementary alternatives or substitutes. In the same way the offer exercises an influence on the consumers’ demand, the frequency people look for determined products can also increase and decrease the prices.

In a perfect market structure, of monopolistic or oligopolistic competition, the consumers are the ones who determine the prices. In a cartel or monopoly situation, the opposite happens.

If you comprehend these ideas, you ill have a wider perception about the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team market’s behaviour.



The FUT 14 Trading Rules


As we already said, the best way to earn coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team is buying cheap and selling expensive. But how do you know when, where and what to buy and sell ?

If you follow the ten golden rules you’ll definitely be a successful trader.


Rule #1: Study the Market Carefully


Knowing the market is fundamental in order to have success as a trader in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team.

The most basic idea about trading is selling at a price that is superior to the one you paid for. If you buy a card hoping to find someone to buy it for more coins than you bought it for, you’ll never succeed. Things don’t just happen like this. The market is somewhat predictable. You’ll have to study it to start recognizing a price that is below the balanced price and to predict the price that the demand is willing to offer.

In order to study the market you can spend hours looking at the cards to see the ones that are sold and the ones that aren’t. But also you can use more useful tools in this process. It’s the case of the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Database. With them you have easy access to the valuable information about any card in the game: average selling prices, transaction amounts, price history, concurrence, new cards, etc…

There is another tactic, its as simple, that has good results when you want to study a specific market. You just add a big amount of the same card to your transfer target list and observe their final prices..

In the end, this is the most basic information you’ll have to know: at what price a determined card is bought/sold in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. It is this analysis you will have to study very carefully. Obviously, with so much information available, you can make a deeper investigation into the market and then maximize your profit possibilities.

We advise that you analyse the following aspects of the market you’re about to study:

  • If the evolution of the prices are regular or if there are many “peaks”;
  • The price variation over the hours of the day;
  • The price variation over the days of the week;
  • The price variation according to the card’s chemistry styles, possible different positioning, etc;
  • The existence and the behaviour of the prices of the cards that can substitute the ones of the market you’re about to study;
  • The quantities that are normally transacted;
  • The introduction of new cards on the market (UP, IF, etc).

    As you can see, you already found some practical utilities to the basic notions of economy. Whoever is able to manage all this information will have an advantage over the concurrence, which can be turned into profits.


    FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Market

    You don’t need to catch up with all the auctions in order to know what the demand is for certain types of cards. Use the button ‘add to transfer target‘ on all the same cards you find and later you’ll be able to see how much they have sold for.


    Rule #2: Focus on a Parcel of Market


    The world economy’s big successes were reached by the ones who became specialized in determined sectors. Amazon, for example, started selling books. Only after becoming a leader in this sector they expanded their business to other products.

    If you want to be the best trader, you’ll have to focus on a part of the market and not itself in general. It’s impossible for someone to have good control of all the cards in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. As this market is live with much availability and choice, it would be impossible for someone try and keep up with its full dynamics.

    Choose a branch in which you feel comfortable, study it and keep yourself updated about the changes that happen in this specific market. It’s going to be a lot easier to know about what prices you should buy or sell cards. Remember that being fast is a very important characteristic a trader must have: being fast in order to make a move and not miss the opportunity, being fast selling to increase the number of sales, being fast to notice the changes of the market, etc…


    FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Trading

    When choosing your branch make everything possible to make your work easier. If you choose, for example, Tévez as a target, you’ll have Agüero between the results of your search because there are not enough filters to differentiate them. Benzema, for example, is the only French attacker on Real Madrid, so it’s a good choice. In the console you can type directly the name of the player.


    Rule #3: Know What to Buy and Sell


    This is one of the trader’s most common doubts. “What cards should I buy and sell in order to profit? Which ones are the best?“

    There are many books and websites that take advantage of these players’ fragility to sell what they want to hear. The best example of that are the several lists pointing out the supposed best players there are to sell.

    Forget it. This doesn’t exist. Many people will disagree because the idea was already sold for them but the truth is that there are no best cards to buy and sell. All the cards can produce profit if you completely understand their behaviour in the market. That is what is really important. It is obvious that there are cards that can be bought and sold in a limited space of time, like the IF cards or the IRL highlighted players, but except for that there are no “more buyable” cards. Don’t forget that the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Market has many thousands of players and it’s constantly in a almost-saturated state. You won’t find out all of a sudden a card that will give you an eternal profit.

    Many FIFA 14 Ultimate Team players insist that there are branches you should bet on: fast players, the silver market, England’s secondary leagues, silver and gold Brazilian players, etc. All of them are apparently very attractive targets because their prices are usually higher. But they are higher not only for who buys but also for who sells. Don’t fool yourself.

    This rule’s main idea is that you’ll be able to get profit from any card. But don’t forget to adapt the target to your availability. If you bet on cards that are launched in big amounts, be prepared for many small profits. If you bet on cards that are launched in small amounts, be prepared for just a few sales but with considerable profits.


    FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Trading

    As the image illustrates, some Brazilian silver players reach impressive prices. Anyway, they’re not always better choices than other cards because they can be sold at a high price but are also not bought for much less.


    Rule #4: Always have many Cards to sell


    Imagine you own a store. Every time someone walks in your store willing to buy and you have your shelves empty, you’ll miss the chance of making profit.

    In FIFA 14 Ultimate Team the same happens. You always need available cards to sell. Always, always.

    In the first place, your transfer list must always be full. Every time you sell some cards you should immediately occupy the other spaces of the transfer list with new cards. We also advise that you use the EASF catalogue items to improve the size of your transfer list. The more cards you have for sale, more you’ll sell and more profit you’ll get.

    In order to replace your transfer list stock, you’ll always need to have available cards. Normally these replacements are already in place via the transfer targets but you can also keep some cards to sell in your club or even in another account. That’s why it’s important that you use the EASFC catalogue items to increase the size of your transfer list.

    About trying to sell the maximum cards possible, don’t make it easy. Even with your transfer list full, it won’t be worth if you have 10 or 20 cards on your transfer targets list. Define as a minimum limit having your preference list 80% filled. In high demand times, like on the weekends, it’s recommended that this limit be at least 90%. If you are a very good trader you’ll sell all your transfer list and transfer targets cards.


    FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Trading

    Always have a full transfer list. The cards you buy, before they are sent to the transfer list, can be stocked in your club or temporarily kept on your transfer targets list.


    Rule #5 – Give your cards Visibility


    If you own a store, the more time it stays open, more chances you’ll have to sell. It’s the same in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. The more availability you have, more profit you’ll get.

    Most FIFA 14 Ultimate Team players, when looking for a card, don’t go beyond the 60 minutes page. As a good trader you intend to be, your job is to give your cards the bigger visibility. The more people see them, more cards you’ll sell. In order to do that you should have them available the higher time possible between the first hour auctions.

