FC 24 Headers & Volleys is a friendly game mode in which only goals scored from headers, free kicks, penalties, or volley shots are counted.
FC 24 Headers & Volleys

Headers & Volleys

Headers & Volleys is among the ten friendly game modes accessible in Ultimate Team, as well as one of the seven options in the Kick Off mode.

In this mode, the objective is to score goals exclusively using headers and volleys, excluding regular shots and other methods. Free kicks and penalties also count, but any other goal scored using your feet outside a volley will be disallowed.

This mode encourages players to practice and master their heading and volleying skills, offering a unique challenge compared to traditional gameplay. It can be an entertaining way to refine these specific techniques and experience a different dimension of gameplay.

How To Access FC 24 Headers & Volleys in Kick Off
  1. From the main Football Club screen, navigate to [Kick Off];
  2. Select [House Rules];
  3. Select [Headers & Volleys].
How To Access FC 24 Headers & Volleys in Ultimate Team
  1. From the main Football Club screen, navigate to [Ultimate Team];
  2. Press R1/RB twice and select [Play] from the top menu;
  3. Press R1/RB to select [Friendlies];
  4. Select [Couch Play], [Play Online] or [Play a Frind];
  5. Select [Headers & Volleys].
FC 24 Headers & Volleys

How it Works

As explained before, the main objective of the mode is to score goals using only header shots (using the player’s head) and volley shots (striking the ball before it hits the ground). Regular ground shots and other types of goals are not counted.

Corners, free kicks, and crosses become even more crucial, as they provide opportunities for well-timed headers. Defending against these set pieces also becomes vital to prevent opponents from scoring headers. The mode encourages players to master the art of timing headers and volleys accurately. Aiming, positioning, and timing are crucial for success.

Both teams need to adapt their strategies to maximize their chances of scoring headers and volleys. This may involve employing tall and strong players for headers and positioning players well for volley attempts. Players with strong heading accuracy and jumping attributes will likely be more effective in this mode, making squad selection an important aspect of the game.

The “Headers & Volleys” mode offers a unique challenge and can be a fun way to test and improve specific soccer skills. It shifts the focus from traditional gameplay and encourages players to think tactically and creatively to score goals.
Frequently Asked Questions
FC 24 Mystery Ball is a friendly game mode where the primary focus is on scoring goals using only headers and volley shots. In this mode, regular ground shots and other types of goals are typically not counted toward the score.
In FC 24 Headers & Volleys, the focus shifts to mastering the techniques of heading and volleying the ball. Players need to strategically position themselves, time their movements accurately, and use set pieces effectively to score goals. It offers a unique challenge and highlights specific soccer skills.