FC 25 Controller Settings let you adjust and set assistance for many aspects of your game.
![FC 25 Controller Settings FC 25 Controller Settings](/images/fc25/controls/controls.webp)
The Best Controller Settings
FC 25 offers a variety of controller settings. In this game, you can adjust and set assistance for save, cross, and ground pass, to name a few.
If you want to improve your gameplay, the most straightforward way is to change the controller settings according to your style and preferences.
How To Change FC 25 Controller Settings
- From the main Football Club screen, navigate to [Settings];
- Select [Game Settings];
- Navigate through each setting and change them as you wish.
- Analog Sprint;
- Assisted Headers;
- Auto Clearances;
- Auto Flair Pass;
- Auto Shots;
- Auto Switching Move Assistance;
- Auto Switching;
- Clearance Assistance;
- Competitive Master Switch;
- Cross Assistance;
- Defending;
- FC Trainer;
- Ground Pass Assistance;
- Jockey;
- Lob Pass Assistance;
- Lobbed Through Pass;
- Next Player Switch Indicator;
- Pass Block Assistance;
- Pass Receiver Lock;
- Player Lock;
- Reaction Time Modifier;
- Reaction Time Modifier Sensitivity;
- Right Stick Switching;
- Save Assistance;
- Shot Assistance;
- Through Pass Assistance;
- Timed Finishing;
- Trigger Resistance;
- User Vibration Feedback;
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Competitive Master Switch
Toggle that tailors gameplay to a competitive configuration. It’s mandatory in online game modes.
On | When enabled, you cannot adjust the other settings. |
Off | When disabled, you can adjust each setting. |
Auto Shots
Select ON or OFF to control the shots.
On | Players will perform automatic shots contextually in the appropriate situations. |
Off | Players will never perform automatic shots. |
Assisted Headers
When playing with this option, your headers will not be assisted in any way, with the aim and power used when performing the header determining the initial target for the header before the header is than potentially impacted by the error.
On | Enable Header Assistance for left passes and shots for a more casual gameplay experience. |
Off | Disable Header Assistance so that headers for passing and shooting are manual and are more accurate. This is a competitive header mechanic to add more skill to headers for everyone. |
Shot Assistance
Select an option to decide whether shot direction will be assisted to always aim towards the goal.
Assisted | Shot direction will be assisted to always aim towards the goal. |
Manual | The direction you aim is the direction the shot will go. |
Semi | You have to aim toward the target to keep your shots on target. |
Timed Finishing
Select ON or OFF to enable timed finishing, allowing you to improve the accuracy and power of shots by double-tapping the button assigned to the “Shoot” action as you kick the ball.
On | Trigger a timed finish by double tapping the button assigned to the “Shoot” action when attempting a strike. The precision and timing of the second button tap determine the result of the contact; perfectly timed strikes increase a shot’s accuracy and power, while poorly timed contacts make the shot more likely to miss the mark. |
Off | Disable Timed Finishing that double tapping the shot button to shoot will not impact the shot quality. |
Auto Flair Pass
Select ON or OFF to control the flair pass.
On | Players will perform Flair Passes contextually in the appropriate situations. |
Off | Players will never perform Flair Passes unless the flair modifier is held. |
Through Pass Assistance
Select an option to decide whether ball direction and power will assist in helping play passes into the receiver’s path and avoid opponent players.
Assisted | Through ball direction and power will be assisted to help play passes into the receiver’s path and avoid opponent players. |
Manual | The direction you point is the direction the pass goes, and the longer you hold the pass button, the stronger the pass will be. |
Semi | Through ball direction and power will be partially assisted to help play passes into the receiver’s path and avoid opponent players. |
Lobbed Through Pass
Select an option to decide whether ball direction and power will assist in helping play passes into the receiver’s path and avoid opponent players.
Assisted | Lobbed through ball direction and power will be assisted to help play passes into the receiver’s path and avoid opponent players. |
Manual | The direction you point is the direction the pass goes, and the longer you hold the pass button, the stronger the pass will be. |
Semi | Lobbed through direction and power will be partially assisted to help play passes into the receiver’s path and avoid opponent players. |
Ground Pass Assistance
Select an option to decide whether pass direction and power will be assisted or manual to help play passes into the receiver’s path and avoice opponent players.