    As it seems to be evident, you just need to list your cards with a pre-defined duration, one hour, and re-list them when the auction expires. Even better, re-listing them when there was no bidder and switching immediately to another right after it’s been sold, if that happened before the 60 minutes. This one’s apparently the ideal situation. If you can do that you’ll become rich in a moment.

    Although, no one has enough availability to renew the auctions every hour, during an entire day. This is what should be done always it’s possible. When it’s not possible, you should define the auction duration according to the time you’ll be away. For example, if you’re going to sleep, define the duration to 6 hours. Doing that you’ll make the cards stay available for a bigger amount of time on the market and you’ll be able to renew them when you wake up.

    Basically these are the two golden rules about the auction duration definition: give the cards visibility by defining the auctions with one hour durations and always keep selling. Although, there are exceptions for these rules. Imagine, for example, that you’ll be away for 6 hours. The normal situation would be defining a 6 hours duration for your auction. But if you notice that the last hour of the auction will be during a small traffic period, it may be better if you choose an one hour duration in order to get more visibility. Another example is the occurrence of programmed interruptions on the market access. If your cards are going to expire during the interruption period, you should change the auction duration so that doesn’t happen.


    FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Trading

    Listing a card three times in a row with one hour durations increases your selling probabilities in around 60% over listing it to a single 3 hours auction.


    Rule #6 – Define a start price according to your available time


    Knowing how to define a start price for a card you put on auction is extremely important to get profit. We could try to show you what is the ideal price for each card, according to how much you paid for it, but we would have to use some complex mathematics models.

    The value that really matters is the final price. Although, the start price has a big influence on what the final price is going to be, so its correct definition is very important.

    We all know that we have to sell on a price at least 5% superior to the one we paid in order to cover the EA taxes and not lose coins. Although, every player wants, in the first place, to make coins. If you define a start price that is very superior to the one you paid for the card, the most certain thing is that you’ll never sell anything.

    On the other hand, if you define a very low start price you’ll attract more attention to your card, but you’ll also make the risk of selling it for a price that is inferior to its actual market price. Your card will be bid more often because it appears more frequently between the search results with maximum filters. This will make more players watch your card until the end of the auction. In these situations, it’s normal to occur a curious phenomenon: since there are more players watching your card, some may get in a dispute for it, bidding higher values than the ones they were initially willing to. Even with this elevated profit possibility, we don’t advise that you define a low start price for two reasons:

    • In the first place for a risk matter. You can win, but you can lose. If you really want to earn coins you’ll have to do it with some safety.
    • In second place because every time EA interrupts the players’ access to the market, for a programmed maintenance or any other reason, the bids stay the same until the end of the auction, considering the last bid before the interruption started the winning bid. If you have the tough luck of having auctions with low start prices during a service interruption, then you may lose considerable amounts of coins sometimes.
    • In a third scenario, if you define a price that is slightly higher than the price you paid plus the 5%, it’ll take ages for you to make some coins. You’ll definitely sell a lot of cards but the profits will be so insignificant that you’ll never dream of having that top team.

      The difficult thing is to know what start price will give you profit. There is no exact answer because it depends on several factors, but we’ll try to guide you the best as we can. General rule, we think that you have to give a card a start price according to what the market is interested in. Don’t forget that a trader’s job started before that, when buying a card on its normal market price. Although, the start price you define must be related to your availability: the more time you have to make a deal, the lower price you should define for the start price. Confusing? A little. Don’t worry, after reading the examples of practical cases you’ll better notice how everything works.


      FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Trading

      If someone makes a 150c bid for this card and then a service interruption happens, the seller might have a huge loss. We do not advise the definition of a start price that low.


      Rule #7 – Define a BIN close to the start price


      The definition of a “Buy It Now” price isn’t mandatory but it can be interesting for many situations.

      If you define a BIN much higher than the market price it’ll be just like you never defined it. No one will pay that price.

      You can define it slightly or moderately higher than the market price. Choose the first method. The truth is that, unlike you were supposedly thinking, our tests indicate that if the BIN price is near the start price, your chances of selling a card are bigger. In this moment you may think “it’s obvious that I’ll sell more if the BIN price is lower”. This wasn’t what we said. Read again. What we transmitted to you is that, for example, if you put a card on auction with a 150c start price and a 200c BIN price, you’ll sell more and faster. And that is great, since you’re even selling it for a superior price.

      Except for some cases, you should define a Buy It Now price always when you put a card on auction. You’d only have something to lose if you had defined a buy now price that is lower than what the buyers were willing to pay. If you had defined an adjusted start price, you just have to increase about 10% to have the BIN we consider ideal. Don’t go below this percentage because you give the buyers the idea that you have defined the start price too high.


      FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Trading

      The best way to get profit from cards that don’t matter to us any more without discarding them (quick selling) is putting them on auction with a 150c start price and a 200c buy now price. It’s the ideal scenario for club items that don’t interest us and neither the market. Although, you should always check if it’s best to have these cards on auction or if you should just discard them in order to spare space on your transfer list for other cards that might give you bigger profits.


      Rule #8 – Avoid looking like you’re making price fixing


      A lot of times we go buy a card and, immediately before we do so, we see there are equal cards being sold at the same price by the same seller. It’s enough for us to abort the deal.

      When this happens, we have to question if we found the best price possible. If someone is selling many equal cards, this person is counting on profit. And you can only make profit if you bought at a price lower than you’re going to sell. And if they can, we can also do it.

      We know that we advised you to bet on branches. But if you want to have success you should be careful not to make this mistake. When putting your cards on auction, don’t put equal cards all at once. Mix them with other cards or take some seconds intervals. If you have big amounts of three or four different cards, this procedure will become a lot easier.

      There is also those who utilize a slightly different strategy. They have many equal cards to put on auction and decide to fix a price for 80% of them and another one slightly lower for the other 20%. With this, they manipulate the idea the players have about this card’s market price, and guarantee the sale of at least 20% of the cards. The tests we made with this strategy reveal lower profits than expected.


      FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Price Fixing

      When there are many equal cards on auction from the same seller and at the same price, we’re almost sure about a price fixing case. Avoid buying in these cases.


      Rule #9 – Confuse the Buyers


      Confusing the buyers is an usual strategy real markets use.

      In FIFA 14 Ultimate Team, there are more and more players trying to make the buyers confused. Normally this is done by selling low price cards with similar characteristics to the cards whose buyers are effectively interested in.

      Have you tried buying Puyol without using the filter by name (it is only available in console) ? You’ll have to search the auctions adding club, position and nationality filters. It’s absolutely crazy the amount of the gold Barcelona Spanish centre back cards you’ll find at exorbitant prices. Why? Because Piqué costs too much and Puyol doesn’t. The sellers will try to confuse the buyers by setting a start price for Puyol that is slightly lower than Piqué’s price. Since the cards are very similar and the players know that they have to be quick when finding good opportunities, there’s a huge risk for them to make a big mistake.


