FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Fitness Cards Guide

FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Fitness Cards Guide


Learn everything about FIFA 16 Fitness Cards Guide.

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FIFA 16 Fitness Cards Roles


Every time a player participates in a match, he gets tired. That decline in his fitness level may affect his performance in the following matches. That’s why it is so important you know how to manage the fitness of your players.

The fastest but also the most expensive way of doing this is through the application of fitness cards. The only role of these cards is to add the fitness points indicated on the item to the physical condition that is printed on the player card. However, even if the sum of the two values is higher than 99, the fitness is always limited by this value.


A player with low fitness can be recovered quickly with fitness cards

There are two types of fitness cards: individual and squad’s cards. The first ones, allow you to recover only one player. The other ones increase the fitness of all your 23 players – starting eleven, substitutes and reserves.

If a player is not injured, you can apply fitness cards as many times you wish. In other words, you can apply a card one after the other. Its effect accumulates. If you apply a fitness card to someone that stays on the reserves or on the bench, he will continue to benefit from the effect until he plays.

If you have stored fitness coaches on your club, you will get a bonus up to 50% when you apply a fitness card.

FIFA 16 Fitness Cards Guide


Fitness Cards Effect


There are only six fitness cards into FIFA 16:



PLAYER 20 40 60
SQUAD 10 20 30



Who Needs Fitness Cards


We do not recommend using players with less than 80 fitness points. The ideal is to replace them with others when their fitness is lower than 90. It is therefore important to have a squad good enough to allow a rotation without much loss of quality. Our fitness guide explains very well how you should manage the fitness of your squad.

However, sometimes in specific important matches, it is very useful to recover a crucial member of our team. This is made using fitness cards.

If you have a very good budget and want to play always with the best eleven, buying fitness cards seems to us a good strategy.


In general, it is a waste to buy fitness gold and silver cards to apply a player. It is very uncommon to find a player that needs an improvement of 60 or 40 fitness points, so you should analyse your needs before buying these cards. The bronze individual cards increase the fitness level by 10 points, not counting the possible effect of the staff stored in your club, so they are usually good enough to raise the fitness of your players to the maximum.

Generally speaking, it is better to apply a single squad’s card than doing it with three or more individual cards. It is cheaper. You will do it only if you do not mind to spend coins with fitness cards, something that is avoidable. If that is your strategy, making the recovery of players exclusively at the expense of those cards, you will have an approximate cost of 300 coins per game.


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