Assisted | Pass direction and power will be assisted to help play passes into the receiver’s path and avoid opponent players. |
Manual | The direction you point is the direction the pass goes, and the longer you hold the pass button, the stronger the pass will be. |
Semi | Pass power is assisted, but AI will only help you a little with the direction. |
Cross Assistance
Select an option to choose the amount of power used during cross-direction passing.
Assisted | Cross direction will be assisted towards a team mate. Cross power will be assisted to front or back post areas and there will be no power bar on the cross. |
Manual | The direction you point is the direction the cross goes, and the longer you hold the button to perform crosses, the stronger the cross will be. |
Semi | You have to choose the right power, but cross direction will be assisted to front and back post areas. |
Lob Pass Assistance
Select an option to choose the consistency of lob passes and how strong the pass will be.
Assisted | Lob pass direction and power will be assisted so lob passes will be played towards a team mate. |
Manual | The direction you point is the direction the lob pass goes, and the longer you hold the lob pass button, the stronger the pass will be. |
Pass Receiver Lock
Select an option to decide when the pass receiver is locked.
Late | The pass receiver is locked as late as possible, close to the time when the ball is kicked. |
Animation Start | The pass receiver is locked early, at the time when the kicking animation begins. |
Power Up | The pass receiver is locked as soon as the pass button is released or the power bar reaches full power. This is the earliest possible receiver lock. |
Precision Pass Sensitivity
Adjust the speed of precision aim.
Normal | Less responsive but more precise. |
High | The aim will always match your angle input, making it more reponsive, yet more challeging, to aim precisely. |
Auto Clearances
Select ON or OFF to control the clearances.
On | Players will perform Clearances contextually in the appropriate situations. |
Off | Players will never perform Clearances unless the clearance button is pressed. |
Clearance Assistance
Select between “None,” “Low,” “Medium,” and “High” to keep the player you AUTO switch to moving in his current direction for a short time. This will allow you to orient your intended direction for the new player.
Classic | Clearances directiona and power are fully assisted and do not take into consideration the user directional input. |
Directional | Clearances directiona takes into consideration the user directional input, but still fully assists on power and picks the earliest available contact point. |
Select whether your jockey speed will be assisted or manual. These options can help your player to stay to your opponent.
Assisted | Jockey speed will be assisted to help you stay close yo tour opponent, but there is no directional assistance. |
Manual | When jockeying there will be no speed or directional assistance. You are on your own. |
Select the way how you defend.
Legacy Defending | It gives you the familiar defending controls of past FIFA titles. |
Tactical Defending | It gives you the ability to time your tackles and maintain your position like never before. |
Pass Block Assistance
Select ON or OFF to enable or disable AI-controlled players, and User-controlled players will from attempting to intercept a pass automatically when the ball is close by.
On | Enable Pass Block Assistance so that your AI controlled players and User controlled players will attempt to intercept a pass automatically when the ball is close by. |
Off | Disable the Pass Block Assistance for your User controlled players so they don’t attempt to intercept the ball when it’s close by. Instead, they will stay in position and you manually need to launch a block/tackle. |
Auto Switching
Select either “Air Balls and Loose Balls,” or “Auto,” to enable switching between players during certain passes while playing, or select “Manual” to take control.
Air Balls and Loose Balls | AI will only switch for you on Lobs and Crosses, and Loose Balls. Otherwise, you are on your own. |
Auto | AI will switch to the best player for you. If you would like to switch to someone else you can still override our selection by pressing the switch button. |
Manual | AI will never switch for you, you are on your own. |
Auto Switching Move Assistance
Select between “None,” “Low,” “Medium,” and “High” to keep the player you AUTO switch to moving in his current direction for a short period. This will allow you to orient your intended direction for the new player.
None | Auto switch move assistance will keep the player you AUTO switch to moving in his current direction for a short period of time. This gives you time to orient your intended direction for the new player. |
Low | Auto switch move assistance will keep the player you AUTO switch to moving in his current direction for a short period of time. This gives you time to orient your intended direction for the new player. |
High | Auto switch move assistance will keep the player you AUTO switch to moving in his current direction for a short period of time. This gives you time to orient your intended direction for the new player. |
Right Stick Switching
Select an option to decide how Right Stick Switching works.
