FC 25 Player Roles enable you to pre-select how your players perform off the ball and out of possession in-game.
FC 25 Player Roles

FC 25 Roles

Player Roles is a new addition to the game, as part of the newly introduced FC IQ. Instead of the tactics and player instructions we had until now, we now have player roles, which are responsible for pre-defining how your players perform off the ball and out of possession in-game.

What we previously called roles, which allowed us to designate the team captain and set-piece takers, are now referred to as assignments.

Due to the introduction of FC 25 Roles, the centre-forward, left wing-back, and right wing-back positions have been removed and evolved into Player Roles. Additionally, work rates have been eliminated, with player behavior now influenced by the selected Player Role instead.

Player Roles will guide the way players think and behave on the pitch, resulting in more authentic tactical intelligence and movement off the ball.

How to Set Up FC 25 Player Roles
  1. From the main Ultimate Team screen, press R1/RB three times to select [Club];
  2. Select [Squad];
  3. Press L3 to popup [Squad Actions];
  4. Select [Team Management];
  5. Select one of the tactics available and select [Edit Tactic];
  6. Press R1/RB once to go to the [Player Roles] tab;
  7. Make the desired changes and save.

Roles and Focuses

Player Roles guide how every player thinks, behaves, and moves off the ball. From Goalkeepers to Strikers, each position has specific Roles and Focuses that dictate player behavior, both with and without the ball, and you can see it in the menus.

You can think of our systems like this: HyperMotionV refers to the unique motion characteristics of players, OVR is the representation of physical and mental attributes, PlayStyles are the on-the-ball skills, and Roles are the off-the-ball abilities.

While a Role dictates the primary responsibilities of the player, the Focus is a modifier upon the Role that enables you to tweak one or two characteristics of it slightly.

Role Familiarity

Each playerhave a Role Familiarity that allows them to perform their duties at a higher capacity than others. While the Roles are determined per position, Familiarity is connected to specific players and acts on the Role level. IT is position-based, meaning that if a player has that position as one of their preferred ones, they can play any role in that position. This logic applies to any position a player might have.

  • Base
    If a player is assigned a position that is one of their preferred positions, they will have access to all of the Roles of those positions in at least a Base level.

  • Role+
    Every player will have at least one Role+, indicating that they are accomplished in that Role.

  • Role++
    Reserved for the best-of-the-best, the few players with Role++ are world class in that Role.

  • Out of Position
    The yellow exclamation mark indicates a simplified version of the Role when the player is out of position.
Having a Role+ or Role++ will heighten the effects of every player and, in turn, maximize your tactic. But that doesn’t necessarily mean you need to sacrifice tactic cohesiveness for Role+ or Role++ players.

Out of Position players will still be able to play that position but at a much lower quality than someone who is designed to be there. This allows you to still use these players but they might not fit the ideal tactic you are trying to create.
FC 25 Player Roles

Player Roles List

EA FC 25 features a total of 31 Player Roles, with each position (except goalkeeper) having between three and five distinct roles. Below we explain all Player Roles in the game.

  • Goalkeeper
  • Sweeper Keeper
A traditional goalkeeper who stays on their line and focuses on shot-stopping.

Sweeper Keeper
A modern goalkeeper who is able to stop attacks and support build-up play as a passing option.

  • Defender
  • Stopper
  • Ball-Playing Defender
A no-nonsense centre-back who excels at the basics of defending, including maintaining the defensive line.

A ball-winning centre-back who will step forward from the defensive line to make tackles, intercept passes, and lead the press.

Ball-Playing Defender
A modern centre-back who is as comfortable playing offside as well as playing the ball, and capable of moving forward or wider to support build-up play.

  • Fullback
  • Falseback
  • Wingback
  • Attacking Wingback
A wide defender that will prioritize protecting their own goal by staying back, holding the defensive line, and offering a passing option to release pressure.

A modern evolution of the fullback, this player pushes up the field, adopting a central position, when their team has the ball.

This player’s versatility and stamina allows them to push upfield to support attacks before returning to their defensive position.

