FIFA 21 glossary collects the most popular terms, abbreviations, acronyms and definitions helping the least experienced to understand better the FUT vocabulary.
A Promo Pack available on the FUT store in which you have two times more chances to get an In Form or special item. They are very very rare.
A trading method to buy items on FUT Transfer Market that are listed recently for a price that is below their lowest Buy Now price and then list the purchased items back up on the market to make profit.
A Player’s physical attribute. It measures the increment of a player’s running speed. The higher the value, the shorter the time needed to reach maximum speed.
An applicable action to an item or a Squad. Below is the list of available actions in FUT.
Apply Consumable
Swap Player
Send to Active Squad
Make This Item Active
Place on Transfer List
List on Transfer Market
Send to My Club
Quick Sell
Squad Selector
Squad Builder
Apply Squad Training Item
Player Instructions
Player Roles
Kit Numbers
Custom Tactics
Player Stats
Set Formation
Apply Consumable
Swap Player
Send to Active Squad
Make This Item Active
Place on Transfer List
List on Transfer Market
Send to My Club
Quick Sell
Squad Selector
Squad Builder
Apply Squad Training Item
Player Instructions
Player Roles
Kit Numbers
Custom Tactics
Player Stats
Set Formation
A match against the active Team of the Week or Featured Squad. An active challenge offers you bonus coins. An active challenge offers you bonus coins for your first win, the number of coins depends on the difficulty level you choose.
Your currently selected squad in FUT.
A player’s mental attribute. It measures the frequency and the aggression of jostling, tackling and slide tackling. It is the attribute which determines the player’s power of will or commitment to a match.
A player’s physical attribute. It measures how agile the player is while moving or turning. In other words, how fast and graceful a player is able to control the ball.
The record of match results you have played since the beginning of your current FUT season. It is shown as Win-Draw-Lose by numbers.
The game’s version that comes after the pre-alpha and before the beta. It is one of the first development stages.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +2 boost on pace, defence and physical.
The mobile operating system developed by Google. One of the platforms where FUT can be managed with the Companion App.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on passing and physical.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on passing and dribble.
It measures how often a player participates in attacks. Rated as low, medium and high.
The same of Player Attributes. The data and information that determine the quality and the feature of a player’s technical skills, behaviours and performance on the pitch. They are rated from 0 to 99 each.
An application created to trade automatically on FUT. The user indicates the price they are interested in buying certain items at and when the indicated player or players appear the program then automatically makes the bid for them.
An application created to trade automatically on FUT. The user indicates the price they are interested in buying certain cards at and when the indicated player or players appear the program makes the buy for them automatically using the BIN option.
A special Player Item assigned to award winner players, including POTS and POTY, of a selection of leagues. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +2 boost on passing, defence and physical.
One of the four club items types. It is shown on the starting animation of every match, every pause and all menus of this game mode.
A player’s physical attribute. It measures the ability to maintain balance after a physical challenge.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures the ability of a player to control the ball as he receives it. The higher the value, the less likely the ball is to bounce away from the player after controlling it.
The worst version of an Icon item.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +1 boost on all stats. By default, all player cards in FUT have BAS chemistry style unless another chemistry style is applied to them.
The FIFA test version released in August to a selected group of FIFA users for a pre-release test by invitation.
A price proposal on an auction. Each time you make an offer for a item that is being sold on the transfer market. The lower bid possible is 150 coins.
Also known as Price Jacking and Bid Jacking. Popular scamming techniques in which, at the last seconds of a sale in the transfer market, someone uses a second account and suddenly raises the price massively hoping that somebody will bid for it by mistake.
Also known as Price Jacking and Bid Bumping. Popular scamming techniques in which, at the last seconds of a sale in the transfer market, someone uses a second account and suddenly raises the price massively hoping that somebody will bid for it by mistake.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year on the day following Thanksgiving Day. It celebrates the shopping event Black Friday.
The name given to silver Brazilians players and to the teams shaped exclusively by these players.
The lowest of the three item’s qualities. In the case of players’ cards, it corresponds to those with a rating up to 64.
A squad featuring players from the three qualities: bronze, silver and gold.
A bidding option in FUT Transfer Market which allows you to buy an item immediately by paying the Buy Now Price for it.
The price for Buy Now option. A compulsory price setting option for listing items on FUT Transfer Market which allows you to offer a price to your bidders as for the Buy Now option.
Buy Now Price is the maximum price for bidding, which is also knows as End Price or Maximum Price.
Buy Now Price is the maximum price for bidding, which is also knows as End Price or Maximum Price.
An item. It can be a player, a staff, a consumable, a club’s item or a token.
A metric used to estimate how often a particular card is traded on the FUT marketplace. The higher the card weight number, means this card may be rarer plus more sought after when traded or not as frequently seen within the marketplace. It gives an indication of how rare cards are.
A chemistry style for goalkeepers that gives a potential +2 boost on reflexes, speed and positioning.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on passing and pace.
A player position. Also known as Center Attacking Midfielder. It is an offensive midfield player who is normally positioned between central midfield and the strikers (forwards). CAM players usually help their forwards on attacks to score goals.
A player position. Also known as Center Defensive Midfielder. It is a midfield player with a primarily defensive role. CDM players usually help the defenders in their team for defences.
A player position. It is a striker who has the main role of attacking and scoring goals as a lone forward. A CF player is usually positioned in center of the attacking line.
A FUT Champions feature that lets you watch full match replays from the top players in the world competing in the weekend league.
The middle-tier version of the game.
An index that measures how well a player will perform in-game and it depends on the familiarity of the players with the positioning, the relation with the teammates and the manager. Low chemistry values will hinder players’ ability, whilst high chemistry values will result in players performing well.
A consumable item that allows players to choose which stats will be affected by chemistry. It redistributes the stats that will receive chemistry boosts.