Adaptive | Holding Right Stick for longer will switch no more distant players as soon as you release it. |
Classic | Flicking Right Stick will switch to the next player immediately in the direction you point to. |
Player Rotation | Flicking Right Stick will move the next player switch indicator, but will not switch the player. Press L1/LB to switch the player. |
Right Stick Switching Reference
Select an option to decide whether a player or the ball will act as the center point of reference for any Right Stick switching.
Player Relative | When defending, the player you control will act as the center point of reference for any Right Stick switching. |
Ball Relative | When defending, the ball will act as the center point of reference for any Right Stick switching. |
Right Stick Switching Sensitivity
Adjust the sensitivity for right stick switching (Classic, Adaptive, or Rotation)
From 0 to 10 | The higher the sensitivity, the more the game will respect your directional input when selecting the next player. The lower the sensitivity, the more likely the game is to select a player in closer proximity, even if the direction is not pointed directly at them. |
Next Player Switching
Select ON or OFF to show which player you’ll swap controls with while defending using the X button on the controller.
On | Enables the Icon which shows to which player you will swap controls when pressing L1/LB while defending. |
Off | Disables the Next Player Switch Icon. |
Player Lock
When enabled, the CPU AI will then take control of the on-ball player allowing you to move your off-ball player and ask for a pass back in a better position.
On | Enable this feature to lock a player pressing both left and right sticks and then switch away from the dribbler using the right stick flick. |
Off | Disable Player Lock feature and mechanics. |
Reaction Time Modifier
The Next Player Switch option adjusts for the delay between deciding to switch players and actually pressing L1/LB, helping avoid unwanted changes to the switch target during that time. The Reaction Time Modifier Sensitivity setting controls this timing window.
On | The game accounts for reaction time delay, stabilizing the switch target. |
Off | The game doesn’t adjust for reaction delay, making the switch target potentially less predictable. |
Reaction Time Modifier Sensitivity
Use this setting to fine tune the duration of the Reaction Time Modifier.
From 0 to 10 | The higher the sensitivity, the more the game will respect your reaction time. |
Contextual Dribbling
When enabled, it will make your players automatically perform Agile Dribbles in certain situations, for example, in a 1v1 case against an opponent. Former ‘Contextual Agile Dribbling’.
On | Enable Contextual Agile Dribbling for left stick dribbling in one-to-one situations. |
Off | Disable Contextual Agile Dribbling for left stick dribbling in one-to-one situations. |
Save Assistance
Select an option to choose whether balls relatively close to your body will be automatically saved.
Assisted | Balls relatively close to your body will be automatically saved, for all the others you need to get positioning and timing right. Direction doesn’t matter. |
Manual | Just reflex saves are automatic, every other ball will depend on your positioning, timing, and the direction you attempt to save. |
Semi | Balls close to your body will be automatically saved, for all other balls you need to get positioning, direction and timing right. |
Analog Sprint
Select ON or OFF to control how fast you sprint.
On | Turning on Analog Sprint allows you to control how fast you sprint. The further you hold sprint button, the faster the player will run. |
Off | Turning off Analog Sprint doesn’t allow you to control how fast you sprint. |
Trigger Resistance
Select an option to decide how hard is the trigger.
Off | Disable the trigger resistance. |
On | Enable the trigger resistance. |
User Vibration Feedback
Select an option to decide how vibration will work.
Enhanced | An enriched gameplay experience as vibrations activate from different areas on the controller allowing you to get a true sense of real world actions. |
Classic | Full controller vibration when key gameplay actions happen. |
Off | Turn off all vibrations. |
Frequently Asked Questions
If you want to adjust FC 25 controller settings, follow these steps:
- From the main FC screen, navigate to [Settings];
- Select [Game Settings];
- Navigate through each setting and change them as you wish.
You can initiate a shot with your controlled player by pressing your shooting button. This will begin the animation for the shot, and assuming you press nothing else and are not interrupted; your player will try to shoot the ball. Timed Finishing allows you to press the shoot button a second time to potentially pull off a better shot.
When Timed Finishing is on, double-tapping the shooting button during the animation will help determine a shot’s result. Watch your player closely during their shooting animation, and press the shoot button a second time just as they’re about to connect with the ball.
If the second press is timed at the right moment, regular shots can receive an increase in accuracy and power. Finesse shots can receive more accuracy and curve, but not power. The same increases are applied to regular and finesse flair shots, respectively. If the second press is timed slightly early or late, the shot will likely go astray.