Attacking Wingback
Though technically a defender, this player will be more concerned with getting forward and offering width to their team’s attacks.

Defensive Midfielder
  • Holding
  • Centre Half
  • Deep-Lying Playmaker
A pivotal role in modern football, this defense-minded midfielder focuses on guarding their backline during attacks and covering off against counter-attacks, with limited attacking support.

Centre Half
A defensive midfielder who will drop between the centre-backs while their team is in possession to offer protection against the counterattack.

Deep-Lying Playmaker
This defensively positioned midfielder is the key cog to building up play from the back and will often be the catalyst for attacks.

Centre Midfielder
  • Box-to-Box
  • Holding
  • Deep-Lying Playmaker
  • Playmaker
  • Half-Winger
This player operates between the two boxes, being neither the last line of defense nor the final part of the attack but involved in everything in between.

A pivotal role in modern football, this defense-minded midfielder focuses on guarding their backline during attacks and covering off against counter-attacks, with limited attacking support.

Deep-Lying Playmaker
This defensively positioned midfielder is the key cog to building up play from the back and will often be the catalyst for attacks.

This player tends to be the creative fulcrum of a midfield, given a license to roam and create space and opportunities for attacks. They are likely to be out of position if the opposition counters.

A midfielder who provides width when their team is in possession, moving along the flanks to offer a wide threat. It is particularly effective in a midfield three.

Wide Midfielder
  • Winger
  • Wide Midfielder
  • Wide Playmaker
  • Inside Forward
A wide midfielder who will always stay wide, hugging the touchline and offering support on the flanks in all phases of play.

Wide Midfielder
A midfielder who stays wide to facilitate play, providing passing and defensive support, but rarely ventures forward to attack.

Wide Playmaker
A creative outlet positioned out wide but able to move inside to help create chances to unlock defenses.

Inside Forward
A wide attacker who begins on the wing but will regularly cut inside onto their preferred foot to shoot or play the final pass. They tend to run in behind the defense.

Attacking Midfielder
  • Playmaker
  • Shadow Striker
  • Half-Winger
This player tends to be the creative fulcrum of a midfield, given a license to roam and create space and opportunities for attacks. They are likely to be out of position if the opposition counters.

Shadow Striker
An attack-minded midfielder who plays in the ‘hole’ behind the strikers. Their well-timed runs into the box will result in plenty of goal-scoring opportunities.

A midfielder who provides width when their team is in possession, moving along the flanks to offer a wide threat. It is particularly effective in a midfield three.

  • Winger
  • Inside Forward
  • Wide Playmaker
A wide midfielder who will always stay wide, hugging the touchline and offering support on the flanks in all phases of play.

Inside Forward
A wide attacker who begins on the wing but will regularly cut inside onto their preferred foot to shoot or play the final pass. They tend to run in behind the defense.

Wide Playmaker
A creative outlet positioned out wide but able to move inside to help create chances to unlock defenses.

  1. Advanced Forward
  2. Poacher
  3. False 9
  4. Target Forward
Advanced Forward
A versatile attacker who usually stays close to the opposition’s defensive line but opens themselves up for passes in the build-up and makes runs in behind for scoring chances.

This player has one objective: to score goals. They stay forward and focus on making runs in behind the defense, hoping to fashion a chance to score.

False 9
Positioned in the forward line, this player drops deep to dictate play in the space in front of a defense. This also allows them to contribute to the defensive phases of the game.

Target Forward
An attacking outlet whose physicality allows them to hold up play, shielding the ball from opponents and bringing others into attacks. They feed on crosses as well as passes to feet.

FC 25 Focuses

Focuses List

EA FC 25 features a total of 52 Player Roles and Focuses combinations. Below we explain them all.

