FIFA 19 is now available for all platforms, all around the world. It’s time to know the FIFA 19 community first impressions of the game. Share your thoughts with us.
FIFA 19 Community First Impressions
Share your opinion about FIFA 19
If you are a true fan of EA Sports FIFA franchise, you probably already are playing FIFA 19. We know that you are busy playing the game, but we are sure that you can pause it a bit and share with us your first impressions of the game. Take this chance to know the opinion of other players like you.
If you don’t know what to say about the new FIFA 19, we may help you suggesting you a few topics that we believe will be interesting for most of the community:
✔️ Global opinion: better or worse than FIFA 18?
✔️ How different is from the demo?
✔️ Menus Design
✔️ Installation Issues
✔️ Items stucked in the trade pile
✔️ FIFA Points not credited
✔️ EAS FC Catalogue Items Issues
✔️ Other problems like freezings and lags
✔️ Bugs
✔️ Connection and DNF
✔️ Difficulty level: easier or more difficult?
✔️ Game Speed
✔️ AI
✔️ Goalkeeper Improvements
✔️ New Animations
✔️ Players Faces
✔️ New sound effects and commentaries
✔️ Favourite Player
✔️ Favourite Team
✔️ Ratings of the Players
✔️ Icons
✔️ Soundtrack
✔️ The Journey: Hunter Returns
✔️ New features of Ultimate Team
✔️ FUT Champions
✔️ Squad Building Challenges
✔️ Squad Battles
✔️ Objectives
✔️ Major negative and positive points
✔️ Global Opinion
✔️ Score (from 0 to 10)
Use the comments section to share your opinion and don’t forget to respect the opinion of other players. Remember that there are many problems in the first weeks because servers are overloaded. Many of these issues will be fixed but, unfortunately, many others will keep in the game.
If you haven’t played it yet, you can know more about FIFA 19 clicking here.
Please, share your thoughts with us. Your feedback is precious for everyone.
Great physics engine, love the small changes but if you don’t put legacy defending back on squad battles I’m returning the game for a refund for the first time in more than 20 years.
I love the game and once u get used to it it’s so fun and EA have really done a good job on improving packs this year?
Im loving this! Thank you EA!