If the second press is timed exceptionally early, the shot will likely go astray. If the second press is timed after contact with the ball has been made, the shot will not receive any boosts or downgrade and will function as a normal shot.
Turning Timed Finishing Off means that you can ignore this mechanic. However, you will miss out on the ability to boost your shots.
When Timed Finishing is on, double-tapping the shooting button during the animation will help determine a shot’s result. Watch your player closely during their shooting animation, and press the shoot button a second time just as they’re about to connect with the ball.
If the second press is timed at the right moment, regular shots can receive an increase in accuracy and power. Finesse shots can receive more accuracy and curve, but not power. The same increases are applied to regular and finesse flair shots, respectively. If the second press is timed slightly early or late, the shot will likely go astray.
If the second press is timed exceptionally early, the shot will likely go astray. If the second press is timed after contact with the ball has been made, the shot will not receive any boosts or downgrade and will function as a normal shot.
Turning Timed Finishing Off means that you can ignore this mechanic. However, you will miss out on the ability to boost your shots.
The mandatory Competitive Settings changed by the Competitive Master Switch are:
- Contextual Agile Dribbling: Off;
- Auto Clearances: Off;
- Auto Flair Pass: Off;
- Auto Shots: Off;
- Assisted Headers: Off;
- Jockey: Manual;
- Through Pass Assistance: Semi.
There are two options for the Next Player Switch Indicator: On (default) and Off. When set to On, you will see an icon above the player you will switch to if you use the default player switching button (L1 on PlayStation and LB on Xbox). The icon provides information about your next player switch. On the other hand, when set to Off, you will not see an icon when you perform a switch with the appropriate button.
This feature was previously known as the ‘Second Defender Switch Icon’.
When set to On, your controlled player will occasionally attempt to automatically block or intercept passes within their range. In certain situations, your AI teammates may also make block or interception attempts. This setting involves a trade-off between risk and reward, as it can lead to more automatic block attempts. However, it also increases the chance of missed blocks and interceptions, potentially resulting in unfavorable defensive situations. If you prefer more manual control over your player’s defensive actions, you may find the Off option more suitable.
When turned Off, the user-controlled player needs to manually execute a tackle or block to attempt interference. AI teammates will still make interception and block attempts based on the game context. Disabling Pass Block Assistance provides greater control over blocking attempts but may pose a greater challenge.
When turned Off, the user-controlled player needs to manually execute a tackle or block to attempt interference. AI teammates will still make interception and block attempts based on the game context. Disabling Pass Block Assistance provides greater control over blocking attempts but may pose a greater challenge.
Auto Switching always aims to select the most appropriate player for the current situation, considering who is best positioned to take control of the ball.
Air Ball and Loose Ball Auto Switching come into play when the ball is 8 feet or higher in the air. During an airborne ball situation or a loose ball scenario, the game may trigger an Auto Switch to select the player best suited to reach or intercept the ball based on its trajectory. This can happen, for example, when a defender alters the ball’s path with a touch.
If you set Auto Switching to Auto, the game will consistently attempt to switch to the most suitable player in various situations. However, it’s important to note that even with this assistance enabled, manual switching using the right stick or the player switch button remains an option.
The Manual option ensures that no Auto Switching is applied.
Air Ball and Loose Ball Auto Switching come into play when the ball is 8 feet or higher in the air. During an airborne ball situation or a loose ball scenario, the game may trigger an Auto Switch to select the player best suited to reach or intercept the ball based on its trajectory. This can happen, for example, when a defender alters the ball’s path with a touch.
If you set Auto Switching to Auto, the game will consistently attempt to switch to the most suitable player in various situations. However, it’s important to note that even with this assistance enabled, manual switching using the right stick or the player switch button remains an option.
The Manual option ensures that no Auto Switching is applied.
Auto Switch Move Assistance ensures that the player you’ve been Auto Switched to continues moving in their current direction for a brief period. If, for instance, there’s an Auto Switch to a player moving to the right, they will momentarily maintain that rightward movement. The duration of this assistance is influenced by the Low and High options, with None indicating that no Auto Switch Move Assistance will occur.
