The name of your club is how you are represented in the FC 26 Ultimate Team ecosystem.
Team Name
When building your Ultimate Team in FC 26, your club’s identity revolves around three key elements: the name, badge, and kit. While additional touches like a ball, stadium, theme, tifo, or customized features can add flair, your team name remains the most visible representation to opponents.
At the start of your Ultimate Team journey, a random name is assigned, and you’ll be prompted to select a new one. This crucial identifier appears on pre-match screens, making it an important aspect of your club’s presence.
Your team name can be anything you choose, as long as it stays within the 15-character limit and adheres to EA’s guidelines, avoiding offensive or profane language. Spaces are allowed but count toward the character limit, so capitalization can help create a unique identity if space is tight.
After choosing your team name, you’ll also set a three-letter abbreviation, which will appear on the scoreboard and during matches to display your results.
Changing the UT Team Name
Changing your FC 26 club name doesn’t offer any gameplay advantages or bonuses for your Ultimate Team. It’s purely a cosmetic option and might not be significant for some players. However, since Ultimate Team revolves around building a unique club, choosing a name that holds personal meaning can enhance the experience.
In past editions, renaming your club was limited—once via a specific objective or up to three times last year. However, in FC 26, you can change your club name as often as you’d like.
To update your club name, simply access the Club Settings Menu at any time.
How to Change Your Club Name in FC 26
- From the main Ultimate Team screen, use R1/RB to navigate to [Settings];
- Press R1/RB again to select [Rename Club];
- Press X/A to start the process;
- Enter the new team name;
- Set a new three-letter abbreviation;
- Review the details and make any changes if needed;
- Confirm your selection once you’re satisfied.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, you can change your FC 26 club name at any time and as many times as you wish.
If you want to change the name of your club, follow these steps:
- From the main Ultimate Team screen, select [Settings];
- Select [Rename Club];
- Type the new team name and abbreviation;
- Confirm your selection.
An Ultimate Team club name can have up to 15 characters, including spaces and CAPS.
Yes, you can change the 3-letters abbreviation following the same procedure you do to the club name. However, remember that you can only change the club name + abbreviation once.
To rename your club again, you just need to go to the Club settings screen.
In Football Club 26 you cannot delete your club. This feature was removed in FIFA 22.
Most likely, the name you picked is offensive, and EA doesn’t allow you to use it. EA doesn’t allow every club name due to guidelines against profanity or offensive language in any form. These restrictions aim to maintain a safe and inclusive gaming environment for all players.
FC 26 Club Names Suggestions
500DaysOfSummer |
ACMeRollin |
AnsuFUTi |
AstonVanilla |
AyewSerious |
Bad Kompany |
Back to Futre |
Bacuna Matata |
BallBusters |
BayerNeverlusen |
Balotellitubbie |
BetterCallSaul |
BigLewandowski |
Blink1Etoo |
BocaSeniors |
BorussiaTeeth |
CabayeOnChips |
CamavingaBoys |
CanSalahKarius |
CerealKillers |
CescAndTheCity |
ChickenTikiTaka |
CitizenKane |
CtrlAltDeLigt |
CtrlAltDefeat |
DidYeDropback |
DirtySanchez |
DolceAndLallana |
DonnarumAndCoke |
DraftSquad |
DukesOfHazard |
DyslexiaUntied |
EatMyGoal |
EggFriedReus |
EnterShaqiri |
ExeterGently |
ExpectToulouse |
Farcelona |
Fenerbackache |
FightClub |
FiorentinaTurner |
ForFuchsSake |
GameOfStones |
GameOfThrowIns |
GiroudSandstorm |
GoalOfDuty |
GunsNMoses |
Haaland Security |
HappyBdayYaya |
HappyBdayYaya |
HeyJuve |
HierroRocher |
HipHipPayet |
HowIMetYourMata |
IDontDrinkwater |
IbeGotAFeeling |
Ibracadabra |
IDontKjaer |
IGotzeNoIdea |
ImLovrenIt |
ISkipReplayIfUDo |
IsUrMotherwell |
ItsATrapp |
ItDoesntMata |
IVardySoHardy |
IvoryToast |
JohnStoned |
KaneYouKickIt |
KanteBeStopped |
KanteTouchThis |
KanyeWestHam |
KroosControl |
LadyYaya |
Lahmageddon |
LeaveMyArcelona |
LordOfTheIngs |
LukeKyleWalker |
ManChestHairUd |
MarkNoballs |
MartialLaw |
MarYJuanaFC |
Meet The Fekirs |
MichuAtDeGeaBar |
MkhitaryanStark |
MoLeicester |
MortalComan |
Neighmar |
NetsixAndChill |
NeverWokAlone |
NoFIFAPointsFC |
NoKaneNoGain |
NorfolkInChance |
ObiWanIwobi |
OccasionallyUtd |
OccasionallyUtd |
OnZidanesFloor |
OsasunaOrLater |
OspinaColada |
Paralympiakos |
PepePig |
PepeShow |
PiqueBlinders |
PjanicAtTheIsco |
PortBale |
QParkStrangers |
RashfordFiesta |
RealBetisHotpot |
RealSocialDad |
RollsReus |
SaltAndPepe |
SayNeymarName |
SendUmtities |
ShowMeTheMane |
ShutTheFACup |
SkipReplayIfUDo |
SlumdogMignolet |
SmallingThanYou |
SonicHuth |
SuarezidentEvil |
SugarKane |
SungParkTheBus |
TeaAndBusquets |
TheKouyateKid |
TheWalkingDede |
TheWizardOfOzil |
TheZarateKid |
TikkaMoSalah |
TurkishDeLigt |
TwoLeftFeet |
TyranoSuarezRex |
UnprotectedCesc |
UnrealMadrid |
UrGoingToulouse |
Victorious Secret |
Whateverton |
WhatsTheMata |
WillianDollarBaby |
WhoAteAllDepays |
WiiNotFit |
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