A short kick that lifts the ball high in the air.
A FUT Friendlies game mode which uses the official rules.
One of the four types of FUT items. They are essentially used to personalize your club, making your playing experience the most unique as it possibly can be.
There are four categories: balls, kits, badges and stadiums.
There are four categories: balls, kits, badges and stadiums.
The total value of all players in your club. It measures how valuable are your players.
A special item that gives you some additional FUT Coins for each match you play. It can be redeemed exclusively on Seasons.
The digital currency of FIFA Ultimate Team used to do any exchange or transaction.
A store which sells FUT coins for money. It is against the EA terms of use.
Also known as come-from-behind. It is an occurrence of a team which is behind by a few goals in a match, but turns the result and wins the game in the end.
A type of FUT event in which each player who completes Objectives in specified groups will contribute to a global XP pool.
Also known as Most Consistent but Never IF. The first Team of the Season to be released. It is based on a shortlist of 100+ players who performed consistently well throughout the season but did not receive a performance-based in-form. The 23 winners are chosen by fan vote and revealed when the team is announced.
A free online app that lets you manage your FUT for consoles on your iOS or Android device just like you do in the FUT Web App.
An option in FUT Transfer Market which allows you to compare your item before listing with the same or similar items listed on transfer market by other people.
An award you get in coins after finishing a FUT match.
A player’s mental attribute. It measures the distance the player with the ball starts feeling the pressure from the opponent. The higher the value, the better the player performs when under pressure from an opponent.
A virtual item that allow you to populate your squads with players you don’t own to see how they fit.
A powerful in-game squad planning tool that allows you to plan future squads using any FUT player. Use Concept Squads to plan your next Transfer Market buys, find replacements for players and test out different Chemistry combinations.
A cooperative match which allows you to team up with a friend online.
One of the four types of FUT items. They can be applied to players or managers. It includes contracts, healing, chemistry styles, manager’s league and position cards.
A location reserved for the consumables that you may want to store in your club.
One of the eight types of Consumable Items. It increases the number of games a manager or a player can play. When the number of matches printed in the player or in the manager card reaches zero, they will remain on your squad but can only contribute to your team when you apply a contract card to them.
An offensive custom tactic. It affects how many players will position themselves in the box during a corner.
A medium to long range pass from a wide area of the field towards the centre of the field near the opponent’s goal.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures how accurately the player crosses the ball during both normal running and free kick set pieces.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures the player’s ability to curve the ball when passing and shooting. The higher the value the more curve/curl the player is capable of putting on the ball.
The very last submitted bid with the highest price on a listed item on the Transfer Market. The current bid will win the auction once the Time Remaining is expired.
A daily reward assigned to FUT players during specific and limited periods of time. Usually, it can be redeemed through the web and companion app during the first few days of the game’s release.
Simple tasks which are released each day and contribute XP to your Season Rewards. They are automatically release each day and expire after 24hrs.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on shooting and passing.
A situation in a match in which no progress, no movement or no score can be made.
The connection between two players with different nationalities, different clubs and different leagues.
One of the six face player’s stats. It measures the heading accuracy, interceptions, marking, sliding tackle and standing tackle of a specific player.
A defensive custom tactic. It determines how hard the team will tackle and how much pressure is applied to the ball possessor.
It measures how often a player participates in defensive plays. Rated as low, medium and high.
An option that let you delete your current club. A deleted club cannot be restored which means that you loose your your progress, squads, players, coins and other items permanently. You can only delete five times.
A free to download limited version of the full game designed to show users what the full game will be like, showing off new features and gameplay improvements.
A defensive custom tactic. It determines how high up the pitch the team will start to pressure the opposition.
A coefficient that measures the number of unfinished matches due to volunteer player dropping. Disconnecting from matches affects your DNF Modifier which could reduce the number of coins and rewards you receive from future matches.
Also known as Quick Sell Price. It is a selling option which allows you to sell your items to the system immediately and get coins instead. Once you do quick sell an item, it will be discarded and will no longer available in your FUT Club. Discard price for untradeable items is 0 coins.
One of the six face goalkeeper’s stats. It measures the ability to make a save whilst diving through the air.
Also known as FUT Rivals or FUT Division Rivals. Online mode with a skill-driven rank system, allowing users to earn FUT Champions Points and enter the FUT Champions Weekend League.
A built-in program in FIFA games that monitors your DNF rates and reduces the amount of coins and rewards you gain from your online matches as your DNF rate goes higher.
Also known as Quick Tactics. Special tactics that give more control over your team while in-game, allowing you to modify certain aspects of your playstyle without having to pause a match.
Also known as FUT Draft. Game mode that tests your team-building skills as you pick the best fit for each position from a five-player draw. In this mode, you challenge opponents in a series of up to four matches.
One of the six face player’s stats. It measures the agility, balance, ball control and dribbling of a specific player.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures the player’s ability to carry the ball and past an opponent. A higher value means the player will be able to keep better possession of the ball whilst dribbling because he will keep the ball closer, making it harder for the opponent to win it off of him.
An operated, powered and speeded up ground pass. A driven pass is more accurate to reach its target, but since the passer put pace and strength on the ball, it might be more difficult to control for the receiver.
The time during which an item is being listed on the FUT Transfer Market.
The duration of your listed items will be shown as Time Remaining on the market. Once the duration of a listed item is finished, the item will be sold to the current bidder if there is any or will be expired if there was no any bid. A Buy Now action will finish the item’s duration immediately.
You have to set a duration for your items when listing them on the Transfer Market. In FUT, the minimum duration is 1 Hour and the maximum is 3 Days.
The duration of your listed items will be shown as Time Remaining on the market. Once the duration of a listed item is finished, the item will be sold to the current bidder if there is any or will be expired if there was no any bid. A Buy Now action will finish the item’s duration immediately.
