FIFA 21 Staff Items are limited to managers. They have the responsibility to boost the effect of contracts and increase the players’ individual chemistry.


Human resources are every company’s most valuable assets. This happens in FUT 21 as well. The players are crucial because without them you wouldn’t be able to play. Although they aren’t indispensable, the FIFA 21 staff also perform an important role. These items have the responsibility to boost the effect of contracts and increase the players’ individual chemistry. They are actually required if you want to be successful. You can keep as many manager items as you want in your club, as long as there are no duplicates. You can have them duplicated on the transfer list or targets, though. In this case, the only limit you have is the list’s maximum capacity. To have them active, you don’t have to do anything. You just have to send them to the club and leave them there. Every time you buy a FIFA 21 staff item on the market or get one from a pack, go for the option ‘send to club’. Then, when you apply a contract, the system automatically gives a bonus according to them. In order to boost the chemistry of your starting 11 players, one manager has to be placed on the bench.