FC 24 King of the Hill is a friendly game mode in which the value of the goal depends on the time the player remains inside a designated zone.
FC 24 King of the Hill

King of the Hill

King of the Hill is among the ten friendly game modes accessible in Ultimate Team, as well as one of the seven options in the Kick Off mode.

It is available in several other video games, including some sports and fighting games. The exact mechanics and objectives can vary from game to game, but the general concept involves players competing to control a specific area or point on the map for a certain amount of time.

In the case of Football Club 24, the attacker must hold the ball inside the control zone for as long as possible in order to define the amount of their next goal, which can be up to three goals.

How To Access FC 24 King of the Hill in Kick Off
  1. From the main Football Club screen, navigate to [Kick Off];
  2. Select [House Rules];
  3. Select [King of the Hill].
How To Access FC 24 King of the Hill in Ultimate Team
  1. From the main Football Club screen, navigate to [Ultimate Team];
  2. Press R1/RB twice and select [Play] from the top menu;
  3. Press R1/RB to select [Friendlies];
  4. Select [Couch Play], [Play Online] or [Play a Frind];
  5. Select [King of the Hill].
FC 24 King of the Hill

How It Works

In KOTH mode, fouls are not enforced, and players engage in a battle for possession within marked control zones. These control zones are represented as dotted square formations, appearing randomly in the attacking half of the field. The point value is visibly displayed at the center of each zone. Points can be accumulated by maintaining the ball inside the zone for a continuous period of 3 seconds.

As the game progresses, a control zone materializes within the attacking area. Players must maneuver the ball into this zone and then maintain control as the space gradually shrinks and their goal meter starts to fill. A player’s boost will gradually decrease if they fail to control the ball within the designated zone. Notably, goals scored without an active boost will not contribute any points.

This mode injects a strategic and time-sensitive element, as your objective revolves around dominating the allocated control zone to secure points based on the duration of ball possession. This dynamic gameplay element introduces an additional layer of excitement and unpredictability to traditional football matches.

Success in this mode often necessitates effective teamwork and coordination with teammates to assert control over the zone and thwart opponents’ attempts. This cooperative approach fosters teamwork and communication, amplifying the fun factor, particularly when engaging in gameplay sessions with friends.
Frequently Asked Questions
FC 24 King of the Hill is a friendly game mode in which the value of the goal depends on the time the player remains inside a designated zone.
In the FC 24 King of the Hill mode, players strive to stay within the control zones for as long as possible, increasing the value of goals scored during their time inside these zones.