We have created this FAQ to make it easier to understand how FUT Champions and Weekend League work.
You can qualify for the Weekend League exclusively via FUT Champions points. These points can be gained via FUT Division Rivals and via Weekend League. As soon as you get 2,000 points, you can redeem a token that you can use to enter in any Weekend League.
To know more about how to qualify for the FIFA 21 Weekend League, click here.
To know more about how to qualify for the FIFA 21 Weekend League, click here.
No. To be qualified for the Weekend League, you need to sum 2,000 FUT Champions points, regardless of the division you are.
Every game you play in FUT Rivals will take you one step closer to qualifying for the Weekend League using the FUT Champions Points. The number of these Points earned for each game is dependant on your performance and current Division. The better you play, the more points you earn.
Each Division has a multiplier on your FUT Champions Points, so the higher the Division you are in, the faster you’ll rack up Points. Plus, every game played in qualification also helps you earn rewards as part of the Division Rivals Weekly Competitions.

Every game you play in FUT Rivals will take you one step closer to qualifying for the Weekend League using the FUT Champions Points. The number of these Points earned for each game is dependant on your performance and current Division. The better you play, the more points you earn.
Each Division has a multiplier on your FUT Champions Points, so the higher the Division you are in, the faster you’ll rack up Points. Plus, every game played in qualification also helps you earn rewards as part of the Division Rivals Weekly Competitions.
Yes, it is possible. However, in a lower division you get less points for each win. In other words, you will need to play more to achieve the qualification for the Weekend League. For example: in division 10, you need to win 100 matches in a single week. It is important to notice that this isn’t absolutely true, since you win points every time you play, even if you don’t win the game, and you also win a few points at the end of your FUT Rivals week.

Yes, it doesn’t expire. You don’t need to play the following Weekend League if you don’t want it. You can use the token to play in any other time. Remember that you must redeem your FUT Champions Points up to 24 hours after the start of the Weekend League you want to participate in. If you don’t redeem them in time, you can hold onto them to use in a future Weekend League.
Only one. You cannot have more than one token at a time. In fact, your points stop as soon as you reach 2,000. When claiming FUT Champions Weekend League rewards, you will receive a number of FUT Champions Points based on your final rank. Those FUT Champions Points, when claimed, will be added to your current total of FUT Champions Points. As you can only hold up to 2,000 FUT Champions Points at one time, any Points gained that would push your total over 2,000 Points will be lost.
Yes, you can play the same weekend league round in different consoles.
This game mode is available everyday. It can be played in weekends, when Weekend League is running.
Unless you are not qualified for the Weekend League, you should always play it. While playing WL, you are also winning FUT Rivals points and FUT Champions points.
When designing Division Rivals, EA tried that players didn’t feel penalised for playing Champions over Rivals or vice versa. With the likelihood of coming up against tougher opponents in the Weekend League, they wanted to ensure that your Skill Rating, which determines your Division in Rivals, remained unaffected by the matches you play in Weekend League.
Whilst your Skill Rating remains unaffected by playing the Weekend League, each game played will earn some Weekly Score in Division Rivals helping you improve your standing in the Rivals Weekly Competition. That means that every game played in the Weekend League contributes to unlocking to rewards in both the Weekend League and Division Rivals.
When designing Division Rivals, EA tried that players didn’t feel penalised for playing Champions over Rivals or vice versa. With the likelihood of coming up against tougher opponents in the Weekend League, they wanted to ensure that your Skill Rating, which determines your Division in Rivals, remained unaffected by the matches you play in Weekend League.
Whilst your Skill Rating remains unaffected by playing the Weekend League, each game played will earn some Weekly Score in Division Rivals helping you improve your standing in the Rivals Weekly Competition. That means that every game played in the Weekend League contributes to unlocking to rewards in both the Weekend League and Division Rivals.
FUT Champions was a big investment for Electronic Arts and there is no reason to end it. The FIFA 21 Weekend League takes place uninterruptedly from October 2020 to August 2021. The schedule is being published as the competition goes on, and for that reason sometimes it shows one more round and at other times it shows two or three rounds.
To know the complete calendar of the FIFA 21 Weekend League, please click here.

To know the complete calendar of the FIFA 21 Weekend League, please click here.
Wait. The weekly rewards are not delivered as soon as you finish your matches. According to Electronic Arts, you will receive them before the start of the next Weekend League. Most likely, they will be delivered to you around 8 am (UTC+0) of every Thursday.
Yes! It is possible to see and open your weekly rewards through the Web and Companion Apps.
There are no monthly reward packs since FUT 18. They were replaced by Weekly Reward Player Picks, giving you a choice between which red FUT Champions player items you want to add to your squad. This way, you earn the right level of rewards for the weekends that you do play in, and you are not penalised for the weekends that you don’t play in.
No. The packs you receive as Weekend League rewards can be opened anytime. They don’t expire. If you want, you can save them to open when better cards are in packs, as is the case of the Team of the Year. However, keep in mind that Player Picks will always be from the week you have won them.
You don’t have to claim your weekly rewards before the next round starts. They will be waiting for you as soon as you open FUT on your console next time.
You don’t have to claim your weekly rewards before the next round starts. They will be waiting for you as soon as you open FUT on your console next time.
That’s because FUT Rivals rewards are delivered one hour earlied.
Depending on your final Rank in the Weekend League, the Players within the Player Pick will vary, from the maximum overall rating of the FUT Champions TOTW Player Items available in the Player Pick, to how many different FUT Champions TOTW Player Items you will get to choose from. Remember that for each Player Pick Item, you only get to choose one of the FUT Champions TOTW Player Items from it, regardless of how many different Items you get to choose from.
To see the list of FIFA 21 Weekend League and Player Packs rewards for each round, please click here.

To see the list of FIFA 21 Weekend League and Player Packs rewards for each round, please click here.
All Weekend League Matches will be played in the FUT Champions Stadium. Any customizations that you have applied to your Club will be visible to your opponent when you are the home team, with the exception of pitch line customization.
That is not possible. That feature is not available in this game mode.
Basically, because this game mode is based on the number of wins a player reaches in each round. Every match must have a winner and a loser, even if it is necessary to take penalties.
The first important goal for FUT Champions is to ensure that every weekend is a clean slate for players to compete for wins and rewards. To do this, EA uses something called ‘form’ as a key driver of matchmaking in each Weekend League. Everyone starts each weekend fresh at zero form, moving up or down with each win or loss. In football terms, match form of W/L/W/W/W would result in a +3 form. Form can only drop as low as -10 and go up as high as +15. Players with similar form are then paired in matchmaking.
The result is that players that are better than average in the Weekend League (which is already a very skilled group of players) will quickly boost their form. The higher their form gets, the more challenging the competition becomes. Only the best of the best can consistently beat players with high form and attain Elite and Top 100 status. The second key piece to matchmaking is location. Players are matched based on their location and proximity to EA’s dedicated game servers to ensure quality matches.

The result is that players that are better than average in the Weekend League (which is already a very skilled group of players) will quickly boost their form. The higher their form gets, the more challenging the competition becomes. Only the best of the best can consistently beat players with high form and attain Elite and Top 100 status. The second key piece to matchmaking is location. Players are matched based on their location and proximity to EA’s dedicated game servers to ensure quality matches.