FIFA 13 Awards and Reviews

FIFA 13 é um grande sucesso.


FIFA 13 Awards and Reviews

FIFA 13 already was a success even before it has been released.

First, FIFA 13 has reached records level in pre-sales, as we announced here.


FIFA 13 Awards


Then, it launched a global critical acclaim. Among the many awards and positive reviews, we highlight the 16 awards won at E3 2012, including the best sports game, and the 9.1 attributed by GamesMaster.
What they said about FIFA 13:

  • Eurogamer – “more ways to play it, all of them detailed and engaging, than ever before”
  • IGN – ”it’s hard to imagine a game that you’ll enjoy more this year”
  • CVG – “It eats, sleeps and breathes football, tying into the world game like nothing before”
  • Videogamer – “FIFA 13 arrives in generation-defining form”
  • OXM – “FIFA 13′s bigger and brighter in every way”
  • FHM – “The biggest sports game of all time”
  • – “Best FIFA ever”
  • Games Master – “Football Perfection”

    FIFA 13 Awards and Reviews in Video

    Watch the EA video that celebrates the anticipated success of FIFA 13.