EA Sports Has Followed Our Recommendations for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team

EA Sports Has Followed Our Recommendations for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team


Last June we published an article with five simple suggestions to a better FIFA 14. It was not a wishlist. It was a urgent list of changes. We sent it to EA Sports and now that the game is coming, it seems that they actually listened us. EA Sports has followed all our recommendations for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team ! Thank you..


Our Recommendations for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team – Adjustments in Injuries System

EA Sports has followed our recommendations for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team

The Problem
In FUT 13 online matches, an injured player can play. In other words, there are no injuries. This change compared to what happened in previous FUT versions is probably because part of the community did not agree to stay without their players up to 5 matches. The problem is that in this case it makes no sense to have healing and physios cards in the game. And they exist…

Our Suggestion
There are two solutions for this problem: having injuries back or removing the healing and physios cards of the game. In our opinion, the injuries should be reintroduced but with shorter downtimes (until 3 matches). Also, the gold healing cards effect should be of 3 matches and not 5 matches as it happens right now.

What They Did
Online Injuries are back in FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. The injuries will be reintroduced probably with shorter downtimes (until 3 matches), exactly as we asked.


Our Recommendations for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team – Adjustments in Morale System

EA Sports has followed our recommendations for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team

The Problem
Have you ever tried to find a player with low morale on the auction house ? And in your squad, how many of your players are with low morale ? Probably none. The reason is simple: the morale system redesigned in FIFA 13 was built to be very uncommon to find a player with low morale. It makes no sense to have four morale categories (Very high, high, neutral and low) if there is almost no one in one of them.
Besides that, there is also a small bug that returns different morale categories to the same card in the auction search page and in the Bio of that player.

Our Suggestion
In our opinion, the morale system should be fixed in order to get a higher dispersion of morale conditions.

What They Did
There will be no more morale in FUT. It is a very nice way to solve the problem that we have explained.


Our Recommendations for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team – Individual Chemistry Signs Improvements

EA Sports has followed our recommendations for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team

The Problem
The position or the formation of a player in the game may be in one of the four following situations: it matches with his natural position or his favourite formation, it is very similar, it has some similarities or it is very different. However, in the active squad screen, there are only three colours (green, orange and red) to show these four situations. We understand that EA Sports wants to make the game as simple as possible but, in our opinion, they are denying to gamers important and useful information for building a team with good chemistry.

Our Suggestion
In our opinion, the introduction of another colour (yellow, for example) would be enough to distinguished between these two situations that now are both coloured as orange.

What They Did
Formation will have no more impact on Chemistry. So, there will be no more graphical signs. Problem solved.


Our Recommendations for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team – Individual Chemistry Calculation Fixes

EA Sports has followed our recommendations for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team

The Problem
Not always the individual chemistries on the console and on the FUT Web App matches. But they should be. For all we know, the console chemistry formula is not 100% correct which means that the FUT Web App is the right one.
It would be great too if, in the console active squad, all the chemistries update automatically every time we change something in the starting eleven. It would be perfect since it would avoid gamers to change players twice to know their real chemistries.

Our Suggestion
We do not know if it is easy or not to do that but, for the good of game reliability, it would be great if the chemistries matches wherever we consult them.

What They Did
Another problem that was fixed. Now, the chemistry on the FUT Web App will be the same of the console. Well done!


Our Recommendations for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team – Short Cut on “Trade” Menu

EA Sports has followed our recommendations for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team

The Problem
In FIFA 13 Ultimate Team, it was introduced a short cut on the bottom right corner of the “Trade” menu of the console that is used to makes it easier to search in the auction house by cards that we often follow. The idea was good but it didn’t work since the shot cut is not customizable. The short cut has become obsolete.

Our Suggestion
In our opinion, if almost no one uses this short cut, the better thing to do is to remove it from the game. Unless EA Sports change it in order to be possible to set its settings whenever we want.

What They Did
Everything suggests that this short cut will be removed. It will means 5 in 5!


EA Sports has followed our recommendations for FIFA 14 Ultimate Team. The game will be a success for sure.


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// Código Supernovacy