You have to set a duration for your items when listing them on the Transfer Market. In FUT, the minimum duration is 1 Hour and the maximum is 3 Days.
An ability in some video-games (such as FIFA) that monitors your playing skills & ability and suggests you to increase or decrease your difficulty level in order to improve your gameplay experience, to help you enjoy the game and/or to help you earn more game rewards.
Special time-limited release Objective Groups which will not have a regular release schedule and will end after a set period of time determined by the dynamic objective group. These could be tied to campaigns or real-world events that are happening in the game during the course of the Season.
A feature that allows you to create multiple game plans, with different tactics, instructions, formations and tactics.
A paid subscription program, released in August 2014 exclusively for Xbox gamers and extended to PlayStation in July 2019. It let members play for free a selection of games, try new games five days before the release date and enjoy 10% discounts on EA digital download purchases, including full games, downloadable content and in-game currency.
A bonus service in the video game industry by which consumers can obtain access to the unfinished game, Alpha/Beta versions of the game or access to the finished game prior to its release date.
The brand of Electronic Arts that creates and develops FIFA series.
A social network service from EA Sports that connects gamers to their EA Sports football games account information at EA Servers.
The store where you can exchange your FC Credits by items to use in different game modes.
The publisher of FIFA videogames.
A hybrid pack with a split of Gold and Silver items.
A special Player Item which celebrate a player’s footballing career with permanent stats and rating reflecting their abilities at the peak of their powers.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +2 boost on pace, passing and dribble.
The date in which you have created your FUT club.
A feature that lets can collaborate and compete by completing Objectives in-game to unlock rewards as a community.
Also known as FCC. Currency used to reward the most active FIFA players. You earn it in the same way you do with XP.
The special matches played against squads created by members of the FIFA and football community, such as real footballers, celebrities, or FIFA pro players.
The virtual currency used exclusively to purchase packs and FUT Draft entries. To gain FIFA Points in FIFA Ultimate Team, you need to purchase them by paying real money.
The world biggest and arguably the best website about FIFA Ultimate Team.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on physical and shooting.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures the accuracy of shots using foot, inside the penalty area.
A Player Item that has First Owner status in your club if the item was earned, for example, via Objectives, SBCs, or Packs. This means a First Owned Player was not bought from the Transfer Market from any other user, but it is earned as a reward or received from a pack, so you are the first owner of this player card.
In-game Player Attribute that measures a player’s condition of being physically fit and healthy.
A fancy and powerful ground pass which is less accurate than a Driven Pass but more powerful.
A fancy and powerful shot which has less accuracy but more power to reach the target.
A special Player Item assigned to currently active players, recognizing previous accomplishments they made. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
The positioning of the players on the pitch. Different formations can be used depending on whether a team wishes to play more attacking or defensive football.
Starter Objectives. It is the place where new players can learn the ropes of FIFA Ultimate Team, with organized learning objectives grouped together by subjects such as trading, team building and Chemistry.
A user who is playing since the first edition of FUT.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures the player’s accuracy for taking Free Kicks. The higher the value the better the accuracy of a direct free kick on goal.
An offensive custom tactic. It affects how many players will position themselves in the box during a free kick.
The game engine that powers the Xbox One, PS4 and PC versions since FIFA 14.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year in March. It celebrates the anniversary of the FIFA Ultimate Team mode.
A special Player Item assigned to a selection of players. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
A competitive online game mode within FUT that is also the first step of FIFA franchise into the eSports.
Also known as Red Pick. Special Player Item replica of the TOTW/TOTS from the previous week. It features permanent improved ratings and stats. These items are assigned as rewards to who have played the Weekend league.
The in-game points in FUT Division Rivals mode which are used to redeem the FUT Champions Weekend League qualification.
Feature that lets you team up with a friend online in Division Rivals against other solos or duos, in Squad Battles against the AI, or kick back in FUT Friendlies House Rules against other players.
Also known as Draft. Game mode that tests your team-building skills as you pick the best fit for each position from a five-player draw. In this mode, you challenge opponents in a series of up to four matches.
A token in FIFA Ultimate Team that can be redeemed to unlock a FUT Draft competition entry. Draft Tokens can be found in packs and received as a reward.
FUT Home. A term used in FUT navigational bar to show how far you drilled in the menu after FUT home screen.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year in March. It celebrates the best content released so far.
The default stadium when you start FUT. It’s a customisable stadium arena which can be upgraded to the Challengers Stadium and the FUT Champions Stadium.
A store where you are able to buy packs and FIFA coins.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year at the end of the season. It celebrates the community favourite players in several categories.
A special Player Item assigned to a selection of players voted by the FUT community. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year in December. It celebrates the Holiday season.
A special Player Item assigned via SBCs to a selection of players based on their FIFA world rankings and league position in the previous season. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
Also known as Web App or FUT Web. Free online app that lets you manage your FUT for consoles just like you do in the Companion App.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year in January. It celebrates the hot young prospects and their potential.
A special Player Item assigned to a selection of hot young prospects, aged 23 or younger and not yet an established star. It features permanent improved ratings and stats according to their potential.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +1 boost on all stats. By default, all goalkeeper cards in FUT have BAS chemistry style unless another chemistry style is applied to them.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on shooting and on defence.
A chemistry style for goalkeepers that gives a potential +2 boost on diving, handling and positioning.
The highest of the three item’s qualities. In the case of players’ cards, it corresponds to those with a rating higher than 74.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on dribbling and on defending.
One of the six face goalkeeper’s stats. It measures how cleanly he catches the ball and does he hold on to it.
Also known as Scripting or Momentum. A theory about how weaker teams are given an unfair advantage against stronger teams. According to it, some things that happen in-game are meant to happen by the game engine and not by the skill of the player. The goal of handicap is to balance competitiveness between opponents with different ratings.
