Training Centre is a feature designed to teach players how to improve their gameplay and take their game to the next level.
FC 24 Training Centre

The Training Centre

Training Centre is a feature released for the first time in FIFA 23 which allows you to improve your gameplay skills by playing matches with a chapter progression system. It has been rebuilt to make it easier for new players to understand what they need to do. This academy is instrumental if you are not experienced in the game.

By playing the Training Centre, you are required to complete progressive training excersies by playing matches in each chapter. Lessons are optional, but they are the best way to build your excellence through each chapter:

  • Fundamentals;
  • Passing;
  • Attacking;
  • Defending;
  • Dribbling.

How to Access and Controls

Training Center is available on the main game menu.

How to Access Training Centre
  1. From the main screen, navigate to [Learn to Play];
  2. Select [Training Centre];
  3. Scroll down to select one of the resources available or play a game.
You can use your controller to navigate inside the Training Centre.
R1/RB: Move to the next chapter
L1/LB: Move to the previous chapter
Triangle/Y: Change Chapter Settings
Square/X: Change Teams
Right Stick: Navigate through the available resources.
Frequently Asked Questions
FC 24 Training Centre is like an academy that teaches you how to play Football Club. This feature helps improve your gameplay and take your game to the next level.
No. FC 24 Training Centre doesn’t include rewards but you will improve your game by playing it.


Get started with some basic lessons and then put what you learned to the test in real match.

Objectives (4)
  • Use ground passes to move the ball from a player to another (25)
  • Win the ball back from an opponent (15)
  • Shoot the ball with a good aim and with the right amount of power (10)
  • Sprint with the ball (15)
Lessons (6)
  • Basic Movement
    Move your player around the pitch while keeping possession of the ball.
  • Basic Passing
    Pass the ball to your teammates. Accurate passes allow you to keep possession and get around the pitch faster.
  • Basic Shooting
    Control your aim and power while shooting. Practicing your shooting technique will improve your chances of scoring.
  • Stand Tackles
    Use standing tackles to take the ball from your opponent.
  • Slide Tackles
    Sliding tackles allow you to reach longer distances when tackling, but poorly timed attempts can result in serious fouls and even red cards.
  • Player Switching
    While defending, the player you control automatically switches by the situation, but you can also take control of another player by using the indicated buttons.


Learn different ways to move the ball around the pitch.

Objectives (4)
  • Use through passes to lead a teammate into open space (15)
  • Complete several passes in a row without losing the ball (10)
  • Cross the ball from the wings into the box (5)
  • Pass the ball to a player inside the opponent’s box (5)
Lessons (9)
  • Through Passes
    Use through passes to lead teammates into open spaces and break defensive lines, but offside will be called if the pass receiver is closer to the goal than both the last defender and the ball at the time of the pass.
  • Lob Passes
    Use lob passes to reach distant players while minimizing the risk of interception.
  • Crosses
    Crosses are a crucial part of the game for creating scoring opporunities from the wider parts of the field.
  • Lobbed Through Passes
    Lobbed Through Passes allow you to lead teammates behind defensive lines with air balls, minimizing the risk of interception.
  • Corner Kicks
    When delivering corner kicks, try to place the ball in a position where your players are more likely to win the ball.
  • Long Free Kicks
    When a free kick takes place at an unfavourable angle or long distance from the goal, delivering the ball to your teammates can be the best option.
  • Goalkeeper Delivery
    Building out from the goalkeeper starts with good delivery, either by throwing or kicking the ball to an outfield player.
  • Pass-and-Go
    Passing the ball and immediately making a run is a great way to beat defenders.
  • Precision Pass
    Use precision pass when you see an opportunity to exploit a specific area of open space rather than passing directly to a player.


Practice creating attacking opportunities and putting the ball in the back of the net.

Objectives (4)
  • Shoot and score a goal (3)
  • Take a shot using a header or volley (5)
  • Trigger a run (5)
  • Shield the ball to protect it from opponents (5)
Lessons (9)
  • Headers & Volleys
    When the ball is in the air, your player will perform a header or volley based on the situation, but you can also force a header if desired.
  • Short Free Kicks
    Finding the right combination of spin and power is essential to getting free kicks around the wall, away from the goalkeeper, and into the net.
  • Penalty Kicks
    Time your shots and aim well to achieve the accuracy necessary for a successful penalty kick.
  • Finesse Shots
    Finesse shots are used to bend the ball around the goalkeeper, at the expense of losing some power.
  • Power Shots
    Power shots are delivered at high velocity, but take longer to execute. Make sure you have enough space to pull it off.
  • Chip Shots
    Chip shots have a high arc and are great for getting the ball over a charging goalkeeper, but require control with your power.
  • Trivela Shots
    Like finesse shots, shooting with the outside of the foot will bend the ball’s trajectory to get it around the goalkeeper.
  • Directed Runs
    Directed runs let you quickly tell a nearby teammate to move to a desired location.
  • Player Locking
    By controlling players other than the ball carrier, you can gain a greater precision of player movement around the field.


Develop your defensive skills to regain possession of the ball from your opponents.

Objectives (5)
  • Stand tackle to win the ball without committing a foul (10)
  • Slide tackle to win the ball without commiting a foul (5)
  • Jockey to block your opponent’s path (10)
  • Intercept a pass (5)
  • Clear the ball (5)
Lessons (4)
  • Jockeying
    Jockeying when you defend means you’ll stay facing the ball, making it easier to win a tackle or block your opponent’s path.
  • Clearance
    When defending near your goal, you may want to simply clear the ball to get it out of harm’s way.
  • Secondary Contain
    Secondary contain will send your teammates to press the ball, but will leave openings in your defence.
  • Goalkeeper Charge
    In 1-on-1 situations, sometimes rushing your goalkeeper out of the goal to challenge for the ball is better than having them sitting back in their net.


Master the art of controlling the ball to keep possession and dribble past your opponents.

Objectives (4)
  • Perform an Effort Touch (10)
  • Dribble past an opponent (10)
  • Perform different skill moves (10)
  • Dribble past the goalkeeper (3)
Lessons (7)
  • Skill Moves
    Skill moves give you a wide variety of ways to beat defenders 1-on-1. The direction of your input should be based on the direction your player is facing.
  • Shielding
    When a defenders get in tight you can shield the ball, biding time to make a move around them os pass to a teammate.
  • Knock Ons
    Pushing the ball ahead of you while sprinting allows you to run faster at the cost of reduced manoeuvrability.
  • Strafe Dribbling
    Strafe dribbling allows you to move laterally with the ball without turning your whole body.
  • Effort Touches
    Effort touches are used to change direction at high speeds, but can only be performed when the ball is at your feet.
  • Beat the Goalkeeper
    In a 1-on-1 situation, sometimes dribbling around the goalkeeper can be the best option.
  • Beat the Defender
    As the ball carrier, you will be subjected to constant pressure. Only by applying a host of skills will you maintain control and beat the defenders.
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