FUT 13 iPhone App was Launched

Manage your FUT 14 for Consoles on your iOS or Android Device


You can manage your FIFA 13 Ultimate Team club wherever you are. FUT 13 iPhone app was launched and you can download it from iTunes store.


What does the FUT 13 iPhone App


It was long-awaited. And finally arrived. FIFA 13 Ultimate Team Enthusiasts who have an iPhone are now privileged: they can download the application FUT 13 for this device.

Here is what is possible to do with the new FUT 13 iPhone App:

  • Access to the EASFC feed and keep up to date with friends;
  • Search and bid on the auction house;
  • Access and manage the watchlist;
  • Access and manage the trade pile;
  • Access and manage the unassigned items.


It’s currently only available on iOS with no plans yet for an Android app. It will take som time, for sure.


How to install the FUT 13 iPhone App


It’s easy to install the FUT 13 iPhone App.

If you want to do it, follow these steps:


Step 1 – Check if the app is available in your country/region

Search for “EA Sports Football Club” on iTunes installed on your computer or on App Store of your iPhone.

If you can’t find the App on either iTunes or the App Store, try the following link, replacing “YOURCOUNTRYCODE” by the code of your country (for example: ca – canada):


If it doesn’t work, probably Apple didn’t launched the app in your country. In that case, change the iTunes region for one that exists (Canada, for example). After finish the instalation, you can back to the original region.


FUT 13 iPhone App - Instalation

FUT 13 iPhone App – Instalation

Step 2 – Install

Once found the FIFA 13 Ultimate Team application for iPhone, called FUT Companion App, simply click install and start using it.


FUT 13 iPhone App Screenshots


FUT 13 iPhone App - Welcome Screen

FUT 13 iPhone App – Welcome Screen

FUT 13 iPhone App - Welcome Screen

FUT 13 iPhone App – Market

FUT 13 iPhone App - Watch list

FUT 13 iPhone App – Watch list


FUT 13 iPhone App - Search Menu

FUT 13 iPhone App – Search Menu


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