Learn how to defend in FC 25. Follow our tips and suggestions to stop opponents from getting past you.
FC 25 Defending


Defending encompasses the techniques and maneuvers employed by a player to thwart their opponent’s goal-scoring attempts. It entails maneuvering players to intercept passes, execute tackles, and uphold defensive positions. Effective defending hinges on a blend of player proficiency, tactical acumen, and well-timed interventions to thwart the opponent’s advances and reclaim possession of the ball.

Defending is an absolute game-changer when it comes to winning a match, but it’s no walk in the park. You need skill, patience, and precise timing. If you’ve been having a tough time defending in EA FC 25, trust us, you’re not alone.

At times, halting those counterattacks might seem daunting, and defending one-on-one in the box can be a headache. To compound matters, EA has equipped attackers with new tools, such as precision passing and fresh skill moves. And let’s not even delve into the control sprint, akin to an ankle-breaking superpower for attackers. Undoubtedly, it’s a tough year for defenders. Nonetheless, there are still some crafty maneuvers you can execute to catch attackers off guard and maintain that clean sheet.

How to Defend in FC 25

We will share with you the best tips on how to defend in FC 25.

Use the Jockey Button (L2/LT)
In EA FC 25, mastering the jockey button is pivotal for effective defending. It enhances positioning and interception capabilities. Maintain a distance of approximately one meter from the attacker and anticipate their movements. Once the timing is optimal, apply pressure and intercept the ball. Utilizing the sprint button (R2/RB) in conjunction with the jockey button proves beneficial when defending against speedy wingers, albeit with caution due to reduced agility. Practice employing the jockey button strategically, adapting it to various situations such as sprint duels or space blocking.

Add an Extra Defender
In EA FC 25, the second man press is a valuable tactic for applying additional pressure on the opposing team. Activate it by pressing R1/RT, which prompts a green arrow above the player, intensifying pressure on the ball carrier. However, exercise caution to avoid overusing it, as excessive pressure can disrupt your defensive formation and leave vulnerabilities behind the defense.

Time your Tackles
The jockey button is often sufficient for regaining possession from your opponent. When used up close, your player can easily take the ball. This makes the tackle button generally unnecessary. We recommend minimal use of the tackle button to avoid committing fouls and giving the opposing team a potential advantage. Of course, tactical fouls may be needed at times, as in real football.

Do not Run in for a Tackle
It’s important to remember that rushing in for a tackle can compromise your position on the field. For instance, if your center-back aggressively tackles your opponent, it leaves your defense vulnerable should the tackle fail. Therefore, avoid the urge to constantly press the pressure and tackle buttons, and instead, lure your opponent into making a heavy touch. Once they make such a mistake, seize the opportunity to steal the ball from their feet.

Only Slide if Needed
Slides are the last resort in defending, just like tackling. Only use sliding when there’s no other option to intercept the ball or thwart the attack, as it’s a significant risk and can lead to the opponent escaping if you miss the ball.

Use Player Switching
Player switching is a critical skill in EA FC 25, offering significant advantages when mastered. You have three player switching options, with L1/LT for quick changes. It’s advisable to customize your settings for player switching, selecting the player closest to the ball or another nearby player. Nonetheless, it’s essential to master player switching with the right joystick for greater precision and faster responses.

Anticipate Opponent Movements
Know how to defend in FC 25 against dangerous passes, especially through balls, is crucial. Recognize and shield passing lanes to prevent fatal through balls, as they can be very threatening in counter-attacks. Stay ahead of the attacker by switching to the right defender, ensuring you cover the potential spaces behind the defense. Instead of pressuring the ball, focus on tracking the attacker making a dangerous run to anticipate their movements and prevent them from getting behind your defense.

Choose the Best PlayStyles
When assembling your squad, it’s vital to take into account specific defensive PlayStyles. Firstly, ‘Block’ augments your reach and effectiveness in blocking shot attempts, making it indispensable for center backs tasked with thwarting shots in the box. Next, ‘Jockey’ emerges as a pivotal PlayStyle, enhancing sprint jockeying speed, crucial for maintaining tight coverage against opponents capable of rapid changes in pace. Lastly, ‘Intercept’ enhances your reach and success rate in intercepting passes, thereby impeding the ball’s easy return to the attacker.
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