A specific period of time with special promo packs available on the store. Regular packs are not cheaper during Happy Hours and the odds of getting an IF card are exactly the same, except for the 2x chance. They are not announced in advance.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +2 boost on pacing, shooting and physical.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures measures the heading accuracy of the player for either a pass or a shot.
A FUT Friendlies game mode in which players can only score with a header or a volley.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year in January/February. It celebrates the most in form players.
A special Player Item assigned to a selection of players who are on an exceptional run of form through the season so far. It features dynamic improved ratings and stats that get automatically upgraded if the player earns a qualified in-form during the remainder of the current season.
One of the eight types of Consumable Items. It reduces his downtime of injured players and heals them.
A special Player Item assigned to players who played a heroic contribution during an important match such as winning promotion to a higher league or saving his club from relegation. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on pacing and on defending.
A team which contains players from at least two nations AND at least two leagues.
The onnection between two players with the same nationality and club.
A special Day-1 Player Item assigned exclusively to a selection of some retired greatest football players of all time. Each football Icon has unique attributes based on his skills and flair during the peak of his career.
A feature that allows players to unlock selected Icons in exchange for Player Tokens which can be earned by completing objectives you exchange.
Also known as IF Player. A player that has played well the previous week in real life and has been chosen for the current week’s Team of the Week.
The direct messages you can give to each player individually on different tactical plans.
There are 13 player’s instructions:
Attacking Runs
Attacking Support
Chance Creation
Defensive Behaviour
Defensive Position
Defensive Support
Position Freedom
Support on Crosses
Support Runs
Run Type
Saving on Crosses
Saving Outside Box
There are 13 player’s instructions:
Attacking Runs
Attacking Support
Chance Creation
Defensive Behaviour
Defensive Position
Defensive Support
Position Freedom
Support on Crosses
Support Runs
Run Type
Saving on Crosses
Saving Outside Box
A player’s mental attribute. It measures the ability to read the game and intercept passes.
The mobile operating system developed by Apple Inc. One of the platforms where FUT can be managed with the Companion App.
Also known as Card. It can be a player, a staff, a consumable, a club’s item or a token.
A window in FUTwhich allows you to do the following actions to a selected item (when applicable).
Send to Active Squad
Make This Item Active
Place on Transfer List
List on Transfer Market
Send to My Club
Quick Sell
Send to Active Squad
Make This Item Active
Place on Transfer List
List on Transfer Market
Send to My Club
Quick Sell
A pack with the double of size of the other packs. The most popular one is the Jumbo Rare Players Pack which costs 100k coins.
One of the most wanted FUT packs. It includes 24 items, all players, all gold, all rare.
A player’s physical attribute. It measures the player’s ability and quality for jumping from the surface for headers. The higher the value is, the higher the player can jump.
A FUT Friendlies game mode that combines the power of dribbling in a control zone with a goal value meter making the focus of the game different than ever before.
One of the six face goalkeeper’s stats. It measures the length and accuracy of goal kicks, from out of the hands or on the ground.
An informative screen that uses four coefficients to compare how good players are: shows match earnings, trade profits, club value and top squads.
A special Player Item assigned via specific Milestones Objectives to a selection of players. It features dynamic improved ratings and stats.
The new release of a game with the game engine from its previous version but with updated content, game data or assets.
A Promo Pack sold on the FUT store with global limited quantities and for a pre-determined length of time.
A feature that combines Squad Rules, with the different House Rules in Friendlies.
A player item that can be used for a limited amount of matches. It is not possible to apply contracts to this item.
A lob pass (aerial pass) is a pass which goes over the opponents’ head in a high arc.
A FUT Friendlies game mode in which any goal scored inside the box will count as one goal, but goals scored from outside the box count as two goals.
A pass which travels a long distance down the field to reach its target.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures how well a player performs a long pass in the air to his teammate. It doesn’t affect long ground passes.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures measures the accuracy of shots from outside the penalty area.
A low-range lob pass.
An operated, powered and speeded up ground shot.
A chemistry bonus that rewards players found in packs or with at least 10 matches played by the same club.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year in February. It celebrates the Chinese New Year.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +2 boost on passing, dribbling and shooting.
One of the five types of Staff Items. It gives a bonus percentage to contract items and contributes to the individual player chemistry with his league and nation.
A window in FIFA Ultimate Team which allows you to do the following actions to your Active Squad’s Manager.
Apply Manager Item
Swap Manager
Place on Transfer List
List on Transfer Market
Send to My Club
Quick Sell
Apply Manager Item
Swap Manager
Place on Transfer List
List on Transfer Market
Send to My Club
Quick Sell
One of the eight types of Consumable Items. It allows you to change the league of the manager.
A special Player Item assigned to the most in-form players from domestic cups played by clubs and continental tournaments by national teams. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
A sudden drop of Item prices (especially Player prices) in the Transfer Market.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures the ability to track and defend an opposing player. It is the player’s ability to stay close to an opposing attacker and stop him getting to a cross/pass from a teammate.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +2 boost on physical, dribbling and shooting.
A Squad Building Challenges that highlighted the key real-life matches for the coming week.
A reward given after completing a match.
The important information and summary report of a match.
Below is the list of Match Facts events.
Shots on Target
Possession (%)
Red Cards
Yellow Cards
Shot Accuracy (%)
Pass Accuracy (%)
Below is the list of Match Facts events.
Shots on Target
Possession (%)
Red Cards
Yellow Cards
Shot Accuracy (%)
Pass Accuracy (%)
A FUT Friendlies game mode in which the restrictions of team-building were taken away and added a full boost to players’ Chemistry, regardless of their position in the squad or their links
The second worst version of an Icon item.