It’s important to note that this setting doesn’t affect manual player switching. If Auto Switching is manually set and Auto Switch Move Assistance is configured to High, the Move Assistance option won’t come into play. In situations where a Manual Switch is executed, the player may continue moving based on their existing momentum, such as when switching to a player in mid-sprint who requires time to decelerate. This is distinct from Auto Switch Move Assistance.
It’s important to note that this setting doesn’t affect manual player switching. If Auto Switching is manually set and Auto Switch Move Assistance is configured to High, the Move Assistance option won’t come into play. In situations where a Manual Switch is executed, the player may continue moving based on their existing momentum, such as when switching to a player in mid-sprint who requires time to decelerate. This is distinct from Auto Switch Move Assistance.
In the Assisted mode, when you Jockey with a player, they will attempt to slow down if there’s a risk of running past the attacker. This assistance aids in maintaining closer proximity to the player you’re marking. In the provided example, the defender is engaged in Fast Jockeying (Sprinting + Jockeying), and the assist helps in decelerating the player appropriately.
Conversely, with Manual Jockeying, there is no assistance in adjusting your player’s speed; the control is entirely in your hands. In the example where Jockey Assistance is set to Manual, and the defender is Fast Jockeying (Sprinting + Jockeying), you can observe how the player veers off course due to the sprint, highlighting the absence of automatic speed adjustments.
Conversely, with Manual Jockeying, there is no assistance in adjusting your player’s speed; the control is entirely in your hands. In the example where Jockey Assistance is set to Manual, and the defender is Fast Jockeying (Sprinting + Jockeying), you can observe how the player veers off course due to the sprint, highlighting the absence of automatic speed adjustments.
Agile Dribbling is designed to provide precise ball control, drawing inspiration from the skills of top real-life dribblers. This feature enables users to swiftly maneuver the ball from side to side, aiding dribblers in evading defenders. The goal is to leverage fast footwork, allowing players to create space by skillfully outmaneuvering defenders and prompting them to commit to tackles too eagerly.
Player Relative Right Stick Switching implies that the player under your control serves as the focal point for your next switch using the right stick. Visualize this player as the center of your right stick, making directions revolve around that player.
Ball Relative Right Stick Switching, on the other hand, designates the ball as the reference point rather than the player. Envision the ball as the central point of your right stick, causing directions to be relative to the ball’s position.
Ball Relative Right Stick Switching, on the other hand, designates the ball as the reference point rather than the player. Envision the ball as the central point of your right stick, causing directions to be relative to the ball’s position.
Using the Assisted option, you can expect to receive help similar to regular passing. Assisted through balls avoid the opponent’s players and land neatly in the passing target’s path.
When using the Manual option, you will not receive any help. Like with regular passing, your player will attempt to execute your inputs to the best of their ability.
When using the Manual option, you will not receive any help. Like with regular passing, your player will attempt to execute your inputs to the best of their ability.
In the Assisted option, your players consistently aim shots toward your opponent’s goal, making it easier to target challenging areas. This assistance helps guide shots even when your player’s back is turned to the goal. However, the final shot outcome depends on factors like player attributes and the situation (open or under pressure).
With Shot Assistance set to Semi, you need to actively aim towards the goal to take a shot, with a bit of directional input assistance if your aim is slightly off.
In Manual mode, there’s no directional help; your player aims shots based on your input, requiring precise aiming between the opponent’s goal posts to attempt an on-target shot.
With Shot Assistance set to Semi, you need to actively aim towards the goal to take a shot, with a bit of directional input assistance if your aim is slightly off.
In Manual mode, there’s no directional help; your player aims shots based on your input, requiring precise aiming between the opponent’s goal posts to attempt an on-target shot.
In the Assisted mode, cross-direction is significantly aided, simplifying the process of targeting your teammate. The duration of holding the crossing button generally has little impact, and the cross is usually directed towards the front or back post areas.
With Semi Assisted crossing, directional assistance is provided, but you must manually control the crosser’s target selection range by adjusting the duration of holding the crossing button. Holding it longer typically results in the cross going towards the far post. Player attributes also influence the outcome of the cross.
In Manual crossing, no assistance is given, and your players execute your inputs as accurately as possible. While this option offers the highest level of control, you need to carefully manage your direction input and the duration of holding down the crossing button.
