The FC 25 Practice Arena is a game mode where you can train your dribbling, shooting, and goalkeeping skills, or practice free kicks and penalties.
FC 25 Training Centre


The Practice Arena game mode in FC 25 offers players a dedicated space to refine their skills and enhance various aspects of their gameplay. Serving as a virtual training ground, it allows players to concentrate on improving specific abilities without the pressures of a full match. This mode is invaluable for players looking to elevate their gameplay, experiment with new tactics, and bolster their confidence before entering real matches.

Within the Arena, players can focus on enhancing their dribbling, shooting, passing, and goalkeeping skills in a controlled environment. This enables them to practice different techniques, movements, and strategies to become more proficient in these areas. Additionally, players can refine their free kicks and penalty kicks, refining their aiming, power, and technique—essential skills for high-stress situations during matches.

Unlike actual matches, this mode provides a relaxed setting where players can take their time to experiment with various moves and techniques. There’s no pressure, allowing players to repeat actions until they feel comfortable with their execution.

This game mode caters to players of all skill levels. Beginners can utilize it to learn and master the basics, while experienced players can refine their advanced techniques and test out new strategies.

FC 25 Practice Arena is available on the main game menu.

How to Access the Practice Arena
  1. From the main screen, navigate to [Learn to Play];
  2. Select [Practice Arena].

How to Play

Once inside the Arena, the first thing you need to do is select how many players each team will have. To switch between teams, use the triangle/Y button. To add players, move the cursor to an empty area of the field and press the square/X button. Similarly, to remove a player, select them with the cursor and press the circle/B button.

When you’re satisfied with the selection, press the touchpad to confirm and start the training session. At any time, you can press the same button to return to scenario mode.

By pausing the game with the Select button, you access all the menus where you can configure the experience, including difficulty level and camera settings, as well as jump directly to a training match or the set-piece training mode, or exit to the main screen.
Frequently Asked Questions
Practice Arena is a game mode where you can train your dribbling, shooting, and goalkeeping skills, or practice free kicks and penalties.
No, the FC 25 Practice Arena does not offer rewards, but you can enhance your gameplay by engaging with it.
FC 25 Practice Arena


In the Practice Arena, you have the option to engage in various activities such as playing a practice match, taking free kicks (including penalties), or setting up specific game scenarios by specifying the number and position of players on each team.

This mode offers instant feedback on your actions, allowing you to observe where your shots land, evaluate the effectiveness of your dribbling moves, and assess your performance in goalkeeping situations.

So that you won’t miss anything, a list of Controls and Skill Moves is available from the pause menu, where you can also select the team you want to command, the camera angle, and the difficulty level.

Difficulty Levels Available:
  • Beginner
  • End to End
  • Semi-Pro
  • Professional
  • World Class
  • Legendary


It’s possible to practice in the arena using one of the various available camera angles. To switch to the one that’s active, simply pause and select [Camera].

Cameras Available:
  • Classic
  • Dynamic
  • Tele
  • End to End
  • Pro
  • Co-Op
  • Broadcast
  • Tele Broadcast
  • Legacy
  • EA Sports GameCam
  • Tactical