Goalkeeper > Goalkeeper > Defend Focus
With a Defender focus, the Goalkeeper won’t rush out to collect long or loose balls.
Stay in Position Defending Low Risk Rush

Goalkeeper > Goalkeeper > Balanced Focus
With a Balanced focus, the Goalkeeper will occasionally leave their area to collect long or loose balls.
Stay in Position Defending Some Risk Rush

Goalkeeper > Sweeper Goalkeeper > Balanced Focus
A Balanced focus allows the Sweeper Keeper to leave their area to collect balls close to their box.
Rush Pass Option Some Risk Stay in Position

Centre-Back > Defender > Defend Focus
When asked to Defend, the Defender will focus only on their defensive responsibilities.
Stays Back Defending Limited Versatility Pass Option

Centre-Back > Defender > Balanced Focus
With a Balanced focus, the Defender will step up to close down attackers when needed.
Defending Stays Back Limited Versatility Limited Width

Centre-Back > Stopper > Balanced Focus
With a Balanced focus, the Stopper will intercept passes and pressure attackers receiving the ball.
Defending Pressure Aggressiveness Leaves Gaps

Centre-Back > Ball-Playing Defender > Defend Focus
With set to Defend, the Ball-playing Defender will step up a little to support teammates duting possession.
Defending Build-Up Support Stays Back Leaves Gaps

Centre-Back > Ball-Playing Defender > Build-Up Focus
The Build-Up focus moves the Ball-playing Defender into more of a holding defensive midfielder role during possession.
Build-Up Support Defence Support Versatile Out of Position

Full-Back > Fullback > Defender Focus
When set to Defend, the Fullback will move inside to form a back three when their team in in possession.
Stays Back Defending Limited Versatile Wide Support

Full-Back > Fullback > Balanced Focus
When set to Balanced, the Fullback is granted more freedom to push slightly forward and wider in support of attacks.
Defending Stays Back Pass Option Attack Support

Full-Back > Falseback > Defender Focus
When set to Defend, the Falseback operates as a Defensive Midfielder when the team has the ball.
Defending Build-Up Support Limited Width Out of Position

Full-Back > Falseback > Balanced Focus
When set to Balanced, the Falseback positions themselves as a Central Midfielder when their team is in possession.
Build-Up Support Defence Support Limited Width Out of Position

Full-Back > Wingback > Balanced Focus
With Balanced, the Wingback is given license to stay forward even when the team is out of possession, or drop back into defence when needed.
Wide Support Movement Versatile Stamina Usage

Full-Back > Attacking Wingback > Balanced Focus
When asked to be Balanced, the Attacking wingback will rarely sprint back to defend, unless their team has been hit on the counter.
Attacking Wide Support Out of Position Defending

Full-Back > Attacking Wingback > Attack Focus
When asked to Attack, the Attacking Wingback will push even higher up the pitch, and perform fewer defensive duties.
Wide Support Attacking Stamina Usage Defending

Defensive Midfielder > Holding > Defend Focus
When instructed to Defend, the Holding Midfielder will move slightly higher to offer a passing option, but will otherwise focus on defending.
Defending Stays Back Pass Option Lacks Mobility

Defensive Midfielder > Holding > Roaming Focus
When set to Roaming, the Holding Midfielder will move accross the width of the pitch to close passing lanes, and step up to press attackers.
Defending Movement Pass Option Stamina Usage

Defensive Midfielder > Centre Half > Defend Focus
When set to Defend, the Centre Half will focus on their defensive duties.
Defending Support Centrally Limited Versatility Wide Support

Defensive Midfielder > Deep-Lying Playmaker > Defend Focus
With a Defend focus, the Deep-lying Playmaker will focus on clsing down passing lanes and staying back while their team attacks.
Defending Creative Intercept Passes Attacking

Defensive Midfielder > Deep-Lying Playmaker > Roaming Focus
The Roaming focus allows the Deep-lying Playmaker to move accross the width of the pitch to support attacks.
Creative Movement Pass Option Out of Position

Centre Midfielder > Box-to-Box > Balanced Focus
When asked to be Balanced, the Box-to-Box Midfielder will cover the centre of the pitch in attack and defence.
Creative Movement Pass Option Out of Position

Centre Midfielder > Holding > Defend Focus
When instructed to Defend, the Holding Midfielder will move slightly higher to offer a passing option, but will otherwise focus on defending.
Defending Stays Back Pass Option Lacks Mobility