      FIFA 14 Ultimate Team - Trading


      With the introduction of the new search by name option, the best strategy is to take advantage of players with more than one In Form version. If you compare two IF cards with the same colour and player, you’ll see that the differences are very small. It’s quite easy to bid the wrong card.


      FIFA 14 Ultimate Team - Trading

      This example is from FUT 13 since there is no any FUT 14 player with two IF’s cards yet


      Rule #10: Use the Trading Methods


      If you want to increase your profits even more, you should try to apply the trading methods for FUT 14 we’ll describe on the next chapter.

      They are a good way to help you understand the market in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team in a deeper way. Use them separately or altogether.



      Trading in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team – Methods


      The tips we gave you are essential for trading correctly. But there are other methods you’ll be able to use in order to improve your success or make these processes faster.

      We will explain now all these methods, one by one. Even if you already know what these methods are about, be sure to read it since you will find several tips that will help you maximize your profits.


      The Hours Method

      How to Make Coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team:  The FUT 14 Trading Ultimate Guide

      If you analyse the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team market carefully, you will notice that prices fluctuate depending on several factors. Some are more or less predictable, others are not.

      The market in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team has more supply and demand during determined hours of the day. The laws of micro-economy tell us that this means a price variation for a card. The time at which we buy or sell a card is one of those factors that we can control.

      If you’re not careful, you may buy at a moment when the prices are higher and sell when the prices are lower. It’s very important that you know the best moment to buy and sell. If you know exactly when these hours are, you can always buy cheap and you can always sell expensive. This is guaranteed profit.

      The information about this subject that circulates amongst the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team community, either on websites or in forums, is often imprecise. They simplify excessively stating that the times with low traffic are the best to buy and the times with high traffic are the best to sell. This is not exact. There is actually a direct relationship between traffic and prices but it is a bit more complex than players FIFA 14 Ultimate Team think.
      Once again we differentiate ourselves: we study the behaviour of hundreds of prices in order to conclude what are really the best times to buy and the best times to sell.

      It is important to start by explaining what we mean by traffic. Traffic is the number of players at any given time, that are actively in the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team market. That is, players that are buying or selling cards.
      Do not confuse this with the amount of cards that are being traded at any given time. The difference between one thing and another has to do with the fact that many players place their items for sale for a period of time corresponding to low traffic.

      The largest markets for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team are those who define the peak traffic hours. Most players are from the UK. Even the reference time zone is London. With some exceptions also arise northern European countries, as Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and the Netherlands. As their time zone is very similar, it is not surprising that there are fewer players in the FUT 14 market when it’s night-time in these countries.

      The times of high and low traffic are graphically represented in the following figure.


      How to Make Coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team:  The FUT 14 Trading Ultimate Guide

      Click above the image to maximize it


      The image above is the result of an extensive study that we conducted. It shows the evolution of the traffic on FUT 14 market over 24 hours a day (London time zone). The times with more players have three times more traffic than the times with less traffic.
      To better analyse the good times and the best times to buy or sell cards, we split the traffic into five categories corresponding to the five colours.

      • Category 1 (orange)
        Hours of very low traffic (from 02 am to 09 am)
      • Time to Buy: Good
        Time to Sell: Bad
        As there are few active players in the market, it is extremely difficult to sell.
        There are also fewer cards to buy but, as competition is low, it is possible to find good opportunities.
        We suggest that, even if you are not active in the market during this period, you should bid in advance on some items that you think are cheap. You will have better chances of getting them.

      • Category 2 (yellow)
        Hours of low traffic (from 09 am to 02 pm and from 00 am to 02 am)
      • Time to Buy: Medium
        Time to Sell: Bad
        At this time there are few buyers and sales are difficult to make.
        Compared with the category 1, there is more competition and therefore purchases are not as good.

      • Category 3 (light green)
        Hours of moderate traffic (from 02 pm to 4 pm and from 11 pm to 12 am)
      • Time to Buy: Bad
        Time to Sell: Medium
        At this time there is enough traffic to sell most of our cards.
        The competition is too fierce for good buys.

      • Category 4 (green)
        Hours of high traffic (from 4 pm to 6 pm and from 21 pm to 11 pm)
      • Time to Buy: Medium
        Time to Sell: Good
        Much traffic means sells.
        Despite the very large competition, it is possible to buy lots of cards at good prices since there are so many different cards to be sold that those who are buying can not see them all. That is, buyers can not refresh the page fast enough to see all the cards that are expiring and some eventually come to an end at very low prices.

      • Category 5 (dark green)
        Hours of very high traffic (from 6 pm to 9 pm)
      • Time to Buy: Good
        Time to Sell: Very Good
        With the traffic at its most, the sales increase dramatically.
        The phenomenon that happens in category 4 is even stronger this time. On top of that is when most inexperienced players come and therefore appear the greatest bargains.


      One of the alerts that we do about this method has to do with the prices of the cards. Just because you are buying on the hours that we define as the low average prices, it does not mean that you’re actioning a good purchase. Make sure that actually the price you are paying by the card is lower than the commonly practised. The opposite is true for sales.

      The hours method is simple. You can apply it as often as you want, whenever you want, and it works very well in conjunction with other methods. Being rich is always an advantage but you do not need to be rich to earn coins with this method.

      Even if you know the market well, which is a requirement, you may be harmed by sudden price fluctuations of the cards. You should always have caution when cards come at low prices. The market may have changed and you have not realized. You may think that low prices are due to the time that you are buying.

      Virtually unlimited.
      It does not require large budgets.

      It requires deep knowledge of the market.
      Sensitive to price fluctuations.



      The Time Method

      How to Make Coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team:  The FUT 14 Trading Ultimate Guide

      Even unconsciously, most of us use the Time Method.
      We know that, in order to make profit, we need to sell items at higher price than the one we have paid for it.

      The time method consists on taking advantage of the best times to buy and the best times to sell.

      The same way there are hours of the day when the cards’ offer and demand vary, there are also events that may change the behaviour of the market. Knowing how to identify these events and what influence they have on the cards’ prices must be every good trader’s characteristic.If you want to become one, then you have to be aware of what days of the week the cards are transacted, the irregular moments of the market from the start to the end of the game, the releases of In Form and UP cards, the transferred players new cards, the moments people buy more packs (such as Christmas and Happy Hours), the new tournaments and what is going on on the real world.

      In a very general way, we can say that the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team cards prices decrease over time. However, their evolution can not be graphically represented by a straight line with negative slope. This is effectively the trend, but along the way there are some fluctuations. To apply the time method you need to know when the price decrease trend inverts.


