FIFA 13 Remake – Juninho Free Kick

FIFA 13 Remake - Luis Suarez Free Kick


How real can be FIFA 13 ? Today we bring you a FIFA 13 remake of a Juninho Pernambucano free kick.


FIFA 13 Remake – Juninho Free Kick


As we have noticed a couple of days ago, FIFA U Team have the exclusivity of ARC8393 videos, one of the best FIFA YouTubers of our days.

Today we will place here a FIFA 13 remake of the Juninho Pernambucano goal, against Sport Recife, scored by free kick, in the Season 2012 of the Campeonato Brasileiro.



This addition represents a great effort from our team to continue to bring you the best of FIFA Ultimate Team. So, do not forget to subscribe to our FIFA U Team TV channel, the ARC8393 channel and his Twitter channel. Thanks.


// Código Snack Media
// Código Supernovacy