Centre Midfielder > Deep-Lying Playmaker > Defend Focus
With a Defend focus, the Deep-lying Playmaker will focus on closing down passing lanes and staying back while their team attacks.
Defending Creative Intercept Passes Attacking

Centre Midfielder > Playmaker > Attack Focus
When set to Attack, the Playmaker will move forward to support attacks higher up the field.
Creative Attack Support Limited Width Defence Support

Centre Midfielder > Playmaker > Roaming Focus
When set to Roaming, the Playmaker will have freedom to explore the pitch to find the best spaces to support attacks.
Creative Movement Out of Position Defence Support

Centre Midfielder > Half-Winger > Balanced Focus
When Balanced, the Half Winger will alternate equally between attacking and defending in a measured way.
Wide Support Versatile Movement Stamina Usage

Centre Midfielder > Half-Winger > Attack Focus
When set to Attack, the Half Winger can advance freely, sacrificing defensive responsibilities.
Wide Support Attacking Out of Position Defence Support

Attacking Midfielder > Playmaker > Balanced Focus
When asked to be Balanced, the Playmaker will offer defensive support when nneded, as well as orchestrating attacks.
Creative Versatile Pass Option Stamina Usage

Attacking Midfielder > Playmaker > Roaming Focus
When set to Roaming, the Playmaker will have freedom to explore the pitch to find the best spaces to support attacks.
Creative Movement Out of Position Defence Support

Attacking Midfielder > Shadow Striker > Attack Focus
When set to Attack, the Shadow Striker will focus on making late runs into the box, filing the space behind the striker.
Creative Movement Out of Position Defence Support

Attacking Midfielder > Half-Winger > Attack Focus
When set to Attack, Half Winger can advance freely, sacrificing defensive responsibilities.
Wide Support Attacking Out of Position Defence Support

Attacking Midfielder > Half-Winger > Balanced Focus
When Balanced, the Half Winger will alternate equally between attacking and defending in a measured way.
Wide Support Versatile Movement Stamina Usage

Wide Midfielder > Winger > Balanced Focus
When Balanced, the Winger will offer both defensive and attacking support. They mix making runs in behind and offering themselves as a passing option.
Wide Support Pass Option Versatile Stamina Usage

Wide Midfielder > Winger > Attack Focus
When set to Attack, the Winger will focus on getting forward, and prefers to make runs behind the defence instead of receiving the ball to feet.
Wide Support Attack Support Pass Option Defending

Wide Midfielder > Wide Midfielder > Balanced Focus
When Balanced, the Wide Midfielder will stay wide to support possession and provide defensive support when needed.
Wide Support Versatile Pass Option Lacks Mobility

Wide Midfielder > Wide Midfielder > Defend Focus
When asked to Defend, the Wide Midfielder will drop into the defensive midfield line and protect the defence.
Wide Support Stays Back Pass Option Attack Support

Wide Midfielder > Wide Playmaker > Attack Focus
With an Attack focus, the Wide Playmaker will move forward, and receive passes out wide.
Creative Attack Support Wide Support Defence Support

Wide Midfielder > Inside Forward > Attack Focus
When given an Attack focus, the Inside Forward will focus on cutting inside and making attacking runs.
Attacking Support Centrally Cut Inside Defence Support

Wide Midfielder > Inside Forward > Balance Focus
When Balanced, the Inside Forward will offer minimal defensive support, and sometimes hold off making runs in behind to instead offer passing options.
Attack Support Pass Option Cut Inside Stamina Usage

Winger > Winger > Attack Focus
When set to Attack, the Winger will focus on getting forward, and prefers to make runs behind the defence instead of receiving the ball to feet.
Wide Support Attack Support Pass Option Defending

Winger > Winger > Balanced Focus
When Balanced, the Winger will offer both defensive and attacking support. They mix making runs in behind and offering themselves as a passing option.
Wide Support Pass Option Versatile Stamina Usage