      If you know how to identify the events that set when the market is interested in buying (higher prices) and when it is interested in selling (lower prices), you can create a lot of profit. Here are the events that you should pay attention to:

      • Days of the Week
      • The three days of the week with highest traffic in the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team market are, respectively, Sunday, Saturday and Monday.

        As we explained in the Hours Method, high traffic times are great to buy but also to sell. Whoever sells in these days have more interested parties that inflate cards prices. Whoever purchases in these days benefits of the high quantity of the cards for sale. There are so many that most of players do not find them since they do not refresh the page fast enough.

        If the weekend is approaching, you should fill your transfer targets list with cards to sell.

      • The start and the end of the Game
      • The FIFA 14 Ultimate Team start is the best time for a trader make profit.

        When the game is launched, the market is very irregular. There are not very large differences between the players cards’ prices: the lower rated players prices are inflated; the top players are cheap since there are not much money in circulation.
        If, for example, you have the luck of buying a Messi card in the early days, after one month you can sell him for a price almost ten times higher.

        One month before the FIFA 15 release is the right time to sell. Soon the cards’ prices will reach its minimum price.

      • The next-gen consoles release
      • Playstation 4 and XBox One brings new FUT players and it may means profit. Usually this is the kind of players that don’t know the market and are not much interested in trading. The last days of november are a good time to take advantage of some bargains.

      • TOTW
      • Every Wednesday, at 6pm of London the time f GMT, a new TOTW (Team of the Week) is launched.

        The regular cards’ prices tend to decrease whenever an In Form version of it is launched in the most recent TOTW. This happens because there are many people trying to sell the NIF to buy the improved cards and, as you know, when the market tends to sell the prices fall.

        If you own one of these regular cards try to sell it as soon as possible. If you are sure that a particular player, in who you are interested, will be the next TOTW, wait a few more days to be able to buy his regular card cheaper.

      • TOTY and TOTS
      • The release of a TOTY or a TOTS has a slightly different effect on what happens with a TOTW.

        At such times there are a lot of people buying packages to try their luck. Most of them have to sell their cards to get coins for the investment. What ends up happening is a considerable price reduction of all FIFA 14 Ultimate Team cards.

      • UP
      • Whenever the rating and the attributes of a player are revised upwards, which usually happens in January or February, this previous regular card undergoes a strong devaluation. This decrease is even greater if it is launched a UP card for a player that already has an IF card.

      • Transfers
      • If a player moves to a more popular club or league, the price of his new card will be higher. Otherwise, it will be lower.

        The old card will become increasingly rare, as it will not come in packages any more, so its price will increase after a few weeks.

      • New IF
      • Every time a new IF card is released for a player who already has one, the earlier versions become devalued.

      • Christmas
      • There are a few times of the year in which packages sales are higher. Christmas is the greatest of them.

        When it happens, prices go down because many players put on sale the cards that they received in the packages.

      • Happy Hours
      • In Happy Hours special packages are put on sale, increasing exponentially the number of sales.

        Also during this period cards’ prices reach the lower values returning to its normal after it.

      • Tournaments
      • In the early hours of a tournament and in the first hours after it, the average cards’ prices usually changes a lot. The higher the value of the prize, the greater the changes will be.

        The requirements of the tournaments affect the cards’ prices. For example: if the tournament requires silver players, the trend is to have many people buying silver players at the beginning of the tournament and discarding them at bargain prices at the end of it.

      • IRL Performance
      • Who thinks that what happens IRL (In Real Life) does not affect the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team market, are extremely wrong.

        The good performances of players in big matches increase the number of people who want to play with them and consequently their prices in the market.
        Even the great victories of some clubs, since they have mediatic impact, makes the price of their players rise in the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team market.


      The major optimization that you can make in this method has to do with the reaction time.
      Try to be as fast as possible when the chance is created. Many other players have the same idea that you had but only the first is able to apply the method successfully.

      The Time Method is based on knowing the market and its behaviour.
      A good trader cannot live without it. Especially because it offers several ways to achieve profit and it works very well in conjunction with other methods.

      Even if you know the market well, which is a requirement, you may be harmed by sudden price fluctuations of the cards. You should always have caution when cards come at prices that are too low. The market may have changed, and you have not realized and you may think that the low prices are the effect of the time that you are buying.

      High success rate

      It requires deep knowledge of the market.
      Sensitive to price fluctuations.



      The 59th Minute Method

      How to Make Coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team:  The FUT 14 Trading Ultimate Guide

      In FIFA 14 Ultimate Team there are, at the same time, hundreds of thousands of items for sale. In general, market laws work perfectly and the demand curve crosses the supply curve in a point that sets the price of the item.

      However, in a small minority of cases, the seller sets a price much lower than normal. If in these auctions the “Buy Now” is triggered, then it creates a good business opportunity. Just find out these cards and make the purchase before someone anticipates. The problem is that everyone will want to buy bargains and, to get them, you will have to be very quick and clever.

      By default, the duration of any item that is auctioned is one hour. This means that the last cards to be put into circulation can be found on the 59th minute of bids’ list. If you update the page several times, you can find the cards on sale and buy them.

      Who puts items on sale at prices far below what buyers are willing to pay for them. They do it through ignorance of the market or simply by mistake. Did you know that there are silver cards that worth more than half a million coins ? Apparently you could also get rid of a card that others would consider a bargain. And, thanks to the supersonic speed at which we put the items for sale, who never made a mistake in giving them a wrong price?


      Most of the players who bet on 59th Minute Method believe that this is the only way to build a good squad. They spend some time trying to make a small fortune and most of them just give up. It takes too much time and patience.

      If you want to take advantage of the time spent to apply the method, always follow the three golden rules: filter with intelligence, be original and use the variants.


      Filter Intelligently with the 59th Minute Method

      One of the recommendations that we do is to not search for all FIFA 14 Ultimate Team players on page of 59 minutes and 50 seconds. Firstly, because the way to get to this page is too long and you will probably quit. Secondly, because the information you will need to examine is so extensive that is almost impossible for you to know the real market price of all cards.

      To make use of filters intelligently is halfway to success. Here is what is important to do:

      • Define a market sample that you know well

      Choose a single nationality, a single league or even a single player. If you know the market well that, you are sampling, you can easily identify the targets to buy and master this procedure quicker. However, you should be aware that if the filter is too restrictive, then the speed will not be important because you will never see any interesting card. The trick is to create a balanced filter for a market which you are an expert and constantly update the page closer to 59 minutes and 59 seconds. To reach this page, there are those who use special software such as auto-click. A more effective option but least honest is the use of specific software such as Cheat Engine.

      • Do not search the same thing as others

      Needless to say that is a bad strategy to make a filter only for a regular Messi card. There are many gamers looking for the highest possible profit. So, there are many people making filters for Messi cards. Try something different. Try filter something you have real chance to get.

