FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Staff Guide

Guia de Staff para FIFA 16 Ultimate Team


Managers, coaches and physio’s. Get to know more about them in our staff guide for FIFA 16 Ultimate Team.

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FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Staff


Building a dream team is every FIFA 16 Ultimate Team player’s objective. In order to reach that, something more than just players will be needed. You’ll need to know how to manage the other types of cards there are in the game: staff, consumables and club items. For this, it’s good that you fully understand what they’re for, how they work and which real benefits they may or may not bring you according to your strategies.

It’s commonly said that human resources are every company’s most valuable assets. This happens in FUT 15 as well. The players are no doubt crucial, because without them you wouldn’t be able to play. Although they aren’t indispensable, the staff also perform a very important role. These cards have the responsibility to boost the effect of some consumables and, in the case of managers, they even increase the players’ individual chemistry.

In FIFA 16 Ultimate Team, there are five different types of staff cards, each one having a specific role:

  • Managers
  • Head Coaches
  • Goalkeeper Coaches
  • Fitness Coaches
  • Physio


If you’re planning on playing less than 300 matches and you know how to manage your squad well, already having maximum individual chemistry even without a manager, you can abdicate yourself from buying staff cards

Head coaches increase the effect of player training cards, goalkeeper coaches increase the effect of goalkeeper training cards, fitness coaches increase the effect of fitness cards and physio coaches increase the effect of healing cards. If you don’t use consumables in your club, except for the contracts which are mandatory, you can abdicate yourself from having staff. Otherwise, equip yourself with coaches and physio’s according to which consumables you use the most. The managers are an exception, because since they have an important role on contracts, they are actually very much required if you want to be successful.


FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Staff Guide

To buy staff go to Transfers – Transfer Market – Staff Search


Just like any other type of card, staff can be found in packs through the following ways:

    – when you create a new club, from the Starter Pack;
    – when you buy them on the store;
    – when you play FUT Draft;
    – when you win tournaments or seasons that include packs as reward;
    – or when you receive Daily Gifts, Welcome Back packs and other prizes.

If you need a specific staff card, our suggestion is that you go and search for it on the market using filters. This way you’ll only spend coins on cards you don’t have and you’ll be equipping your club according to what it needs. Obviously the cards you get from packs should also be taken into account. However, if you think they’re not necessary, put them on the market and get a few coins from them.


You can keep as many staff cards as you want in your club, as long as there are no duplicates. You can have them duplicated on the transfer list or targets, though. In this case, the only limit you have is the list’s maximum capacity.

In order for the staff to work you only need to have them stored in “My Club”. All the rest processes are made automatically. When you use a consumable, the game gives a bonus according to the staff you own.

One of the most common questions concerning the staff cards is about how it works: “what do you need to do to have them active?”. The answer is simpler than most players think. You basically don’t have to do anything. You just have to send them to the club and leave them there. Every time you buy a staff card on the market or get one from a pack, go for the option “send to club”. Then, when you apply a consumable, the system automatically identifies what cards associated to the type of consumable you have stored in your club and you are given a bonus according to them.


The table below allows identification of the similarities and differences between the five types of staff cards there are:

Consumable Bonus Limit Ind. Chemistry Cards Average Price
Manager Contract 0 to 3 % +50% +1 174 600c
Head Coach Training 5 to 15% +50% 0 61 600c
GK Coach GK Training 5 to 15% +50% 0 64 200c
Fitness Coach Fitness 1 to 5% +50% 0 60 250c
Physio Healing 5 to 15% +50% 0 64 200c


We will now analyse specifically each one of these cards.



Managers Cards


Among the five types of staff cards, the managers are clearly the most important ones. Going without managers won’t do you any good, though.


Manager cards have basically two functions:

  • Extend the players’ contracts
  • When you apply a contract, its effect is multiplied by the sum of the coefficients of all the managers your club has.

  • Contribute to individual chemistry

The manager you choose for a squad can increase one point of individual chemistry for each player starting the match if they have the same league or/and nationality of him.


You can find a complete explanation about managers here

FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Staff Guide


Head Coaches and Goalkeeper Coaches


Every time you apply a training card to a player or goalkeeper, the bonus they receive depends not only on the card’s value itself but also all the coaches stored in “My Club” for this attribute are taken into account. The system automatically sums up all coaches’ displayed percentages and then give you the total bonus for the attribute, which can’t be higher than 50% because this is the maximum value possible according the amount of coaches there are in the game for one attribute.

Head coaches give the player training cards bonus while goalkeeper coaches give the goalkeeper training cards bonus.


You can find a complete explanation about coaches here

FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Staff Guide


Fitness Coach Cards


Every time you apply a fitness card to a player, his fitness restoration will not depend exclusively on the card’s value, but also on the fitness coaches you have stored in your club. The system automatically sums up all the fitness coaches’ displayed percentages and then gives you a bonus according to the total value. It doesn’t go beyond 50%, so you should be paying attention to how much you have.


You can find a complete explanation about fitness coaches here

FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Staff Guide


Physio Cards


Every time you apply a healing card to a player, the decrease of his healing period doesn’t depend exclusively on the card’s value but also on how many physio coaches you have stored in “My Club”. The system automatically adds up all the percentages displayed on each physio coach card and then gives you the total bonus according to that. The sum of these coefficients can never surpass 50% because this is the maximum value according to the number of physio coaches of each speciality there are in the game.


You can find a complete explanation about physios here

FIFA 16 Ultimate Team Staff Guide




We create a few videos to help who is starting this game mode.
These videos were created for FUT 15 but they remain up to date for FIFA 16.


How to use Managers


How to use Head Coaches


How to use Fitness Coaches



New Stuff


For people that are used to Ultimate Team, most of what we’ve described here is already of their knowledge. This way, we decided to create a simple chapter where you can consult a brief history of changes concerning staff.


FUT 15 >> FUT 16

  • Less managers
  • More coaches and physios


FUT 14 >> FUT 15

  • Head coaches for the heading attribute are substituted by fitness coaches;
  • Added 116 managers.


FUT 13 >> FUT 14

  • Managers stop having influence on morale, which is eliminated;
  • Managers start having influence on individual chemistry and not just directly on the squad’s chemistry;
  • Managers’ category starts being irrelevant to the chemistry;
  • Managers stop having a preferred formation and it stops being one of the influences to the chemistry;
  • Managers start having an associated league, which contributes for the players’ individual chemistry and can be altered by the application of one type of consumable.





Q: How many staff cards can I have in my club?
A: As many as you want as long as there are no duplicates.

Q: What should I do to have my staff working?
A: Nothing. Just buy them and send them to your club.

Q: Is there a limit for the staff’s effect?
A: Yes. 50%.

Q: Where can I see the effect my staff is making?
A: In the squad menu, when you apply a consumable to one of your players. You’ll be able to see their bonus before you use it.

Q: Where can I find staff to hire?
A: On the transfer market, using filters for staff, or in packs.

Q: Where can I find the staff I just hired?
A: In the “My Club” menu. If they’re not there, check your transfer and targets list, as well as the unassigned.

Q: Is having a gold manager the same as having a bronze one?
A: It is for chemistry contribution. The only difference is about the contracts bonus, they do have different weights for that.

Q: Can I change a manager’s league?
A: Yes. You just need to apply him a manager league consumable.

Q: Can I change a manager’s nationality?
A: No.

Q: Which staff spends contracts?
A: Only the manager active in your squad spends contracts. The remaining do their effect without spending contracts while being stored in your club.

Q: Can I choose not to have any staff in my club?
A: Yes. Although it’s highly recommended that you have at least one manager for your squad.


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