Exclusive Interview To… Gustavo Raganiccki, FIFA U Team BiChampion

Exclusive Interview To...


After the interview to João Costa and Rafael Ferreira, it is time to talk again with a champion. In this case, a FIFA U Team BiChampion. Gustavo Raganiccki is his name.


Exclusive Interview To… Gustavo Raganiccki, FIFA U Team BiChampion


Gustavo Raganiccki won his second FIFA U Team tournament in row. Even being known as the player with greatest chances, this Palmeiras fan fot the title.

We have tried to know a little more about this journalism student of 19 years old.


FIFAUTeam – Hi. How do you feel about winning the FIFAUTeam tournament twice ?
GR – I am very happy. I have been playing FIFA for 5 years. Since the beginning, I always have played tournaments. But your tournaments is the one with better opponents. LeonPC, that always has good teams, is a good example. I like to play against stronger opponents. When you win, it is even more special.

FIFAUTeam – Since when you play FIFA ?
GR – The first one was FIFA 98, but I was 7. I played Winning Eleven in Playstation 2. When I bought XBox 360, the only football game in the store was FIFA 08. I never stopped playing FIFA since then.

FIFAUTeam – How often do you play FIFA ?
GR – I play two hours per day when I have classes. Now in holidays, I may play up to six or seven hours.

FIFAUTeam – Which formation you usually use ?
GR – I have been using 4-1-4-1. It gives you a huge range of choices. You need good wingers and a very good CAM. I also like to play with 4-1-2-1-2 and 3-5-2.

FIFAUTeam – How would you define your play style ?
GR – My play style can be described as skiller. I love to dribbler since FIFA 11. People may think that I do it just to make fun but it is my way to play. No matters if I win or loose, I always try individual plays when I have chance.


Exclusive Interview To... Gustavo Raganiccki, FIFA U Team BiChampion


FIFAUTeam – Can you tell us with which team you won the tournament ?
GR – It was a 4-1-4-1 BBVA team. The players were:
Casillas, Dani Alves, IF Pepe, Sérgio Ramos e Marcelo. Song, Di Maria, Fabregas, Modric and Cristiano Ronaldo. Benzema. Unfortunately, Cristiano Ronaldo was stolen from my account yesterday morning. I still don’t know how.

FIFAUTeam – Nice team. Which advices you give to who want to win a tournament ?
GR – The best advice is to stay calm when things go wrong. When you are winning, keep the ball with you. Possession.

FIFAUTeam – Do you have any superstition ?
GR – I don’t know if it is a superstition but I like to play with my own controller. It is a bad thing when I have to play outside home.

FIFAUTeam – Handicap. Yes or not ?
GR – It is not possible to say if it exists or not. Sometimes my opponent scores in his unique chance and I lose but it also happens in real life.

FIFAUTeam – What do you expect from FIFA 15 ?
GR – They need to fix the bug of scoring with the head all the time and improve another game modes as Career and Pro Clubs. I also expect to see the same improvements of every year, as ball physics, new graphics new animations.

FIFAUTeam – What do you think that needs to be changed in FIFA U Team ?
GR – I would increase the posts for one per day. The articles are always amazing and I am a huge fan of Tete a Tete with Silvio Teixeira and his tips (available soon in English version of FIFA U Team).


We want to thank him and give him our congratulations by having win the second FIFA U Team Tournament in row.


If you want to play in these tournaments, join us to our Facebook fan page.


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