A long term objective groups which are not tied to any Season.
A pack that has cards of all qualities divided equally.
The best version of an Icon item.
A FUT Friendlies game mode that has the element of surprise each time the ball leaves play as it comes in as a new mystery ball type.
One of the platforms where FUT that can be played.
Also known as NDL. A hybrid squad where all links are yellow but the squad has full chemistry.
Also known as No Links Wasted. A hybrid squad where every player has exactly the right combination of links to achieve 9 chemistry, no more, no less.
A FUT Friendlies game mode in which there are no offside calls, fouls or bookings.
Tasks that you have to complete in-game or in the new companion app to receive extra rewards.
An offensive custom tactic. It determines the speed at which the attacking team advances play, the general passing distance and the style of support play from teammates in the first two thirds of the pitch.
A special Player Item assigned to a selection of the most promising players who have been permanently transferred. It features dynamic improved ratings and stats that are boosted every time he gets a new TOTW, MOTM, Hero, ETOTT or Record Breaker item.
The Electronic Arts Store.
A paid subscription program, released in January 2016 exclusively for PC gamers. It let members play for free a selection of games, try new games five days before the release date and enjoy 10% discounts on Origin digital download purchases, including full games, downloadable content and in-game currency.
One of the six face player’s stats. It measures acceleration and sprint speed.
A group of random in-game items which can contain players, consumables, club items, staff or a combination of them.
One of the six face player’s stats. It measures crossing, curve, free-kick accuracy, long passing and short passing.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures the accuracy of shots from inside the penalty area.
One of the six face player’s stats. It measures aggression, jumping, stamina and strenght.
A window in which allows you to do the following actions to a selected player card when applicable.
Apply Consumable
Swap Player
Place on Transfer List
List on Transfer Market
Send to My Club
Quick Sell
Apply Consumable
Swap Player
Place on Transfer List
List on Transfer Market
Send to My Club
Quick Sell
Also known as Player Bio or Bio. It is an option to see a player card’s biography and details.
A special Player Item assigned to currently active players, recognizing a special moment in their careers, like a particular match or goal. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
A special Player Item assigned to the monthly POTM winners of a selection of leagues (Premier League, Bundesliga, LaLiga, Ligue 1 and MLS). It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
An offensive custom tactic. It affects the timing of when players make runs into the box and how many players will look to get into the box to get on the end of a cross.
A player in a game who leads attacks or brings other players on the same side into a position from which they could score goals.
One of the platforms where FUT that can be played.
The position of a player in a team on the field which determines their role and assignments.
One of the six face goalkeeper’s stats. It measures ability to position himself correctly when saving shots. It also affects the way how a goalkeeper reacts to crosses.
One of the eight types of Consumable Items. It allows you to change the preferred position of a player to a new compatible one.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on passing and defence.
The foot a player feels more comfortable to play: right or left.
A pack with the triple the rares of a standard pack.
A market strategy that consists in buying a large amount of the same item, in order to fix its market price and get a high profit.
Also known as Bid Jacking and Bid Bumping. Popular scamming techniques in which, at the last seconds of a sale in the transfer market, someone uses a second account and suddenly raises the price massively hoping that somebody will bid for it by mistake.
The set min and max price an item in FUT can be sold for on the Transfer Market.
The second best version of an Icon item.
A pack which the amount of rare items inside equals half the pack’s size/total amount of items.
A special Player Item assigned exclusively to a selection of professional football players. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
The item classification that gives a general idea about how good and valuable each item is. In FUT there are five qualities: bronze, silver, gold, IF and special.
Also known as Discard Price. It is a selling option which allows you to sell your items to the system immediately and get coins instead. Once you do quick sell an item, it will be discarded and will no longer available in your FUT Club. Discard price for untradeable items is 0 coins.
Also known as D-Pad Tactics. Special tactics that give more control over your team while in-game, allowing you to modify certain aspects of your playstyle without having to pause a match.
A squad featuring eleven different items types.
A non-common item, usually more valuable. It is a bright and luminous item that has something unique. In the case of player’s items, for example, the rare items are assigned to players that have something no other player has.
A pack in which all items are rare.
A number from 0 to 99 that gives a general idea about how good a player or a squad is. In the case of players, the overall rating is not an average or a reflection of all attributes. Squad Rating is a quality evaluation system that allows you to compare different squads.
A player’s physical attribute. It measures how quickly a player responds to a situation happening around him.
The record of match results you have played since the beginning of your current FUT season. It is shown as Win-Draw-Lose by numbers.
A special Player Item assigned to players who break records within real-life football matches. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
One of the six face goalkeeper’s stats. It measures the agility of the goalkeeper when making a save.
Also known as Standard Item. The default item. In the case of players, it includes Day 1, transfer and upgraded items.
A player who belongs to the squad but is not part of the starting eleven or the substitutes. Each squad has 5 slots for reserves.
Also known as FUT Rivals or Division Rivals. Online mode with a skill-driven rank system, allowing users to earn FUT Champions Points and enter the FUT Champions Weekend League.
A special Player Item assigned to a selection of players who are playing the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League. It features dynamic improved ratings and stats as their teams progress through various stages of these competitions.
The instructions that allow you to choose in advance the player you want to be the captain or responsible for taking set pieces, including penalties, free kicks and corners (on both sides).
Also known as Handicap or Momentum. A theory about how weaker teams are given an unfair advantage against stronger teams. According to it, some things that happen in-game are meant to happen by the game engine and not by the skill of the player. The goal of handicap is to balance competitiveness between opponents with different ratings.
The longer-term challenges to finish and from the time they are put live they will remain live until the last day of the season.
The objectives system which allows you to progress towards rewards for your Ultimate Team.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on defence and on physical.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on pace and defence.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year in February. It celebrates a selection of popular players.