      • Pay attention to the number of cards that circulate in the market

      The odds of doing business are higher if the chosen filter covers cards that trade a lot in the market. Is better to bet, for example, on regular player’s cards like Torres, Fabregas and Tevez, which reaches over 1,000 transactions per day, than do it with Lampard and Pique, who usually do not exceed 400 cards exchanged.

      • Pay attention to the value of the cards filtered

      Naturally, applying the 59th Minute Method to cards that are worth 1,000 or 2,000 coins is very unrewarding. Those who lose so much time expect a consistent reward. When you apply the filter, you must be careful to select cards with some monetary expression. Finding a Thiago Silva at half price is not quite the same thing as finding a Mario Gomez at half price…


      Be Original with 59th Minute Method

      In a market full of buyers hungry for doing good business, it is not enough to be very quick to succeed in the 59th Minute Method. You must predict how most of the gamers think and get alternatives. Basically, dribbling competition.

      Try to bet, for example, in filters of less known leagues. If you have success, maintain and keep this secret. Otherwise, keep trying to innovate.

      Unless you consider yourself someone caressed by good luck, do not try to filter by players who are currently highlighted in the real world. These players are those who have more searches. Remember that people who play FIFA 14 Ultimate Team, love football too.

      Leaving aside your emotions is another requirement to increase your chances of success with the 59th Minute Method. Forget your preferences for players and clubs. By doing so, you will not only increase the sample size, as you will be away from most of the trends.

      One of the most important tips is about the type of card. The overwhelming majority of users search for high profits. They are restricted to players. However, the number of people that discard items of another type at sale price is huge.

      Try searching for stadiums, contracts or staff newly launched and you will realize that it is not difficult to find them at prices much lower. Besides the existence of less competition, making it easier you can actually buy, going to the page of 59 minutes is a lot less painful. It is obvious that the profit margins are smaller, but is better to buy 10 items with 1,000 profit each, than one with 5,000 coins margin.


      Use Variants to the 59th Minute Method

      Much of the success of the 59th Minute Method has to do with the fact that the default duration for an auction is one hour. But we can change that.

      FIFA U Team estimate that more than two thirds of the players change this period to 3, 6, 12, 24 or 72 hours. This means that if you belong to the group that strictly follow the 59th Minute Method, you are losing a large part of deals. Instead of looking at the page of 59 minutes, try doing it with the pages that precede the other durations on auction. Although the number of items sold at bargain price is lower, you will have much less competition. And it will be even lower because there are few who can navigate pages so far. It is here that you must re-apply the filter and the originality rules and beat your opponents.


      It is easy to understand the advantages of applying this method. With it we can buy bargains, which otherwise would not be possible. If we are very persistent, we can even make a great team spending too little. Basically, we go to the right place to wait for bad luck or ignorance of some.

      The main disadvantage of this method is that it requires lots of time. Firstly, we must get to 59th minute page, which sometimes it may seems like an eternity. There arrived, we have to invest much time to examine all the cards that have just been launched on the market. We can spend hours without getting a single good buy.

      If you are considering trying this method, we warn you that you must have lots of time available and be extremely patient, especially in cases where you lose a good deal by mere seconds.

      This method also requires something essential: a deep knowledge of the market. If you do not know the normal price of a card, how could you quickly identify if the item price recently released is a good opportunity or not? If you are familiar with the reference values ​​of the cards then you can avoid the hesitation at time of purchase often responsible for losing the deal. Not know the fair price of a card may result in bad purchases and consequent losses.

      In some cases, the profit can be extremely high.

      Requires a very deep knowledge of the market and of the game rules.
      Requires lots of time to get to 59th minute page and to research the cards.
      The pressure to act quickly can take to mistakes.



      The Last Minute Method

      How to Make Coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team:  The FUT 14 Trading Ultimate Guide

      In the Last Minute Method, you try to take advantage of some good opportunities in the last minute of auction.

      If you pay attention to the auctions that are ending and if you have a good knowledge of the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team market, you can filter and bid the most attractive cards.

      This method only works if there are cards with very attractive prices on the last minute of the auctions. And yes, there are. Many times the prices remain low until the end because, consciously or not, most of the people apply this method. They know that if they bid long before the end of the auction, they will eventually be overcome. That’s why they wait for the last few seconds to try to buy the cards they want.

      There are three main reasons for sellers that place cards with prices below the actual market value.
      The first one is by not knowing the market. The second is by mistake. And the third is by strategy. The truth is that it is proven that the cards with lower initial prices ​​are those that end up being sold at higher prices. This often happens because these cards call attention to several players who start a contest, exceeding the amount that they would normally offer by an identical card.


      There are two important things to be successful in this method: to know how to filter and understanding the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team market very well

      Firstly you should know that trying to find opportunities amidst all the players cards is almost an impossible task. There are too many cards, so you will not be able to follow them all and also will not know the fair price for all of them. The trick is to filter the cards, focusing only on a specific niche. Choose a league, a nationality or even a club, and try to find the cards whose auction is ending and that have a good price.

      Applying a filter will help you to detect better opportunities. You should study the filtered cards market very well. Make it through a database or through your transfer targets list. Knowing well the prices that the cards are usually sold will allow you to be quick and without hesitation in the last seconds of the auction.

      There are other minor optimization tactics but with small expression.
      When a card has no bids, it is better to do it at 15 seconds from the end. Bidding as late as possible will draw less attention, without turning the clock back.
      When a card has multiple bids, it is better to bid over and over at the last second to try to exhaust the patience of competition.


      This method is easy to apply and virtually inexhaustible. But it only works if the player has a deep knowledge of the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team market. The profits will arise but always in small doses. You will have to spend a lot of time to collect coins in small bursts.

      This method has another disadvantage: the danger of bid jacking. You must be careful to make sure that the price that you will bid is actually the one that you are willing to pay.

      Easy to apply.
      Virtually infinite.
      Requires a very deep knowledge of the market
      Time consuming.
      Danger of bid jacking.


      The Enhancement Method

      How to Make Coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team:  The FUT 14 Trading Ultimate Guide

      When you sell a player, you should reflect on the price the features that your card has. The better they are, the more expensive they will be.

      The enhancement method consists on buying normal cards and value them mostly by applying training and development cards.

      The first thing to do in the Enhancement Method is to identify players whose improved cards may have more demand in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. After you buy the “normal” card, improve it through at least one of the following methods:

      • increase the contracts by applying contract cards;
      • increase the fitness by applying fitness cards;
      • natural fitness increase by placing the player on your bench or in your reserves
      • modification of the player’s favourite position by applying training position cards;
      • temporary modification of at least one of the player’s attributes by applying training cards;
      • modification of the player’s chemistry style by applying chemistry styles cards;
      • modification of the manager’s league by applying manager’s league cards;

      To have profit, the cost of the improvements should be at least 5% below the price rise that you set to that card.


