FC 24 Long Range is a friendly game mode where goals scored from outside the penalty box are counted as two goals.
FC 24 Long Range

Long Range

Long Range is among the ten friendly game modes accessible in Ultimate Team, as well as one of the seven options in the Kick Off mode.

In the Long Range mode, the emphasis is on scoring goals from a distance, particularly from outside the penalty box. It involves a gameplay mechanic where goals scored from outside the penalty box are given additional value, counting as two goals instead of one.

This rule incentivizes players to take shots from long distances, as they have the potential to earn more points for their team.

How To Access FC 24 Long Range in Kick Off
  1. From the main Football Club screen, navigate to [Kick Off];
  2. Select [House Rules];
  3. Select [Long Range].
How To Access FC 24 Long Range in Ultimate Team
  1. From the main Football Club screen, navigate to [Ultimate Team];
  2. Press R1/RB twice and select [Play] from the top menu;
  3. Press R1/RB to select [Friendlies];
  4. Select [Couch Play], [Play Online] or [Play a Frind];
  5. Select [Long Range].
FC 24 Long Range

How It Works

In Long Range mode, players will need to adapt their gameplay strategy to take advantage of the two-goal scoring rule. This might involve attempting shots from various positions on the field, especially when they have the opportunity to shoot from outside the box.

The mode encourages players to experiment with shots from long distances, potentially leading to more spectacular and unconventional goals. This adds an exciting and unpredictable element to the gameplay.

Mastering long-range shots requires precision and timing. Players who want to excel in this mode will need to hone their shooting skills, as well as their ability to judge distances and goalkeepers’ positions accurately.

Teams will need to consider their positioning on the field and the timing of their shots to optimize their chances of scoring. Defenders, on the other hand, might adopt tactics to close down space and prevent opponents from taking long shots.
Frequently Asked Questions
FC 24 Long Range is a friendly game mode where the value of a goal is doubled if the player scores from outside the penalty box.
In this game mode, any goal scored by a player or team from outside the penalty box is counted as two goals instead of the usual one.