A special Player Item assigned to a selection of players who have received unique position changes. It features dynamic improved ratings and stats.
A chemistry style for goalkeepers that gives a potential +2 boost on kicking, reflexes and speed.
One of the six face player’s stats. It measures finishing, long shots, penalties, positioning, shot power and volleys.
A pass which travels a short distance down the field to reach its target.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures how well a player performs a short / ground pass to his teammate.
The mid-tier of the three items qualities. In the case of players’ cards, it corresponds to those with a rating from 65 to 74.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures how hard the player hits the ball when taking a shot at goal. It is the amount of power a player can put into a shot while still keeping it accurate.
The sum of bonuses performance and penalties performance. Player’s good performances are rewarded with FUT coins, while there will be coin deductions for negative performances.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures the ability of the player to time sliding tackles so that they win the ball rather than give away a foul.
A pack with half of the size of a regular packs.
An hybrid squad Where the green/yellow links form an end-to-end pattern called a “snake”.
A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on shooting and dribble.
One of the six face goalkeeper’s stats. It measures the ability to close down an opponent in one-on-one situations.
Any player item which isn’t classified as Regular or In Form.
A group of categories used to indicate that a player has a specific set of qualities and/or skills. They are derived from the attributes and physical details of a player, and are intended to allow for easy identification of players that would fit into some of the most common roles in football.
On their own, Specialties have no impact on gameplay or how a player performs, they are purely informational and used to help in identifying players in certain situations.
On their own, Specialties have no impact on gameplay or how a player performs, they are purely informational and used to help in identifying players in certain situations.
A player’s physical attribute. It measures how fast the player runs while at top speed.
A window which allows you to do the following actions to your Active Squad.
Squad Selector
Squad Builder
Apply Squad Training Item
Player Instructions
Player Roles
Kit Numbers
Custom Tactics
Player Stats
Squad Selector
Squad Builder
Apply Squad Training Item
Player Instructions
Player Roles
Kit Numbers
Custom Tactics
Player Stats
A single-player game mode where you take on other squads from the FUT community, to earn rewards and move up the leaderboards.
A feature which allows you to build a squad quickly for your FUT club or for a SBC challenge while getting the most possible OVR and Chemistry.
A single-player game mode within FUT that contains a series of challenges to test your squad building skills in exchange for rewards. To complete SBC challenges and gain the SBC reward, you need to permanently exchange your player cards from your Club.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year in March. It celebrates the St Patrick Day and the Irish Saint.
One of the four club items types. The active item is where your home matches will be played. It affects not only the visibility but also the gameplay.
A club customization item that features on the sidelines and in the crowd throughout the match.
One of the four types of FUT items. It is represented only by managers. They boost the effect of contracts and they even increase the players’ individual chemistry.
A value that evaluates how fast a player’s fitness deplete.
A player’s physical attribute. It measures the rate at which a player will tire during a game. It evaluates how tired your player gets as the match approaches half time or full time.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures the ability of the player to time sliding tackles so that they win the ball rather than give away a foul.
A coefficient that measures the quality of the team, based on its star rating.
It ranges between 1 star and 5 stars.
An index that measures the ability that a player has to perform technical moves. It ranges between 1 (least complex) and 5 (most complex).
The pack assigned to new FUT players. It includes everything they need to start playing (players, consumables, club items and a manager).
Starting Lineup. A list of the set of players who will actively play in a match when the game begins.
The minimum price of a listed item on the Transfer Market for the first bid.
You need to set the Start Price before listing items on the market. The minimum Start Price is 150 coins.
You need to set the Start Price before listing items on the market. The minimum Start Price is 150 coins.
An untradeable Special Player Item assigned to a selection of players. It features permanent improved ratings and stats. It can be earned exchanging the XP you earned in an active season.
A player’s physical attribute. It measures the quality or state of being physically strong. The higher the value, the more likely the player will win a physical challenge.
The green connection between two players with the same nationality and league but different clubs OR between two players from the same club and different nationality.
A player who belongs to the squad but is not part of the starting eleven or reserves. Each squad has 7 slots for substitutes.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year in December. It celebrates the Black Friday weekend, working as an extension of this event.
A FUT Friendlies game mode in which 3 players are randomly swapped from the squad with the opponent.
The planned actions and strategies to achieve a specific end in FIFA matches that affect the whole team. They are divided into two groups: defensive (defensive style, width, depth) and attacking (offensive style, width, players in box, corners and free kicks).
A forward player usually with a good physical strength and is able to make space, score goals, or hold up play with the ball waiting for support no matter how much pressure defenders are putting on him.
A fee over any player-to-player trade. EA Sports takes 5% tax from each selling items at FUT Transfer Market once they are sold. The taxes are deducted from the final sale price that is given to the seller.
A type of FUT event that divides the community into different teams to compete head to head for rewards.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year in December. It celebrates the European clubs group stage’s competitions.
A special Player Item assigned to a selection of the best in-form players from the UEFA Champions League and Europa League group stages. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
A squad that is released duringthe UEFA Champions League Knockout Stage based on the real life performance.
A special Player Item assigned to a selection of the best in-form players from the UEFA Champions League and Europa League knockout stages. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year in April/May. It celebrates the very best players from the current football campaign, across Europe and the rest of the world.
A special Player Item assigned to the best players of the season in a selection of leagues. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
A squad released every Wednesday featuring players who have played well the previous week in real life.
An In Form Player Item assigned on a weekly basis to a selection of players based on their real-life performances throughout various leagues across the world. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year in January. It celebrates the best players of the year.
A special Player Item assigned to the best players of the civil year. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
A quality evaluation system that allows you to compare different squads.
A forward pass which goes into open space through the opponent’s defence.
A club customization item that features in the pre-match intros and some replays.