      One of the most important ideas in optimization of this method has to do with the choice of cards that you will improve.
      The enhancement method works much better when done with cards whose initial price is high. It is easy to imagine why. Who buys a player for 300k coins will not be too worried about spending an extra 1k coins to get a contract bonus. Who buys a player for 1k coins will not double the cost just to get this improvement. Improve always expensive players if you want to really make money with this method. But optimization does not end here.

      • Fitness
      • The fitness improvement of the players is the one that has less economic expression in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. Although it is easy to make, and in some cases even free, we do not recommend that you spend too much time with it.

      • Attributes
      • If you get cheap training cards you can try to improve the attributes of the players before putting them on sale.
        However, since this effect lasts only a match, most of people are not willing to pay more for this type of player that has an improved card.
        The major target of this kind of card are the misinformed players who think that the effect lasts forever.

      • Manager’s Leagues
      • This is something new in FUT 14, so there will be no much competition on the beginning.
        In FUT 14, there is one extra individual chemistry point to the player that has the same nationality of the manager or play in the same league. To build a hybrid squad, for example, you will need a manager with the right league and right nationality. Try to buy the cards of the most popular leagues, as BPL or BBVA, and apply them to the managers with the most popular nationalities.

      • Contracts
      • The managers are responsible for the optimization that you can make with regards to contracts.
        If you have enough managers in your club for a contract boost of 50%, it means that your cost to improve the players cards may be lower than the cost that buyers have. If it happens, you can easily sell players for a higher price since both sides are profiting.

      • Chemistry Styles
      • You can earn a lot of coins doing this.
        Try to buy the chemistry styles cards that have the higher pace improvement (3 points), such as shadow or hunter, at low price, apply them to players and sell them to anyone looking to optimize their chemistry.

      • Position
      • This is probably the improvement that is most profitable with this method.
        Firstly, because there are many people who do not know how to change the preferred position of a player. The ones that know how to do it, not always have the patience to find the right cards at an auction with a filter system very inefficient.
        To optimize this method you should choose whether to be original or not.
        In the first case, the differentiation can bring you a lot of coins. Imagine how many David Luiz IF ST there are. Few or none. If you have the only one in the transfer list, it means that you have no competition and so you can set the price you want.
        If you do not want to be so original, you can focus on the most frequently used positions. Try to find good players that are released in packs in undesirable positions. Applying a CF-ST card to Rooney or a LW-LM card to Hazard can be a added value for most of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team players.


      The enhancement method can give you some significant profit but requires, in addition to some work, that you master it well.
      To achieve good profits, you should have a comfortable budget and you should study the market very well to know what they are willing to offer for each of the improvements.

      Reasonable profit margins if well implemented.
      Requires some work.
      Requires deep knowledge of the market.


      The In Form Cards Method

      How to Make Coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team:  The FUT 14 Trading Ultimate Guide

      There are markets more predictable than others. This predictability is what differs a risk market from a safe market for you to invest. In FIFA 14 Ultimate Team, the In Form market is more or less predictable, so it should be good for you to invest. Many FUT 14 players don’t know this standard behaviour the IF market has, since there’s not much concurrence. A low risk market with little concurrence is desirable for every good trader. You’ll just have to sell when the prices are high and buy when they are low.


      The IF cards are special editions of the players’ cards who stood out in the real world for their good performances. These cards, of limited release on packages for up to a week, have improved players attributes and are therefore extremely valuable face to its normal version. There are several kinds of In Form cards, depending of the competition in which the player stood out: TOTW, TOTY, MOTM or TOTS. To learn more about IF cards, please read THIS guide.

      Those who carefully study these cards will realize that the prices of all of them have a behaviour more or less predictable over time.
      If you know when the price of an In Form card will be low and when it will be high, you can buy and then sell it with the guarantee that you will always profit.


      It is true that there is a pattern in the behaviour of the In Form cards prices but you need a lot of attention to all the factors that can make it vary.
      Examples of In Form players whose price may be inflated for other reasons:

      • Players with a great improvement on pace attribute;
      • Very popular players or players of very popular leagues;
      • Players whose rating increased to 74 (the higher of silver level)
      • Players whose positions were changed;
      • Players who already had a very high rating;
      • Players who already had another In Form card;
      • Players who do not have competition in a certain position for a particular league or nationality;

      If you pay attention to the real world of football, you can guess some of the players that will be released in a IF version. This anticipation of knowledge can also be monetized in coins. NIF cards tend to get cheaper when the IF card of that player is launched. And it’s easy to see why: who wants to upgrade, sells the Not In Form card very cheap to have coins to invest on the In Form card.

      The most important thing in this method is to know the pattern of the IF cards prices in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. We analysed the behaviour of hundreds In Form cards prices during the 12 days preceding its release. But we only found a very regular pattern on the TOTW cards.


      FIFA 14 Ultimate Team - In Form Cards Method - trading

      Click over the image to maximize it


      The image above is the result of an extensive study that we conducted. It shows the evolution of the TOTW cards average prices over the 12 days after its launch.
      To better analyse, we split the evolution into four categories corresponding to the four colours.

      • Category 1 (orange)
        Day 1 to Day 2
      • Every time a new IF card is released, it does not take long until someone puts it on the auction market. As at that time there’s nobody selling it, the seller can set the price that they want for it. The prices of these cards at this time are unrealistically high.

      • Category 2 (yellow)
        Day 2 to Day 5
      • Over the TOTW week’s, more IF cards are released in packages and more IF cards come up on the auction market. The prices tend to decrease continuously, but more smoothly than from the first day to the second one.

      • Category 3 (green)
        Day 5 to Day 7
      • This is the right time to make business. Between the fifth and sixth day, the market is saturated with In Form cards and reaches the minimum price. It is the right time to buy.
        But, on the seventh day, the In Form cards stop being to be released in packages and the market feels it. The IF cards that were previously at low prices will no longer be available except in the market and in lower quantities. The players realize that and the prices of these cards increase again. It is the right time to sell.

      • Category 4 (blue)
        Day 7 to Day 12
      • After the seventh day, the In Form cards become rarer and rarer, because they do not appear in packages anymore. This is because many players have acquired them for their teams. However, its price tends to decrease slowly as is the generality of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team cards.
        Depending on the card in question, in the long term prices may go up. There are many players who make the investment and wait several weeks to monetize it.


      The major advantage of this method is to become possible to achieve profits that cannot be reached with most of other methods. Since the IF cards are expensive, the profit margin of this method is high.

      However, if you are a beginner in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team, you may experience some difficulties to apply it. You must have a good knowledge of the market and you should know how to defend from the unpredictability of prices behaviour. While there is a pattern, it is always subject to fluctuations that can ruin your business.

      Chance of very high profits

      It requires deep knowledge of the market.
      Sensitive to price fluctuations.