Winger > Inside Forward > Balanced Focus
When Balanced, the Inside Forward will offer minimal defensive support, and sometimes hold off making runs in behind to instead offer passing options.
Attack Support Pass Options Cut Inside Stamina Usage

Winger > Inside Forward > Attack Focus
When given an Attack focus, the Inside Forward will focus on cutting inside and making attacking runs.
Attacking Support Centrally Cut Inside Defence Support

Winger > Inside Forward > Roaming Focus
When set to Roaming, the Inside Forward is allowed to freely explore and exploit any defensive gaps they can find.
Movement Attack Support Cut Inside Out of Position

Winger > Wide Playmaker > Attack Focus
With an Attack focus, the Wide Playmaker will move forward, and receive passes out wide.
Creative Attack Support Wide Support Defence Support

Striker > Advanced Forward > Attack Focus
With an Attack focus, the Advanced Forward will concentre on goal-scoring opportunities, usually positioning themselves high and central on the pitch.
Attacking Pass Option Versatile Limited Width

Striker > Advanced Forward > Complete Focus
When set to Complete, the Advanced Forward has the freedom to move wide when necessary to receive a pass or create space with a run.
Attacking Versatile Movement Build-Up Support

Striker > Poacher > Attack Focus
With an Attack focus, the Poacher will lurk just off the defensive line, ready to capitalise on any defensive gaps or errors.
Attacking Runs Support Centrally Limited Width Defence Support

Striker > False 9 > Build-Up Focus
With Build-Up, the False 9 will drop back from the opposition’s defence, and operate as a playmaker, leading attacks.
Creative Build-Up Support Movement Attacking

Striker > Target Forward > Attack Focus
With an Attack focus, the Target Forward is free to focus on going forward, without any defensive instructions.
Physical Attacking Build-Up Support Lakcs Mobility

Striker > Target Forward > Balanced Focus
When Balanced, the Target Forward will drop off from the defensive line, hold up play, and lay the ball off to teammates. They will have minor defensive duties.
Physical Build-Up Support Defence Support Lacks Mobility

Striker > Target Forward > Wide Focus
When set to Wide, the Target Forward will drift to the edges of the box in a search for space to make an impact.
Physical Wide Support Attacking Support Centrally

Frequently Asked Questions
FC 25 Player Roles allow you to choose in advance how your players perform off the ball and out of possession in-game.
FC 25 Player Roles allow you to choose in advance how your players perform off the ball and out of possession in-game.

Position | Role – Focus

  • Goalkeeper (Defend | Balanced)
  • Sweeper Keeper (Balanced)
  • Fullback (Defend | Balanced)
  • Falseback (Defend | Balanced)
  • Wingback (Balanced)
  • Attacking Wingback (Balanced | Attack)
  • Defender (Defend | Balanced)
  • Stopper (Balanced)
  • Ball-Playing Defender (Defend | Build-Up)
Defensive Midfielder
  • Holding (Defend | Roaming)
  • Centre-Half (Defend)
  • Deep-Lying Playmaker (Defend | Roaming)
Centre Midfielder
  • Box-to-Box (Balanced)
  • Holding (Defend)
  • Deep-Lying Playmaker (Defend)
  • Playmaker (Attack | Roaming)
  • Half-Winger (Balanced | Attack)
Wide Midfielder
  • Winger (Balanced | Attack)
  • Wide Midfielder (Defend | Balanced)
  • Wide Playmaker (Attack)
  • Inside Forward (Balanced | Attack)
Attacking Midfielder
  • Playmaker (Balanced | Roaming)
  • Shadow Striker (Attack)
  • Half-Winger (Balanced | Attack)
  • Winger (Balanced | Attack)
  • Inside Forward (Balanced | Attack | Roaming)
  • Wide Playmaker (Attack)
  • Advanced Forward (Attack | Complete)
  • Poacher (Attack)
  • False 9 (Build-Up)
  • Target Forward (Balanced | Attack | Wide)
Alternate Player Roles will be introduced throughout the year, allowing you to choose from a variety of Player Items as strategies continue to evolve over time.
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