FIFA 19 St Patricks Day is a yearly festive promotion that is largely known by the green cards assigned to a selection of Irish players. In this guide, you will have the chance to know everything about the FIFA 19 St Patricks Day event, including the expected release date, the official rules and the list of all St Patricks Day cards.
FIFA 19 St Patricks Day
What is the FIFA 19 St Patricks Day Promotion?
St Patricks Day is a cultural and religious celebration held on 17 March, the traditional death date of Saint Patrick, the foremost patron saint of Ireland. Electronic Arts has joined in FIFA 13 to the Irish celebration that takes place every year.
During the FIFA 19 St Patricks Day Promotion, Electronic Arts usually releases several FUT pack offers, themed cards and kits. Details on FIFA 19 St Patricks Day offers will be updated here.
FIFA 19 St Patricks Day Release Date
When the FIFA 19 St Patricks Day promotion will be released?
The St Patricks Day promotion has been going since FIFA 13, making it one of the oldest FUT events.
In the following table, you can see the St Patricks Day event release dates of previous years:
FIFA 18 | 16 March – 23 March 2018 |
FIFA 17 | 16 March – 20 March 2017 |
FIFA 16 | 16 March – 21 March 2016 |
FIFA 15 | 13 March – 18 March 2015 |
FIFA 14 | 13 March – 18 March 2014 |
FIFA 13 | 15 March – 17 March 2013 |
For FIFA 19 Ultimate Team, the St Patricks Day event will take place on the following dates:
From 18/03/2019 (Mon) 05:00am ?? AEDT (UCT +11)
From 18/03/2019 (Mon) 03:00am ?? JST (UCT +9)
From 17/03/2019 (Sun) 06:00pm ?? GMT (UCT +0)
From 17/03/2019 (Sun) 03:00pm ?? BRST (UCT -3)
From 17/03/2019 (Sun) 01:00pm ?? EST (UCT -5)
From 17/03/2019 (Sun) 01:00pm ?? EST (UCT -5)
From 17/03/2019 (Sun) 10:00am ?? PST (UCT -8)
FIFA 19 St Patricks Day Cards Rules
How the FIFA 19 St Patricks Day Cards Work
To promote the event, Electronic Arts introduced in FIFA 15 a brand new themed card. These cards are assigned to a selection of players only to who completes the respective weekly objectives.
Based on what happened in previous years, these are the official rules we expect to see this time:
FIFA 19 St Patricks Day cards become available through weekly objectives.
1.1. If you own the regular card of a St Patricks Day player, your card will keep unchanged. If you want the new version, you will need to complete the weekly objective.
During the event, a selection of Irish players will be released as unique green items. The ratings and stats of these cards are exactly the same ones from the day 1 items.
FIFA 19 St Patricks Day Cards
The squad of FIFA 19 St Patricks Day Players
The St Patricks Day cards are released once a year during the St Patricks Day event. The players selected to get one of the FIFA 19 St Patricks Day cards are the following ones:
FIFA 19 St Patricks Day Updated Offers
What you can win with the FIFA 19 St Patricks Day event
We estimate that the FIFA 19 St Patricks Day offers will include:
Promo Packs
New Squad Building Challenges
Themed Kit (available via Squad Battles)
St Patricks Day Players Cards
FIFA 19 St Patricks Day FAQ
What you need to know about the FUT 19 St Patricks Day event
Q: What is the FIFA 19 St Patricks Day?
A: It is an event that Electronic Arts runs to celebrate the Irish St Patricks Day. This time, it will probably run at the same time of FUT Birthday.
Q: When is the FIFA 19 St Patricks Day?
A: The promotion will probably run on March 17, 2019 (Sunday).
Q: What can we expect from FIFA 19 St Patricks Day event?
A: FUT pack offers, themed kit and green players cards release.
Q: Who chooses the FUT St Patricks Day cards?
A: EA Sports.
Q: Can we expect 100k Jumbo Rare Players Packs?
A: Probably no.
Q: Can you explain me how the green team works?
A: EA releases every year a selection of green players cards to celebrate the St. Patrick’s Day. These cards have no boost. Basically, the only difference to their respective NIF cards is the colour. During the event, the player’s cards will be released on green instead of their normal colours.
FIFA 17 | FIFA 17