      Price Fixing

      How to Make Coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team:  The FUT 14 Trading Ultimate Guide

      Any company dreams about being able to win against the concurrence, even if in order to do that it would be necessary to buy the other company, so that they can rule the market. This means, as we have seen, that the consumers will not be the ones to define the prices of the products any more. The price will now be fixed by the seller, which naturally implies very considerable profit possibilities.

      The Price Fixing, also known as monopoly, is considered cheating by some players but the truth is that it is a good marketing strategy. It is one of the most advanced trading techniques in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. It consists in acquiring a big quantity of the same card so you can fix its price on the market and get high profits. It’s not an easy method, even because it implies much availability and a big budget, but the profits can be fantastic.

      To apply this method, you should know the market very well and choose the niche which you will attack. Focus preferentially on a single card. Try to buy all of them on the market except those which are at an unrealistically high price. After buying almost all the cards, store them for at least a few hours. This will make the market feel the lack of these letters and players will be willing to pay a good price for them.
      The next step is to monetize your investment. You can put the cards on sale at the price you want. As you hold almost every card, you can set your price. Obviously if you are too ambitious, you may not find anyone who will pay for them. As the goal is to be the only holder of that card, you should continue to buy it even after starting its sale. In that case, buy all the cards that are on sale at a lower price than the one you set.

      The Price Fixing is very popular to the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team players. However, due to its complexity, it is very rarely applied. Please read carefully our tips in order to have success with this method:

      • You don’t need to buy all the cards
      • Many Price Fixing beginners think that in order to set the price, they need to buy all the cards. This is not true.
        If you are applying the method to a particular card, you do not need to buy the cards that have a higher price that the one you have set.
        Imagine, for example, that you are buying all Bundesliga Manager cards. If your goal is to set the price at x coins, then all the cards are on the market at a higher price are not relevant to you because they will not give you profits and they will not disturb your plan.

      • Don’t make Price Fixing alone
      • This method gives a lot of work, since you have to monitor all the cards that are released in the market, and it requires that you have a very large budget. Doing it alone is just for some.
        Many players choose to apply it in partnership with others because the chances of success are greater. They can monitor the market in shifts and they have higher liquidity for investments.

      • Store the largest possible number of cards
      • One of the Price Fixing problems has to do with where to store all that cards. The most common solutions are:

        To make Price Fixing in partnership with other players;

        To acquire in the EASFC catalogue the items that increase the size of the transfer list and transfer targets;

        To use other accounts to temporarily store cards (we do not recommend this trick because we believe it is lack of fair play);

      • Choose the cards well that you will set the price of
      • Most of the players choose the wrong cards to make Price Fixing. They do that because they do not realize that the FUT 14 market works like a real market.
        The fewer cards there in the auctions, the easier it will be to set a high price.
        To choose gold cards or very popular cards is a bad strategy. They are continually being released in packs and you will have great difficulty in monitor them and buy them all.

        If you have enough budget, the ideal target for Price Fixing are the In Form cards. They are released in packages for a very limited time, which means that it is extremely easy for you to control them and set the price you want.

      • Do not sell many cards at once
      • When you start selling the cards that you bought, you should not place many cards in the auction at once. Remember that being rare is what makes them valuable.

        Also avoid putting several cards in row for sale on the transfer market. It will become clear that you are Price Fixing, which can be proved by the name of ‘Seller’. In that case, buyers will tend to give up on the cards.


        Price Fixing is widely used since it allows to achieve profits that few other methods offer. Only that justifies all the work it entails.
        >In addition to a good knowledge of the market and a generous budget to buy all the cards that exist and that are appearing, this method requires great rigor and availability. If you get distracted for a few hours, when you come back you can find the market full of cheap cards bringing down the value of your entire stock.

        If well applied, it is one of the best paid.
        Shielded to market fluctuations

        Requires deep knowledge of the market.
        Requires a large budget.
        Very laborious.



        The Maintenance Method

        How to Make Coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team: The FUT 14 Trading Ultimate Guide

        Markets are not perfect. Not even in reality, neither in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team.
        Cards stuck in transfer targets list, players who disappeared, FIFA Points that never entered into our account. All those who play FIFA 14 Ultimate Team are aware of these and other problems with this game mode. The only way that EA has to try to solve them is to perform maintenance to their systems. As if that were not bad enough, EA also performs periodical routine actions. Nobody likes to be deprived temporarily of the game for which have paid but we have to know to take advantage of bad times. That’s what this method does.

        When EA performs a maintenance operation that prevents players from accessing FIFA 14 Ultimate Team, the market does not stop.
        This is the window of opportunity that must be seized.

        If an auction expires during an outage or maintenance period, the auction will be completed, and accept the last bid made prior to the outage or maintenance.

        EA recommends that for any high value items, the players should utilize the minimum bid option so that they can set the minimum amount they would be willing to accept for the item. This will ensure they get a fair price for their item, should bidding be halted due to downtime with FUT 14. However, many people do not follow this recommendation. Most of them do not know when the maintenances are. This is because many of these interruptions are not announced. Many others players do not know the rules of the auction during these stops, allowing their cards to be sold at bargain prices.

        The maintenance method consists in to know when the interruption will take place and tobid on as many cheap cards as possible. If no one else bids until the beginning of the maintenance, the cards will be yours.


        The optimization of this method is extremely important. This allows you to pass from reasonable profit to millionaire profit.
        Almost all the optimization is made at the time of bidding. You should focus on the items that you will bid for and the timing of bidding. These are the two main aspects which we will cover with a bit more detail.


        Filter items to bid

        To filter the items that you’ll bid on is critical to being successful in this method.

        We encourage you to bid on a large number of cards, because many of them will eventually be overcome. However, there may be a problem: your budget. It is therefore important that you bid intelligently. Follow our advice:

        • Bid cards with large profit margins
        • Why bid for contracts in which you can earn 100 or 200 coins when you have a whole market full of cards, worth thousands of coins, waiting for you?
          The opposite way is not always the best solution. That is, Messi and Ronaldo are rarely offered for sale with a low starting price, so it will be too hard to find one which you can make a bid.
          Among the players who worth tens of thousands of coins, try to find those who their prices are at least 50% below and bid on them.

        • Bid on cards with large quantities on the market
        • By filtering cards which exist in large quantities in the market, you will make your work easier. It will be easier to identify the normal value of these cards and to find more bargains.

        • Bid on cards that other players usually don’t bid on
        • This method is poorly known but probably there are those who use it. To beat the competition, the idea is to bid on cards that players usually only bid at the end of the auction. Your offers will have more chances to not be exceeded. Differentiate yourself in the filters that you use and you may have a whole market just for you.