With Semi Assisted crossing, directional assistance is provided, but you must manually control the crosser’s target selection range by adjusting the duration of holding the crossing button. Holding it longer typically results in the cross going towards the far post. Player attributes also influence the outcome of the cross.
In Manual crossing, no assistance is given, and your players execute your inputs as accurately as possible. While this option offers the highest level of control, you need to carefully manage your direction input and the duration of holding down the crossing button.
These options operate similarly to Passing Assistance, with the distinction that there is no “Semi” setting for lobbed passing.
In the Assisted mode, you can anticipate assistance comparable to regular passing. Assisted through balls navigate around the opponent’s players and accurately reach the intended passing target.
In the Manual mode, no assistance is provided. As with regular passing, your player endeavors to execute your inputs to the best of their ability without any additional aid.
In the Assisted mode, you can anticipate assistance comparable to regular passing. Assisted through balls navigate around the opponent’s players and accurately reach the intended passing target.
In the Manual mode, no assistance is provided. As with regular passing, your player endeavors to execute your inputs to the best of their ability without any additional aid.
The three Save Assistance options impact a player-controlled goalkeeper: Assisted, Semi, and Manual. These assists are applicable only when a user is in control of the goalkeeper.
In the Assisted setting, balls approaching your body will be automatically saved. Correct positioning and timing are essential for all other balls. The directional input for your save is inconsequential due to the assistance. Even if you aim your save to the left, it may be corrected toward the right side.
In the Semi-Assisted mode, balls near your body are automatically saved, but proper positioning, direction, and timing are required for other saves.
With the Manual setting, only reflex saves are automatic. All other saves demand accurate positioning, direction, and timing.
In the Assisted setting, balls approaching your body will be automatically saved. Correct positioning and timing are essential for all other balls. The directional input for your save is inconsequential due to the assistance. Even if you aim your save to the left, it may be corrected toward the right side.
In the Semi-Assisted mode, balls near your body are automatically saved, but proper positioning, direction, and timing are required for other saves.
With the Manual setting, only reflex saves are automatic. All other saves demand accurate positioning, direction, and timing.
Enabling Analog Sprint requires you to press the sprinting button to maximize the controlled player’s sprint speed. If pressed halfway, the player’s sprint speed is reduced proportionally. In other words, pushing the sprint button indicates running at 100% speed, as determined by the player’s attributes. Pressing it halfway signifies running at 50% speed based on the attributes.
With Analog Sprint Off, the controlled player aims to reach maximum sprint speed regardless of how far you’ve pressed the sprint button. It’s a binary choice between sprinting at full speed or not at all.
With Analog Sprint Off, the controlled player aims to reach maximum sprint speed regardless of how far you’ve pressed the sprint button. It’s a binary choice between sprinting at full speed or not at all.
Tactical Defending employs contemporary controls and mechanics, providing both direct and indirect control during defensive actions. This approach allows you to regulate the intensity of your challenges and utilize mechanics such as jockeying and Teammate Contain.
On the other hand, Legacy Defending adopts controls and mechanics reminiscent of older FIFA titles, offering a more traditional gaming experience. This setting is suitable for those seeking a “retro” Football Club experience. However, it’s important to note that Legacy Defending is not accessible in online play.
On the other hand, Legacy Defending adopts controls and mechanics reminiscent of older FIFA titles, offering a more traditional gaming experience. This setting is suitable for those seeking a “retro” Football Club experience. However, it’s important to note that Legacy Defending is not accessible in online play.
With the Late option enabled, you retain the flexibility to adjust your passing direction until just before kicking the ball. In essence, Late allows you to modify the pass aim until the late stages of a passing animation, providing extended control over the passing direction. While this option offers prolonged aiming control, it necessitates careful consideration to avoid unintentional changes at the last moment. If you are accustomed to earlier FIFA titles, this setting is likely more familiar. Choose Pass Receiver Lock set to Late for prolonged aiming control when making a pass.
Conversely, with the Early option enabled, your directional input locks in early during the passing animation. This implies that you cannot alter the pass aim in the final moments before making contact with the ball. While it reduces the risk of accidental changes in pass direction, it generally demands greater precision in your passing.
Conversely, with the Early option enabled, your directional input locks in early during the passing animation. This implies that you cannot alter the pass aim in the final moments before making contact with the ball. While it reduces the risk of accidental changes in pass direction, it generally demands greater precision in your passing.
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