The post-release update patch for a video game that fixes bugs, glitches and other issues in the current gameplay.
EA releases title updates regularly to fix bugs, glitches and issues found in FIFA game’s gameplay. These title updates are available on EA servers and you will be notified to download them before running the game if there is any update. You won’t be able to use FIFA game’s network features without updating your game with the latest FIFA title update.
EA releases title updates regularly to fix bugs, glitches and issues found in FIFA game’s gameplay. These title updates are available on EA servers and you will be notified to download them before running the game if there is any update. You won’t be able to use FIFA game’s network features without updating your game with the latest FIFA title update.
The combined chemistry and rating scores of your best squad. It measures how good your best squad is.
A special Player Item assigned to a selection of players based entirely on a historical TOTW release from past FUT titles. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
A category that helps to define a single identity for each player. It enables a player to perform certain ‘moves’ when controlled by you. It also increases the chance that a player will use those moves, when controlled by the CPU.
A regular Player Item assigned to players who have moved to new clubs. It doesn’t feature improved ratings and stats.
A transfer sub-menu that allows you to do all the management related to selling items.
A virtual auction-based market in which users can buy and sell their tradeable items.
The coin profits from purchases, sales and discards. It measures how good trader you are.
A transfer sub-menu that allows you to do all the management related to the items you are tracking or you have to sell.
The most used platform to stream FIFA.
The premium version of the game.
The most expensive FUT pack, which includes 30 rare gols players items.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year in October. It celebrates the Halloween season.
A special Player Item assigned to a selection of players based on exceptional real-world performances, records and FUT attributes. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
A storage location for Unassigned Items.
The items that have not been either sent to your club or to the transfer list after they were claimed.
An item that is not able to be traded in the Transfer Market. An untradeable item can be only used by the owner in the game.
A pack that only contains untradeable items. They are usually earned as rewards.
A regular Player Item assigned to players who have stood out on the first half of the season. It features improved ratings and stats.
A player’s mental attribute. It measures the player’s awareness of the position of his teammates and opponents around him. It is the attribute that increases (or reduces) the possibilities of a successful long pass.
A player’s technical attribute. It measures the accuracy and power of volleys at goal. It affects the technique and accuracy of shots taken while the ball is in the air. This tends to be coupled with the balance trait if he is not fully facing the goal.
A chemistry style for goalkeepers that gives a potential +2 boost on kicking, diving and handling.
A skill that measures the ability of a player to shoot with one foot as he does with his preferred foot. Having a 5-star weak foot rating means that a player’s weaker foot shot is identical to there preferred foot shot.
The connection between two players with the same nationality and different leagues OR same league but different clubs.
Also known as FUT Web App or FUT Web. Free online app that lets you manage your FUT for consoles just like you do in the Companion App.
The early access for returned players that takes place in the FUT Web App.
An online competition, played from Friday to Monday, which is integrated into FUT Champions.
The groups of objectives which have rewards and XP associated with the completion of the individual objectives release each week.
The loyalty rewards delivered to returning FUT players.
A defensive custom tactic. It determines how high up the pitch the team will start to pressure the opposition.
A promotional FUT event which takes place every year in February. It celebrates the biggest content updates of the entire year.
A special Player Item assigned to a selection of players. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
Also known as Player Work Rate. How often a player goes to defend or to attack. Every player has two different types of work rates: attacking or defensive. Each one may be High, Medium or Low levels.
One of the platforms where FUT that can be played.
Also known as Experience Point. A unit of measurement to quantify a user’s progression through the game mode. FUT XP is earned by completing objectives that will unlock a mix of rewards. It resets at the end of every single season.
Abbreviation for Anchor. A chemistry style that gives a potential +2 boost on pace, defence and physical.
Abbreviation for Architect. A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on passing and physical.
Abbreviation for Artist. A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on passing and dribble.
Abbreviation for Backbone. A chemistry style that gives a potential +2 boost on passing, defence and physical.
Abbreviation for Basic. A chemistry style that gives a potential +1 boost on all stats. By default, all player cards in FUT have BAS chemistry style unless another chemistry style is applied to them.
Abbreviation for Buy It Now. A bidding option in FUT Transfer Market which allows you to buy an item immediately by paying the Buy Now Price for it.
Abbreviation for Player Bio. It is an option to see a player card’s biography and details.
Abbreviation for Coins. Example: 500c = 500 coins. The digital currency of FIFA Ultimate Team used to do any exchange or transaction.
Abbreviation for Central Attacking Midfielder or Center Attacking Midfielder. A player position.
Abbreviation for Centre Back. A player position.
Abbreviation for Central Defensive Midfielder. A player position.
Abbreviation for Center Forward. A player position.
Abbreviation for Chemistry. An index that measures how well a player will perform in-game and it depends on the familiarity of the players with the positioning, the relation with the teammates and the manager. Low chemistry values will hinder players’ ability, whilst high chemistry values will result in players performing well.
Abbreviation for Centre Midfielder. A player position.
Abbreviation for contracts. One of the eight types of Consumable Items. It increases the number of games a manager or a player can play. When the number of matches printed in the player or in the manager card reaches zero, they will remain on your squad but can only contribute to your team when you apply a contract card to them.
Abbreviation for Catalyst. A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on passing and pace.
Abbreviation for Deadeye. A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on shooting and passing.
Abbreviation for Defending. One of the six face player’s stats. It measures the heading accuracy, interceptions, marking, sliding tackle and standing tackle of a specific player.
Abbreviation for Diving. One of the six face goalkeeper’s stats. It measures the ability to make a save whilst diving through the air.
Abbreviation for Did Not Finish Percentage. A coefficient that measures the number of unfinished matches due to volunteer player dropping. Disconnecting from matches affects your DNF Modifier which could reduce the number of coins and rewards you receive from future matches.