        If you had difficulty understanding our tips, an example will help.
        Think about the market of positioning cards. The cards CF-ST, for example, can be sold between 8k and 4k, depending of the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team age. They are a great target for this method.
        First for allowing a reasonable profit, since many are put up for sale for 150 coins. Then for existing in large quantities so that it is possible to bid on dozens of these cards in just a couple of minutes. Finally, they are also a good niche because most of the players only bid on these cards in the last seconds of an auction, keeping its price low until there. If the auction is over before the ending of the outage, you may be able to buy dozens of cards with a profit of a few thousand coins to each one. Easy, no?


        Choosing a good timing to bid

        To choose the right timing to bid is more important than to use the filters well..

        This method is based on being the last to bid on an item before the maintenance. There are some precautions that are extremely important:

        • Start early
        • Do not wait for the last minute to bid. Try to do it 30 minutes before the start of the maintenance scheduled. You will need time to search for the cards that interest you. As the allocated maintenance time gets closer, there is less time for other players to overcome your bids and your chances of success increase exponentially. Book this period for the targets which you consider most important.
          If you want to take full advantage, you can make some preparatory work before starting to bid, noting potential targets and their normal market prices ​​in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team.

        • Use the Transfer Targets List
        • This is probably the most valuable advice we can give you. Two or three minutes before the start of the outage, when you have already bid on dozens of items, exit from the transfer list and focus only on your transfer targets list. That way, you can ensure a higher success rate because you quickly identify the bids that were overcome.
          Always bid until the start of the maintenance. In FIFA 14 Ultimate Team, most of the times, it delays 10 to 15 minutes.

        • Take advantage of the whole period of maintenance
        • Typically, the maintenances last a few hours. The vast majority of bidding occurs in the last hour that the cards are up for auction. It’s a smart move to bid for cards with more than an hour before the auction expires and less than the scheduled duration of the maintenance. The probability to be exceeded will be very low.
          We recommend that, if you find good deals, you should bid on cards that expire just a few minutes after the end of maintenance. In these first moments, the number of people in the market is very low.


        This is undoubtedly one of the most profitable methods in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. Profit margins are huge. Furthermore, the fact that most of the scheduled maintenance will be done in times of low traffic, means that the competition is lower.

        The less positive aspect of this method has to do with the fact that it can be applied only at certain times. Still, at least twice a month there are service interruptions that can be exploited for great deals. The main problem is to be informed of when the maintenances will occur.

        Profit margins are huge.
        Great ratio time spent vs profit.
        Being dependent on the performance of maintenances.
        Difficult to to know when there will be maintenances.


        The Consoles Method

        How to Make Coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team:  The FUT 14 Trading Ultimate Guide

        In any other market, whoever has privileged information will be in a good position to obtain big profits. In the case of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team, it doesn’t exist but can be found through price models that compare the behaviour of the PS3 to the XBox360 market.

        If you know how the market will behave in the future, you can take advantage of this and buy and sell cards in order to become rich. The Consoles Method consists on taking advantage of the cards prices behaviour predictability of one platform depending on what happens with the other one.

        If you ever carefully analysed the evolution of FIFA 14 Ultimate Team prices on different platforms, you will have noticed that their behaviour is the same for the PS3 and for the Xbox 360. The PC market is too irregular. The average cards prices are higher for PS3 but the evolution over time show almost a carbon copy for both consoles.
        Most of the time, the cards become more expensive or cheaper simultaneously on PS3 and XBox. However, if you notice that a price has changed on the console which you do not usually play, you know that it will happen very soon on your console.
        Information is power. Buy the cards with prices that will increase and sell the cards with prices that will drop. This is profit …
        If you usually play FIFA 14 Ultimate Team on XBox, then you have a slight advantage. The difference is very small but it seems that the PS3 market is usually the first to react.


        To optimize this method it is important to improve the cards prices control on both platforms.
        There are two ways to do it:

        • Decrease the number of cards analysed

        It is impossible to control all the FIFA 14 Ultimate Team prices. If you want to increase your chances of success choose a niche and follow the prices that evolve from this group of cards. Preferably, choose regular cards (not IF) with high Card Weight.

        • Use a database

        On some occasions, the database can be extremely useful. This is one of them. To easily monitor the prices that evolve on the PS3 and XBox market, use a database, such as ultimatedb.nl. This allows you to know the price history of any card. It has the disadvantage of not being updated in real time, which can be crucial in many cases, but at least your work becomes much easier.

        FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Trading- Consoles Method

        If you use a database to compare the prices of the same card in the PS3 and XBox market, do it always to the average price (blue line)


        This method is very original and rarely used, so the competition is almost zero.
        Someone who knows how to use perfectly can make a fortune.

        The vast majority of players only have FIFA 14 Ultimate Team for one of the platforms. They have to use a database to track market prices on another console. This means that they always will be delayed thanks to the database.
        The Consoles Method requires highly experienced players with a great analytical mind. It is therefore very difficult to apply.

        Chance of good profits
        Low competition

        Very difficult to apply
        Requires highly experienced players
        Preferably players must have FIFA 14 Ultimate Team on both consoles



        Trading in FUT 14 – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


        Q: What’s the best way to earn coins in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team ?
        A: For most cases, trading is the best way to earn coins.

        Q: How can I know the price a card is normally being sold for ?
        A: Use a database or, even better, use your transfer target list.

        Q: I don’t have much time to trade. Should I give up ?
        A: If your availability is limited it won’t be easy to make many coins. Bet on cards that are launched in small amounts. Even having little time, try to be always selling. Adjust the auction duration for this.

        Q: How to I increase the size of the transfer list and transfer target list ?
        A: Buy their correspondent items in the EASFC Catalogue. See HERE how to do it. The consumables pile has no limit in FUT 14.

        Q: Should I invest in players, staff, consumables or items club ?
        A: There is no better cards. You can make profit with almost any card. Items Club is probably the most difficult one since you will not be rich just trading these cards. The consumables seems to be a better option than staff cards because in FUT 14 you can store how many of these cards you want. However, if you really want to make huge profits, you should try the players cards.

        Q: My transfer targets list is full. What can I do ?
        A: Your transfer target only shows 10 pages but you can still buying cards. Just remove the expired ones, go to other menu and return to your transfer target list. The new cards will take the empty slots.

        Q: For what price should I sell my cards ?
        A: You should choose the start price for your auction according to the quantity of cards you have for sale, your availability and principally the study you have done on the cards you already sold.

        Q: Why I shouldn’t set a low start price ?
        A: Because if an auction expires during an outage or maintenance period, the auction will be completed, and accept the last bid made prior to the outage or maintenance.

        Q: Should I set a Buy It Now price ?
        A: In our opinion, yes. For better results, fix a BIN about 10% higher to the start price.

        Q: Out of the 9 methods presented, which one is the better ?
        A: There’s no best method. Some may results better for you and others for us. Read each one of the methods and the corresponding explanation and you’ll know the advantages and disadvantages that each one has.


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