Abbreviation for Dribble. One of the six face player’s stats. It measures the agility, balance, ball control and dribbling of a specific player.
Abbreviation for Electronic Arts. Publisher of FIFA videogames.
Abbreviation for Electronic Arts Football Club. Social network service from EA Sports that connects gamers to their EA Sports football games account information at EA Servers.
Abbreviation for Engine. A chemistry style that gives a potential +2 boost on pace, passing and dribble.
Abbreviation for Fourth In Form. An item of a player that is IF by the fourth time in the same FUT.
Abbreviation for Finisher. A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on physical and shooting.
Abbreviation for Fitness. In-game Player Attribute that measures a player’s condition of being physically fit and healthy. A player’s fitness will drop when they are playing matches and recovered when they are placed in Substitutes or Reserved and are not being played.
Abbreviation for FIFA Ultimate Team. The most popular game mode of FIFA series.
Abbreviation for Good Game. Message that you can send to an opponent after what you consider to be a good game.
Abbreviation for Goalkeeper. Player position.
Abbreviation for Gladiator. A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on shooting and on defence.
Abbreviation for Glove. A chemistry style for goalkeepers that gives a potential +2 boost on diving, handling and positioning.
Abbreviation for Goal of the Week. A goal scored by a FIFA community member and chosen by EA as the best goal scored from that week.
Abbreviation for Goal of the Season. A goal scored by a FIFA community member chosen by EA as the best of the season.
Abbreviation for Guardian. A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on dribbling and on defending.
Abbreviation for Handling. One of the six face goalkeeper’s stats. It measures how cleanly he catches the ball and does he hold on to it.
Abbreviation for Hunter. A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on pacing and on defending.
Abbreviation for Hawk. A chemistry style that gives a potential +2 boost on pacing, shooting and physical.
Abbreviation for In Form. A player that has played well the previous week in real life and has been chosen for the current week’s Team of the Week.
Abbreviation for In Game. An expression used to talk about something in-game.
Abbreviation for In Form n times. In Form Item of a player that gets it by the n time (n is a number higher than 1). Example: IF2 is the same as SIF.
Abbreviation for In Real Life. Used to talk about FUT players in real life.
Abbreviation for Kilo. It means thousands of coins. Example: 3k = 3,000 coins.
Abbreviation for Left Back. A player position.
Abbreviation for Left Midfield. A player position.
Abbreviation for Maestro. A chemistry style that gives a potential +2 boost on passing, dribbling and shooting.
Abbreviation for Man of the Match. A special Player Item assigned to the most in-form players from domestic cups played by clubs and continental tournaments by national teams. It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
Abbreviation for Marksman. A chemistry style that gives a potential +2 boost on physical, dribbling and shooting.
Abbreviation for No Dead Links. An hybrid squad where all links are yellow but the squad has full chemistry.
Abbreviation for Not In Form. An expression used to refer to a regular item of a player that has at least one In Form version.
Abbreviation for No Links Wasted. A hybrid squad where every player has exactly the right combination of links to achieve 9 chemistry, no more, no less.
Abbreviation for Ones to Watch. A special Player Item assigned to a selection of the most promising players who have been permanently transferred. It features dynamic improved ratings and stats.
Abbreviation for Overall Rating. A number from 0 to 99 that gives a general idea about how good a player is.
Abbreviation for Pace. One of the six face player’s stats. It measures acceleration and sprint speed.
Abbreviation for Passing. One of the six face player’s stats. It measures crossing, curve, free-kick accuracy, long passing and short passing.
Abbreviation for Personal Computer. One of the platforms where FUT that can be played.
Abbreviation for Physical. One of the six face player’s stats. It measures aggression, jumping, stamina and strenght.
Abbreviation for Positioning. One of the six face goalkeeper’s stats. It measures ability to position himself correctly when saving shots. It also affects the way how a goalkeeper reacts to crosses.
Abbreviation for Player of the Month. A special Player Item assigned to the monthly POTM winners of a selection of leagues (Premier League, Bundesliga, LaLiga, Ligue 1 and MLS). It features permanent improved ratings and stats.
Abbreviation for Playstation 4 and Playstation 5. One of the platforms where FUT that can be played.
Abbreviation for Playstation Network. An online multiplayer gaming service in which FIFA is played, provided by Sony Computer Entertainment.
Abbreviation for Powerhouse. A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on passing and defence.
Abbreviation for Right Back. A player position.
Abbreviation for Reflexes. One of the six face goalkeeper’s stats. It measures the agility of the goalkeeper when making a save.
Abbreviation for Reserve or Reserves. A player who belongs to the squad but is not part of the starting eleven or the substitutes. Each squad has 5 slots for reserves.
Abbreviation for Right Midfield. A player position.
Abbreviation for Road to the Final. A special Player Item assigned to a selection of players who are playing the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League. It features dynamic improved ratings and stats as their teams progress through various stages of these competitions.
Abbreviation for Right Wing. A player position.
Abbreviation for Right Wing Back. A player position.
Abbreviation for Squad Battles. A single-player game mode where you take on other squads from the FUT community, to earn rewards and move up the leaderboards.
Abbreviation for Squad Building Challenge. A single-player game mode within FUT that contains a series of challenges to test your squad building skills in exchange for rewards.
Abbreviation for Sentinel. A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on defence and on physical.
Abbreviation for Shadow. A chemistry style that gives a potential +3 boost on pace and defence.
Abbreviation for Shooting. One of the six face player’s stats. It measures finishing, long shots, penalties, positioning, shot power and volleys.
Abbreviation for Second In Form. An item of a player that is IF by the second time in the same FUT.
Abbreviation for Shield. A chemistry style for goalkeepers that gives a potential +2 boost on kicking, reflexes and speed.